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Minimum Standards

submitted by UncleDoug to clusterBbitches 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 07:38:35 ago (+81/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


29 comments block

[ - ] PhantomXLII 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 08:58:57 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] andasyoucansee 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 09:38:26 ago (+3/-2)

Studies show that if she's not a virgin, she's gonna divorce you.

Men used to marry teen virgins and have 10 children. Now they're "lucky" to marry and then get divorced by a 30-something slut.

Oh, and circumcision is genital mutilation and the jews got you with it. Every time you insist trannies and sandnigs are the only ones mutilating genitals you carry the juice.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 09:42:25 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 14:02:51 ago (+2/-1)*

No one who has been with other women should have the expectation of a virgin. Virgins deserve virgins.

A few ceturies ago upper class men would screw around with the chamber maid and delay marriage till 30. Then they would marry an 18 virgin from their class.

Working class men could not do that. They mostly married young and sometimes they married the wealthy guys chambermaid. If working class men put off marriage they would have to use cheap prostitutes which were disgusting to fuck and disease ridden. But every ruined chambermaid and prostitute subtracts from the pool of available virgins, thus creating a scarcity of marriageable women for working class men.

By this you should conclude that every woman that you fucked before marriage was a woman that you ruined for some other white man. If women are too dumb to know whats good for them, then who is responsible for the misallocation and misuse of women as a resource for men?

If white men were united on the “one lady per customer” policy, available women would not be an issue. This problem didn’t spring up in 1970 or 1945. Men have been squandering women as a resource for centuries.

As I’ve said elswhere, it’s just MATH. There are enough virgins for every male if every male plays by the rules. Tons of guys on this forum brag about using up bitches and throwing them away. You’re whore makers. Every retard that says it’s different for men hasn’t done the math.

[ - ] aldecal 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 15:08:02 ago (+2/-0)

I mostly agree with you but a lot of these women already have a body count before getting used. Also, men die prematurely more often, so there is a small surplus of women. In general though, yes, men should not be using women without serious intents and commitment.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 17:58:24 ago (+1/-0)

I mostly agree with you but a lot of these women already have a body count before getting used.

Body count of what? Flamingos? No, white men. White men comprise the majority of the intolerable body counts of these white women. You guys are always sidestepping who these fucking bodies are. Theyre you.

Women have their own income and birthcontrol and so theyve decided they will do just as men do. Going to school for 8 years to rack up worthless degrees. Putting off families and marriage. Everything th 19th century male aristocrats did. It was bad behavior when rich white men were doing it. Then working class white men adopted the same behavior in the 20th century. Now women are doing it and its bad for men. It was always bad and it isnt a problem with females.

If you think it through from a game theory perspective, any man who screws more than one woman is creating a problem and the more women you screw the worse the problem is. Whats better, a woman who’s screwed 10 guys or a woman who’s screwed 50? Youre just making excuses for promiscuity instead of implementing the solution.

Also, men die prematurely more often, so there is a small surplus of women.

You have to ask yourself why men die prematurely. Or ask yourself why nigger males die prematurely way more often than scandinavians.

The more males pursue an ‘r’ reproductive strategy (r/K evolutionary theory) the more high violence and other risk taking strategies make sense for males. The ONLY reason males tend to die young from war or other risk taking strategies is because risks can pay off big for males if they fertilize more than one female. The trade off is different for women because we cant have 50 kids.

Males die in war and murder each other and try to steal and hoard from each other all because of this potential benefit. The incentive for destructive male competition and risk taking resulting in premature death all comes from the potential to be a playa and impregnate multiple females. This is why males from climates where monogamy was favored are less violent and more honest and industrious.

War is caused by polygamy. Murder is caused by polygamy. This is even true in the animal world. Monogamous species have males that are good dads. Polygamous species have males that kill other males so they can have more females. Premature male death is caused by polygamous male mating strategies.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 18:08:33 ago (+1/-0)

Further reading.
I recall years ago reading of a Muslim male who wondered how women would get married if men did not marry more than once. He outlined how wars mean that there will always be a deficit of males! One is curious about the arrow of causality is here; is polygamy a response to a shortage of males, or do elite polygamist make sure that there is a shortage of males?


[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 16:56:23 ago (+0/-0)

I'll give the resource an opinion when I feel like.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 17:01:59 ago (+0/-0)

The resource is pretty sure she’s not missing much.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 16:55:00 ago (+1/-1)


no...women don't want a virgin man, they want someone who knows what to do and how to teach them to service their husband

Women are constantly anxious about "approval" of their significant other...you know what I approve of? Chastity...that's for women, not men

You constantly try to co-sign pro Aryan messaging and then you spew this kike derived filth

"you're whore makers"

No you are the whore maker, aka, the parent of the child...you know the most effecient way to keep women from being whores?

Have their father treat them with respect growing up and teach them to seek that from other men

"Whore makers" have no power if no woman is opening her legs to him

And no woman is doing that if she was properly raised

No atheist teachs "self respect" they teach disgusting pedophilic filth and call it morally righteous.

Literally every woman I've slept with I was in a relationship with, i've had over 20 try to get with me for sex despite not wanting a relationship

This is the kikes doing, making moronic women not realize that hey, when you are married, you can be the biggest whore you want for your husband and no one will mind, in fact, everyone will celebrate you as you spit out your 8th child

Which is why kikes had to destroy that social interaction possibility...can't be rewarding Aryan women for producing many Aryan children now can we...

Aryan men...My people are called Aryans, not "white men" dried up kike cunt

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 17:10:01 ago (+1/-0)

no...women don't want a virgin man,

Oh now you care what women want. Lol. Doesnt matter. Math matters.

Chastity...that's for women, not men

Didnt do the math. Whats the sex ratio at birth 1:1. If a town has 10 men and 10 women and all the guys screw the slutttiest 3 women then 3 men wont have virgins to marry. Do you imagine this works out differently if the scale is 20 million or 200 million? It works the same. Statistics is real faggot.

Blah blah blah I didnt read the rest because you have a basic contempt for math.

[ - ] Conspirologist 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 15:57:23 ago (+1/-0)

True. I see many people on the web who don't understand that virginity is the basis of intimacy. These idiots get divorced and don't understand why.

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 10:11:39 ago (+2/-0)

And they now loose to mentally ill men that think they're women.

Gotta love how far feminism got them.

[ - ] FacelessOne 5 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 07:41:07 ago (+8/-3)

Hmm I wonder if this has to do with the decline of Chrstianity and the rise of Secularism.

Nah that's just a coincidence

[ - ] Wahaha 7 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 07:44:38 ago (+7/-0)

It has to do with encouraging women to get a career instead of marrying at age 18 to have a family.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 14:53:39 ago (+1/-0)

This aspect was to cause extinction.

Career women. Dead beat unemployed women. Still whores with zero skills

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 08:05:59 ago (+3/-3)

That's the same thing bro

[ - ] Wahaha -4 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 09:33:19 ago (+4/-8)

No, you don't need Jewish fairy tales to encourage families. This has more to do with economic realities. When an average father doesn't have the means to provide for a family of three (nevermind a family of ten) then what other choice is there besides the woman working?

And to get into the workforce you need to fulfill some requirements that need time and effort.

[ - ] FacelessOne 5 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 09:44:55 ago (+8/-3)


Calm down baby you can have more atheism after you finish your communism.

[ - ] NukeAmerica 2 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 13:13:33 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 16:49:13 ago (+3/-2)

lol kike got outed fast lmfao

you should have just shut the fuck up when you were ahead instead of trying to promote the idea that Christianity is a "kike fairytale"

Losers like you constantly call it "jewish" but what you mean is ethnic kike...which it literally isn't

SO many of you low IQ scumfucks can't do a day of research, can't figure out Aryans are the real Hebrews, can't figure out Talmudism was created after Christianity, as was the Old testament

Can't figure out anything but demand to lecture others about the nature of reality lmfao

"this has more to do with economic realities"

AKA kike subversion of our currency through installation of a debt based fiat currency system

So why don't you advocate for a gold backed currency ever?

oh wait, that would be the proper response to de-kike our country

[ - ] Belfuro 3 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 14:51:59 ago (+3/-0)

The thing is.
At lest Christians teach standards to girls.

Seculars just sent their kids to school gulag where peers are the most abused kids and dead beat loser commie teachers.

So yeah. It's a fucking fact due followers that atheism is partially responsible for degeneracy.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 10:12:34 ago (+1/-0)

Can't be it's always anything but the actual reason in ClownWorld

[ - ] HelenHighwater 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 10:41:48 ago (+1/-0)

yeshhh! lol. Blame 'secularism'

[ - ] FacelessOne -1 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 16:52:53 ago (+0/-1)

So you are defending buttstuff?

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] -2 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 07:41:50 ago (+2/-4)

Fake news

[ - ] andasyoucansee 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 09:49:20 ago (+3/-2)

Why are something like 75% of the posts on the front page from this account, and why is it ALWAYS so trolly or off topic?

[ - ] NukeAmerica 1 point 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 13:12:23 ago (+2/-1)

UncleDoug a kike from the bowels of Tel Aviv confirmed!

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 1.2 yearsMar 29, 2023 14:09:51 ago (+0/-0)

Removing the threat of hell from fornication was probably a major game changer and I dont think you have to conceed any of your convictions to admit that.