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7 comments block

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 21:13:19 ago (+2/-0)

Sounds like Powerman 5000 mixed with new In Flames.

Absolute garbage waste of time.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 1 point 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 22:23:00 ago (+1/-0)

Imo, most metal sucks now because bands don’t know the difference between a song and a genre.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 22:18:42 ago (+1/-0)

Sabbath, Pantera, Metal Church, Motörhead, DIO, early Iron Maiden, Overkill,

[ - ] Kozel 1 point 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 21:43:38 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] ElementalPee 0 points 12 monthsJun 6, 2023 10:50:32 ago (+0/-0)

This is garbage. His verse "singing" is pretty much just some generic rap cadence and it doesn't help that it's pretty much a diss track and he's bragging that he is single-handedly bringing something back, that, if you cared enough to pay any attention at all, never left in the first place.

His meedley meedleys on the chorus are fine I guess but that guy who compared him to new In Flames is pretty much right. No one is ever going to have this stupid song in their head all day.

[ - ] PhimoticEmbrace 0 points 12 monthsJun 5, 2023 23:32:24 ago (+0/-0)

I realise now that this is about music, but I don't care.

There was something is the news about chinks salvaging WW2 wrecks for "pre-war steel". Apparently it's better at detecting radiation because all modern steel is contaminated from nuclear fallout.