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The Twenty Pull-ups Training Program

submitted by carnold03 to fitness 8 monthsSep 23, 2023 06:42:55 ago (+3/-0)     (twentypullups.com)


#The Twenty Pull-ups Training Program

If you're serious about increasing your upper body strength, follow this six to eight week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive pushups!

Think there's no way you could do this? I think you can. All you need is a good plan, plenty of discipline, and about 30 minutes a week to achieve this goal!

No doubt some of you can already do 20 consecutive pull-ups, but let's face it, you're in a big minority. Most of you reading this won't even be able to manage 5 pullups. Actually, I'm sure many of you can't even do 2.

However, it really doesn't matter which group you fall into. If you follow the progressive pullup training program, I'm positive you'll soon be able to do 20 pullups!

Are you ready to take the challenge? Read on for more details...

For more information: http://twentypullups.com

2 comments block

[ - ] Stonkmar 0 points 8 monthsSep 23, 2023 18:20:06 ago (+0/-0)

Can you do 5 pullups? Do it. Now wait 10 seconds.
Do 4 pullups; wait 10 seconds.
Do 3 pullups; wait 10.
Do 2, wait.
Do 1.

once a day. move up to as many times a day as you like.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 1 monthApr 19, 2024 13:00:21 ago (+0/-0)*

I am inexperienced with pull ups (never have a bar around), but thats what I learned to do with reps.
Set of 12, then 10, then 8. I still do it sometimes, so I believe this is good strategy and will give this a try.
I might be able to do it on my bowflex if I latch the topbar.

do machine pulldowns have the same effect as a stationary bar pull up (with full body weight)?