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submitted by Sal_180 to whatever 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 09:14:09 ago (+40/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


46 comments block

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 13 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 10:54:24 ago (+13/-0)

Its like when Putt tried to get Goats to take a pic holding a sign that said "fuck censorship" to get one month free of an israeli VPN.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:44:49 ago (+1/-0)

Did everyone post a grabbler photo that said "fuck jews"?

[ - ] NukeAmerica 0 points 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 03:06:02 ago (+0/-0)

Did that really happen? Cause i wouldn't be surprised

[ - ] Bigdeal 8 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 10:51:40 ago (+8/-0)

Why even use it at that point

[ - ] LookFat 8 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 11:48:03 ago (+8/-0)

Why even use it to begin with? Twitter is for faggots.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:45:21 ago (+1/-0)

You mean X bigot! Literally Chauvin!

[ - ] deleted 8 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 10:03:45 ago (+8/-0)


[ - ] McNasty 6 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 09:46:01 ago (+8/-2)

The question is, will he get enough people to comply with the jewish policy if he can make them believe he's fighting with jews?

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 6 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 11:41:35 ago (+6/-0)

Uh… yeah, everyone is just going to do this immediately and without question. Did you miss the last three years?

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:45:49 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] McNasty -1 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 12:07:56 ago (+3/-4)

I'm just pointing out the retardation that is voat.

This place doesn't make any sense. I constantly see posts with faggots suck Elon's dick because he appears to be fighting the ADL. I call attention to this when I see a post that explains his kikery. Then I get asked if I missed the last three years. Idk. Did I? Is there not faggot Elon fans boys on voat?

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 4 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 13:06:07 ago (+4/-0)

I don’t know. We’re not a hive mind. You’re going to find differences of opinion, up to and including worshipping ZOG puppets.

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:47:10 ago (+2/-0)

Poal likes the hive mind if you can get past his ball cupping gaytkeepers.

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 14:49:43 ago (+1/-3)

We’re not a hive mind.

I'm referring to the voat hive mind which is determined by upvotes. If you don't consider yourself part of that then I am not referring to you.

You’re going to find differences of opinion,

Right. And popular opinions get upvotes. You can't tell me there isn't a bunch of Elon fan boys on voat claiming Elon is fighting the good fight.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 4 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 14:53:52 ago (+4/-0)

I bet there are. It’s a combination of utter desperation for a leader and a lack of true moderation on any site we use. Delusions are allowed to run rampant.

Stop giving a shit about thumbsy-uppies.

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 15:07:03 ago (+1/-3)

Stop giving a shit about thumbsy-uppies.

Why? I personally don't care about getting upvotes myself but why wouldn't I see other upvotes and and put my 2 cents in knowing they are kikes trying to gatekeep?

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 3 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 15:43:54 ago (+3/-0)

Because they’re the apotheosis of meaninglessness. Because we’re not here to change minds or create a movement or expand the number of people who are “awake.” None of that will ever happen. Online “voting” is as pointless as the real kind. We’re all just killing time until it’s killing time. We’ve resigned ourselves to the genocide that was completed decades ago. Don’t let it enter your head.

[ - ] McNasty -1 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 17:01:32 ago (+2/-3)

Because we’re not here to change minds

I don't see it that way. I see that there are always newbs when it comes to red pills. They take that first step and next thing they know, they are in a place like this. It's easy for them to be taken advantage of by the kikes. Like Q. Pizzagate blew up and they needed to control the people that were looking into it. I'm simply adding my disclaimers to those types of posts and psyops. Nobody's forcing you to worry about me worrying about what content gets upvotes. I'm less interested in circle jerks and more interested calling out the gatekeeping.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 2 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 19:21:38 ago (+2/-0)

I see that there are always newbs when it comes to red pills

I’m of the belief that everyone who can wake up is already awake. It’s utterly impossible to not notice what is happening now, and anyone intelligent enough to be worth a damn is capable of finding this–and the other handful of–outlets which tell the truth. They’re either here with us already or they’ll never be with us.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:38:34 ago (+0/-0)

Wait ??. So you're only referring to the hive mind users on voat.

Seems like a very sophist way to engineer a point.
'Not everyone is a hivemind - but if they are - then they're all a hivemind' Well duh. No shit.


[ - ] McNasty -2 points 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 11:52:19 ago (+1/-3)

Seems like a very sophist way to engineer a point.

I think Elon Musk is a faggot kike. Can you explain what's fallacious about this?

'Not everyone is a hivemind - but if they are - then they're all a hivemind' Well duh. No shit.

Obviously comprehension isn't your strong suit. I made a comment about people defending Elon Musk. Somebody responded to me by saying voat is not a hivemind. I responded by saying I am referring to the upvotes. Popular opinions get upvotes. It's a popular opinion on voat that Elon Musk is fighting the good fight. If you are not a person that upvotes pro Elon posts, then I'm obviously not talking about you. The fact I have to explain this shows how retarded this place is.

[ - ] dassar 2 points 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 17:21:01 ago (+2/-0)

Obviously comprehension isnt youre strong point .
You claim voat is a hive mind simply because of user upvotes after a user originally commented >'We’re not a hive mind. You’re going to find differences of opinion, up to and including worshipping ZOG puppets'

You reply >I'm referring to the voat hive mind which is determined by upvotes. If you don't consider yourself part of that then I am not referring to you.

Typical Sophist kike way of saying 'it's real in my mind'.

TLDR: Different users, varied opinions. You - 'nooooo - im not counting those other opinions'
Clown. Plus musk is a zog faggot.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:50:58 ago (+0/-0)

Personally I've never gave a shit about "popular opinions" as long as you're articulate and can get a point across without looking like Bill Gates talking about killing 15% of the population as if it's normal then you have my attention.

Otherwise your going to be sad like frontholepatriot and seeth with degenerate hatred at my comments.

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 12:05:05 ago (+1/-3)

Otherwise your going to be sad like frontholepatriot and seeth with degenerate hatred at my comments.

I feel ya. Lol. Just look at my history. If that's all you saw, you would believe voat is actually reddit.

Like this article for instance would get me immediate down-votes.


I post it anyways but obviously it upsets people here that someone would call NASA kike.

[ - ] dassar 1 point 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 21:03:25 ago (+1/-0)

Lol, wut?. Yeah, NASA is kiked. No news there.
Seems like You're way too invested in alts and their voating habits.
I couldnt give a shit what has up or down voats, i rarely bother looking at up or down voats. i'm more interested in the veracity of something and if it resonates with myself than worrying about popularity.
Voting is fake and big ghey.

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 8 monthsOct 2, 2023 09:17:25 ago (+1/-3)

Lol, wut?. Yeah, NASA is kiked. No news there.

Do I have to explain to you that I am talking about the faggot NASA fan boys on voat? I literally am explaining this to you and you still think I'm talking directly to you as if I believe you personally are a NASA fan boy.

And here's the thing, if you're going to tell me that you don't care, then don't comment. It's a retarded thing to start a conversation with somebody with no intention of conversating.

Seems like You're way too invested in alts and their voating habits.

It's like I'm explaining basic math to a retard factory. It sounds like you're way too invested in what I may or may not be doing. How about that?

i'm more interested in the veracity of something and if it resonates with myself than worrying about popularity.

So my comment must have resonated with you. Lol.

[ - ] dassar 1 point 8 monthsOct 2, 2023 17:14:47 ago (+1/-0)

Anyone can pick the mosy outrageous take and then claim it's the new normal -MSM does it all the time by quoting unknown social media comments as proof and e3vidence of general sentiment. You're doing the equivalent.

So my comment must have resonated with you. Lol.

You fail on veracity, nor did it resonate with me - im totally less interested in your account comments now.

[ - ] correctness 1 point 8 monthsOct 4, 2023 21:48:08 ago (+1/-0)

Can you stop being faggot just for one fucking week?

You push only space thing and then get upset and call users kikes and they down vote you and then you are even more angry and losing your cool and randomly attacking users just to easy your anger and pain.

Even neutrals are starting get sick of your frustration and start downvoting you in hope that you will go away.

There are so many different shit to talk about. You should find balance between your theories and everything else.

Otherwise every fucking one will be sick of you, even if they agree with you.


[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 19:15:29 ago (+2/-0)

No one knows who is upvoting what, and it gets frequently revealed that users have multiple accounts and upvote themselves.
It's been suggested multiple times to reveal who is upvoting, but every time it does, the "majority" goes against it.

This might be a free speech forum, but don't assume for a second that 90% of what is posted on here is "real".

Edit: Just realized I'm responding to an alt.

[ - ] McNasty -2 points 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 11:55:46 ago (+1/-3)

No one knows who is upvoting what

I don't give a fuck who's upvoting what. I'm simply telling you that there are up-votes. Jesus Christ this place is nothing but a retard convention.

Me - It's hot out today.

Retards on voat - IT'S NOT HOT EVERYWHERE.

No fuck you retard. I never said it was hot everywhere.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 1 point 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 18:35:08 ago (+1/-0)

I don't give a fuck who's upvoting what. I'm simply telling you that there are up-votes.
And I'm saying the upvotes aren't real. That they are coming from singular users with multiple accounts.
We had a recent example when TrumpMan got banned, he started using his alts which had large volumes of upvotes given.

[ - ] dassar 2 points 8 monthsOct 1, 2023 21:05:06 ago (+2/-0)

Yea, he's a retard.

[ - ] inaminit 4 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 09:31:54 ago (+4/-0)

Right now, you're going to PAY for the privilege of revealing your thoughts to the kike.

[ - ] texasblood 3 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 10:19:10 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:53:06 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 2 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 14:31:18 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Idiocratic 1 point 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 17:39:36 ago (+1/-0)

Twitter; never have, never will.

There is something fundamentally stupid about limiting the length of a message to cater to ADHD millinials who can't focus on anything longer than 1.2 seconds.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:55:03 ago (+0/-0)

Repeat that I lost focus.

I heard a fire alarm.

[ - ] MoronSaint 1 point 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 17:24:58 ago (+1/-0)

Why even have an account? Twitter is a hive of scum and villainy.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 20:43:28 ago (+0/-0)

I like trading freedom for security.

[ - ] soupnazi 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 17:03:01 ago (+0/-0)

He does want to turn X into a payment processor that also supports crypto. That's what every crypto exchange does currently. It's interesting that he's already setting up compliance for that. He misses his days at paypal.

[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 19:01:17 ago (+0/-0)

can he even get a banking license for that dumpster fire?

[ - ] NukeAmerica 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 16:36:52 ago (+0/-0)

Twitter will die in a day if they do that. He's hoping!

[ - ] Reader 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 15:04:04 ago (+0/-0)

That's a non-starter disqualifier. Not going to be popular, thats for sure.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 8 monthsSep 30, 2023 14:26:35 ago (+0/-0)

I'm all for it....anyone stupid enough to comply with "twit" terms just to stay active deserves everything that they "WILL" get when the jew hunts them down as per data collected, fuck, may as well submit a DNA sample too...on the other hand there's great opportunity to be a 1st class joker here....snap a photo of a horse's asshole and attatch your favorite political figure's name to it.