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An analysis of labor dynamics suggests the u.s. government will collapse into revolution no later than 2043-2048, and the fall of the west as a coherent power no later than the year 2500

submitted by prototype to chatter 6 monthsNov 19, 2023 04:48:33 ago (+2/-3)     (chatter)

Follows from observations of how the bubonic plague lead to rising labor values in the middle ages, in waves, with the final wave leading to the fall of tsarist russia under bolshevism and mass industrialization.

It took 500 years to solve human sanitation problems.

I suspect the technological revolution will take as long to fully solve labor relations in the face of technology, but in the meantime there will be inflection points.

This analysis is what motivated me in the past to predict the resurgence of labor unions in the u.s, and its pretty obvious to see thats beginning to emerge.

If I'm correct, then this, more than anything is why we are seeing mass importation of labor. But as this occurs, I have no doubt a cursory fourier analysis of historic data under similar conditions will show an inflection point: that pivotal moment in time where the importation of more labor drives wages down relative to cost of living in such a way that it increases instability and risk, rather than buffering against it.

And because of the stickiness of this strategy, my prediction is now that its going, it will be very hard for them to reverse it as a policy. The hope was of course to use the imported labor to kill the labor-collectivization trend their forecasters see on the horizon in the coming decades. I think they will fail and end up with a different kind of war because of it.

Theres a bifurcation point I see coming, where the war and chaos that emerges from this policy can go three ways: the general dissolution of the u.s. (like how the soviets collapsed, into blocs), a civil war thats a mix of racial, economic, and regional.
Or an ostensibly 'pro' labor movement leading to a war not unlike the bolshevik takeover in russia.

Prior predictions of this new totalitarian impulse, made mostly on intuition before now, align well with this very prediction. As labor consolidates the only way to keep production efficient is to scale capacity 'outward' (more industry over all), comporting with prior predictions of mass re-industrialization in the united states.

To cope with this, it must become inevitable therefore that a war between the u.s. and china will break out, leading either to an armistice and new cold war, or the utter destruction of one side or the other, although I don't have enough information at this time to say which, or who would be the victor in any case.

These conclusions, unfortunately, are foregone.

In other words, we still have a long way to go, but not as long as you might have thought.

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