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60 comments block

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 12 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 17:37:36 ago (+12/-0)

I try to be friendly with people, I really do. My first interaction with him was on old voat when he went under the username AR47, he offered to help me with a battery for my truck. That said, there's no doubt he's suspicious as fuck. He changes usernames more often than conspirafag changes his underwear. That's fuckin strange. Skip tracing is shady as fuck. That's fucked up by itself, but doing it for the god damned IRS? That's fucked all the way up.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 15 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 17:43:40 ago (+15/-0)

The worst part is, there are glue eating brainlets here on the site who he somehow convinced to meet him IRL. GLHF now that a literal fed has your real name, plate number, VIN, home address, and any other data he could lift.
I'd say working for CPS is even worse than the IRS. CPS is straight up human trafficking. Which the injun took part in, by definition.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 10 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 19:29:06 ago (+10/-0)

Yeah if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well it's probably not a fuckin turkey.

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 19:54:10 ago (+3/-1)

It still might be doing the winter molt thing and hardly laying any eggs at all.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -4 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:07:34 ago (+1/-5)

You think the people I met didn't put fear in me? Every damn one when I went to meet them I was ready to make sure I went home.

You seem reasonable enough to figure out that if indeed I was someone hell bent on fucking up something at least one of the many, and I mean many here that I have met would have said something?

Or that system would have banned me? I have always upon each name change said who I was when asked. I don't hide it.

But yes I do delete often, and I do that because someone called ATF on me and attempted to make it look like I was selling milled 80% lowers.

Not unlike nukeamerica did with solicitation to sell him an "illegal gun" and "explosives".

A post just like this to garner support so everyone can unite against a common enemy.

Dude I will always be around, always, because this is what I belive in...core principles of the people here and the site as what it stands for.

Thing is that when mofos start talking about killing my family like beetle did way back, yeah I reported him to the FBI, and guess what?

No one ever did that shit again.

Dock said he was going to fire bomb a casino and I told him that isn't cool I have friends that work at one, he said that would be the first one he hits....so...fuckem and fuck anyone else here, because dock knows the same people that I do IRL and he could act on it.

So I reported him too. Like it don't like it, but that shit happens on social media every fucking day and you always say....why didn't someone do something.

Don't act like a nigger and realize your actions have consequences. I can do it as a fucking teepee nigger, and white men can't?

[ - ] albatrosv15 4 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:19:41 ago (+4/-0)

Ah, so when it suits you, you will grovel in front of power.
because this is what I belive in...core principles of the people here and the site as what it stands for.
Nah man, that's just deception. Besides, your sentence structure says you are just bullshitting.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:39:08 ago (+0/-0)

Kek, grovel in front of what power?

[ - ] albatrosv15 4 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:40:37 ago (+4/-0)

Sending mafiosos with papers("government agents", if you are a retard) to other people.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -1 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:42:48 ago (+0/-1)

You dont want anything of substance from me or you wouldn't have come at me with an accusation off the bat.

You want to hate someone, to call them names and join with the most prolific posters on the site.

[ - ] albatrosv15 5 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:50:52 ago (+5/-0)

You dont want anything of substance from me or you wouldn't have come at me with an accusation off the bat.
A threat. You throw off the bus anyone you "dislike"? "Don't act like a nigger" remember? Oh wait, you are special.
You want to hate someone, to call them names and join with the most prolific posters on the site.
You really like self-deception. My opinion of you is based on your comments in this thread. Sending thugs with papers because you just want to feel power. And then people wonder why their society is shit. Nah, you don't wonder. You have grandiose self-deception.
What next threats are you going to throw at me? How can you be such a nigger, son?
"You insult me that i'm sending thugs to other people? Oh, I'll show you! I will send thugs to you too! I'm so fucking AWESOME THAT WAY!"

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 13:06:28 ago (+0/-0)

No I don't want anything but for people not to make terrorist threats, solicit me for ATF prohibited items, and not to make threats of murder.

Those all seem like shit white men can be capable of assuming they grasp the idea of consequences.

That shit isn't funny, and it jeopardizes this place as well.

You want to call me names? Fine that isn't one of the three I listed and it only shows how juvenile that person really is.

Why not offer solutions to the problem...like the border? Don't pay taxes.

How difficult is that? Nope I have seen many requests on this site to do strafing runs with a10s.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:06:08 ago (+1/-0)

Can you tell us more how nukeamerica asked you to sell him illegal guns and explosives?

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:08:54 ago (+0/-0)

Look at his last submission and read the screenshot I posted.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:14:56 ago (+0/-0)

His last submission was this one https://files.catbox.moe/l5e8o3.webm

And i see no screenshot for pages in your comment history

[ - ] Oldguynewname 1 point 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:38:50 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] observation1 1 point 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:45:12 ago (+1/-0)

His account is banned now. is this the reason why?

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 4 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 18:53:14 ago (+4/-0)

Did people actually meet him IRL? Or did he just claim that?

Also for anyone listening in on this conversation. Don't meet people IRL unless they give you a code name, and a means of meeting them discretely.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 5 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 18:55:52 ago (+5/-0)

Yes to the former, unfortunately.

[ - ] Prairie 3 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 19:21:43 ago (+3/-0)

They could still pull up security footage to find how you got there.

[ - ] Sector2 4 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 19:49:56 ago (+4/-0)

That's when your tunnel comes in handy.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 1 point 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 21:39:18 ago (+1/-0)

That's why you meet on out the way public land, and don't discuss specific locations until the day of.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 22:57:22 ago (+1/-1)

I have met maybe 20 people from reddit, and 15 or so from old voat.

I can tell you this, majority of them ain't no different than anyone else.

Most are just as suspicious as you are at first, but here is what I have learned after driving all over the usa for the past 5y.

No one cares, seriously cops don't, feds don't, and frankly no one else.

Besides wtf you think you are doing that warrants you viable enough to fucking be on the radar? Lol

So many here have this inflated sense of importance and trust me.....you ain't that guy. None of us are, because we have something to lose.

Something we all worked for, and someone we have sacrificed pieces of ourselves to protect.

You want to throw that away for some people here that would call you a pedo first chance they get?

Dangus called me that 2 comments ago, accused me of being a pedo. Who the fuck does that?

Someone with something to gain by you following their lead, that is who.

I will never ask a thing from anyone here, I never have. Old voat I chronicled my journey through a work place accident that ended up with me suing them.

And I did that because many have no idea the process, I sure didn't. Towards the end g0ldf1sh if you remember him, suggested I post my financial situation.

So I did, and the community fucking helped me. Some still here today matter of fact.

Some I have went to meet up with, took them to the range, showed them how to handle a weapon and made a friend.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 3 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:04:58 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 04:07:36 ago (+2/-0)

Now try pursuing a higher goal than "just making friends".
What it is doesn't matter, so long as it help good people, and disrupts bad people.
The police won't care, the feds won't do anything, and the average joe won't even know you exist. But, you'll quickly find the freaks start to come out the woodwork.
If I were to set up a European Nationalist group, I would have to concern myself over various attack, but most importantly terrorist attacks by the jews.
If I were to set up a security group that specialized in public protection through neighborhood watch programs and bounty hunting, I would have to worry about getting attacked by gangs, and even possibly cartels.

There's a lot more to be concerned about than just the government, and it's good to remember that large sections of the government are involved with the aforementioned criminal groups.
Which is why discretion should be exercised if anything of relevance if being planned.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -1 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 11:12:43 ago (+0/-1)

With a few people from voat I have taken them to shoot guns for the first time in their lives.

Twice we spent 2 nights at ones house and had 5 people not including myself there.

The host however gave me an ultimatum about that whole dock incident so I made it easier for him in that he needed to do nothing. I blocked his phone numbers, and on all media I had, or I deleted the app.

These people...even the ones you may get to know over time, they will attempt to interject themselves into it for relevance.

Delete them from your life.

As for you mild paranoia. The people is the government. We are, not the old fuckers in office .

They are the representation and nothing more, that is what they are always been, and this idea of them being the government is to give it a disconnect with responsibility.

As to assuming your personal relevance among all the shit within America at any given time...stfu because they dont care.

You have done nothing to twart the progression of anything by the assumed power.

You pose ideas and scenarios to this site with a militant undertone, but you have done nothing...you dont fucking matter, I don't either.

Here is why..mo don't break the law, and if I do then I wouldn't advertise it on here for someone to spread misery to use against me.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 15:53:46 ago (+0/-0)

The people is the government.
Depends on the department. Likewise dual citizenship officials blow this notion out of the water.

They are the representation and nothing more
Most aren't elected, and none can prove they were elected.

As to assuming your personal relevance among all the shit within America at any given time...stfu because they dont care.
That's the point of discretion, to keep those that are a threat or potential threat, not caring.

You have done nothing to twart the progression of anything by the assumed power.
Working on it.

You pose ideas and scenarios to this site with a militant undertone, but you have done nothing...you dont fucking matter, I don't either.
See above.

Here is why..mo don't break the law, and if I do then I wouldn't advertise it on here for someone to spread misery to use against me.
It seems you missed what I said before so I'll say it again. If someone legally does something of worth, then they will have to deal with criminals. Be they jewish terrorists, cartel, etc.
The purpose of discretion is buy time until those threats can be minimized into irrelevance.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -1 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 16:07:19 ago (+0/-1)

Ugh with the Jewish blah blah.

Stop finding reasons of why you can't and find reasons how you can. Makes you look weak.

You know I have never told a customer of mine "I don't know" or "I cant" or "that isn't my job".

I always tell them...let me get that answer for you. Or something of that dialog. It shows that you are able and more so willing to find the solution.

Stop blaming this on everything but yourself. Stop paying taxes if you want to make a difference, that is a trending idea right now after people are filing with nothing changed, and they owe IRS.

Find out how you can join something that will make shit happen and back it. Put aside your bullshit and work with the majority for once.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 06:32:07 ago (+3/-1)


[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 11:03:49 ago (+1/-1)

Hey there.

Joking aside man, be careful in NY alright. Don't get made and example of by the PD or a group of niggers on the street.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -1 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 22:44:02 ago (+1/-2)

Yes. Many have.

Because unlike here where people just throw accusations and live with paranoia and doubt.

Quite a few don't and we make friends, have meetups with others and even a few let me stay in their homes.

Mainly because I am not a fed or even a bad person, but the people that call others faggot, pedos, kikes, glowies would have you belive that everyone other than them are there to help you.

Ask them to help you move, ask them to help you buy groceries, help buy a battery for your truck.

You know shit that a community would do. See what happens.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 2 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:05:10 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] albatrosv15 1 point 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:17:30 ago (+1/-0)

You faggots meet each other?

[ - ] absurdlyobfuscated 1 point 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 04:46:52 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah, I met him once a few years back and he bought me a steak dinner. That was the second time I ever fired a gun. No I will not elaborate further.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 22:40:38 ago (+1/-1)

Yeah, sure did because I was good at it and it paid the bills. This was back in 05 before I went to Australia.

As for your truck. I would absolutely do that even today. Someone in anon put up a post about you going to a football game with your wife.

I asked how much you would need...no reply.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus [op] 2 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:05:24 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] albatrosv15 1 point 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 01:27:51 ago (+1/-0)

3 times posting one word. What does it accomplish?

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 06:30:03 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] albatrosv15 6 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:59:07 ago (+6/-0)

You title is misleading. He doesn't admit he IS a fed, currently. He is just a nigger, who wants to feel power by sending thugs to other people. No better than "social justice warrior".

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 5 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 19:05:25 ago (+5/-0)

I can barely even understand his posts.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 6 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 19:32:09 ago (+6/-0)

That's the other thing, it's always a meandering word salad. Just get to the fuckin point.

[ - ] Oldguynewname 0 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:44:36 ago (+1/-1)

That is adhd.

Can't help it. I can try if people would point out what I am doing that makes it difficult, or you just ask.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 3 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:25:10 ago (+3/-0)

He went off the rails just like sanegoat.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 3 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 00:00:53 ago (+3/-0)

Definitely touchesgrass, very sketchy

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 4 monthsJan 28, 2024 06:29:38 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] LostWhale 0 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:15:23 ago (+1/-1)

That's not exactly what he said. He might be a fed who knows, but you can't really make that assumption with certainty based OK the above. I used to skip trace for a few collection agencies. I'm still great at it.

[ - ] Oldguynewname -1 points 4 monthsJan 27, 2024 23:47:27 ago (+1/-2)

Not a fed, just was good at it and marketed the skill.

Got picked up by an agency and that is what I did. Mostly tax cheats and finding dead beat dads that refused child support.

It is almost like you can't have a past around here anymore without someone that reads each of your comments although they think you are a fed to post them over and over again to gain some sort of significance.