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I was monitoring a Christian couple's counseling, i weep for the amount of horrible advice given to these people by neo liberal church doctrine

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 1 monthApr 16, 2024 09:12:27 ago (+29/-0)     (Rants)

There's only so much you can counteract at once, but holy shit, I weep for this new generation of men having to deal with these hyper entitled spiritual Narcissistic cunts. Some gems from the couple's counseling I had to endure:

This one guy was running his own business and had to travel for part of the year. The complaint was that he should GIVE UP his business and become a W2 employee because wife felt lonely. Did the wife try to find new hobbies? Fuck no. They 100% blamed the man who was furnishing her entire lifestyle to be around more. As always, here comes the church siding with ... the wife.

Another guy said his wife was too verbally abusive. Based off how the wife was talking, and based off prior experience, I completely understood what he was talking about. Was the church's response to find ways to ensure she could speak without being hostile, and self reflecting on how her actions can be perceived by others? Fuck that, it's the man's fault. The guy got told he needed to cater to his wife some more because fuck you! See when women decide to act like rabid cunts, its the man's fault because wife is always right. Even when she's dead wrong and clearly bitching about nonsense, you gotta just listen and believe! Ephesians is outdated, were all about progressivist bullshit now. The woman will be even more hostile and violent, as she's been enabled by a church that her horrid actions are now justified.

They had a guest speaker come in about "refuge" work in some middle eastern shithole( I suspect its either Egypt or Syria, he didn't say). Their primary problem was the border control of the country as kicking out anyone who was there illegally. Did the church stop and reflect if breaking laws of another country was a Christian thing to do? As always, self reflection was nowhere to be found. Not that they were ever welcome before, but the complaint was the country had decided to institute the death penalty on people smugglers. Typical jewish behavior, subvert a nation than SCREAM when that nation kicks you ass to the curb.

And there's many more such instance, these were just the more apparent ones. I highly highly doubt there is much that can be done for these relationships. Through the church enabling them, these womn think they are gods amongst men. Everything they decress is gospel. Their requests are demands that must be met. They dont want a husband, they want doormats, men who grovel to them. This has cemented my idea that modern churches are some of the most evil, vindictive, spiteful places in existence.

I'm no longer welcome at this church and was told my "advice" was problematic. I know im not perfect, and as i got more redpilled and older I held to my convictions. I realize that i was conditioned (and to a large degree, I accepted these conditions making me complicit). I made amends of my behavior to the kids, apologized. But now that Im awake, the road to help others is riddled with back stabbers, traitors, yes men, and all kinds of horrid influences. And yet, i will never give up the fight, and will never back down.

57 comments block

[ - ] WNwoman 7 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 11:23:54 ago (+7/-0)

And even when they get what they want- a doormat beta bucks provider that kisses their ass, they still aren’t happy. Because deep down every woman wants a real man that is the head of the household.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 5 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 12:26:27 ago (+5/-0)

A woman wants the same thing niggers want- to be able to do whatever the fuck they want, including hurting others, all while their lifestyle is paid for and everyone around them suffers.

[ - ] niggaswaywhat [op] 4 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 11:49:04 ago (+4/-0)

gonna be real, even when they could find a real man, that guy isnt sticking around. Most men tend to call this shit out, which shatters the fragile egos of these morons

[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:19:01 ago (+1/-0)

How about that dumb cunt that divorced her soccer player husband because he was "too perfect?" They don't know what they want, and they're never happy with what they have.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 3 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 12:24:39 ago (+3/-0)

There came a time when I started to look at everything in terms of payoff vs. investment and that really killed it for me with women. There is really no ROI for men when it comes to dating. It's all on her side.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 13:23:09 ago (+1/-0)

Depends on the culture. Ours is fully jewed in almost every way.


I posted about this one the other day that is not.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:22:15 ago (+0/-0)

Fucking eggzactly.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 2 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:28:14 ago (+2/-0)

and it's insane because the ugliest, most annoying, biggest burden women always think they're top notch. It's like a guy swearing a burned out frame of a yugo is a better car than a new Ferrari.

I became more accepting of women's shitty looks because I thought they would be better people. Fuck, was I wrong.

[ - ] 1point21jiggawatts 3 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 11:32:24 ago (+3/-0)

I'm not sure what to do about the shitty Church situation. The Bible says not to forsake the gathering of believers together but it's near impossible to find a church that hasn't been subverted with false doctrines. The best Churches I've found are old fashioned KJV-only independent baptist churches but even they tend to buy into false doctrines.

Mostly they all reject supersessionism, which is the doctrine that the Bible clearly teaches that believers in Christ are the true "Chosen People". Also known as "replacement theology". It's so plainly stated that they have to just ignore 20% of the New Testament to keep denying it.

They're mostly all dispensationists who think old testament israelistes were saved by keeping the law when both the old and new testaments teach it was also by grace through faith.

They mostly all teach a pre-trib rapture and thatt the whole 7 years or 70th week of daniel in the end times is "the tribulation" when all they have to do is compare matthew 24 and revelation 6 to see that half way through the seven years it goes from the tribulation caused by satan to the wrath of God Himself.

They mostly all are very pro-israel.

They mostly all are afraid to put unruly disagreeable women in their place and pin every problem on men.

One thing it did teach me is that as a husband and father, you better know the scriptures for yourself and do your duty to teach them to your wife and kids cause you can't count on these garbage pastors to do it.

[ - ] niggaswaywhat [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 12:02:04 ago (+0/-0)

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus

But jews are the chosen ones, amirite?

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Billions more for israel, right?

One guy at the church similar to me made a very interesting point. All nations who bow down to israel get destroyed, hence the blessing of israel can NOT be Jacob's blessing. If so, than God must have lied to Jacob, which disproves all of Genesis. It would also make the lineages back to Jesus all wrong. He found he was getting much farther ahead in life rejecting jewish nonsense, than trying to subscribe to an absurdly convoluted network of extra biblical horseshit.

[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:42:24 ago (+1/-0)

God must have lied to Jacob

No. Read Galatians 3.

[ - ] niggaswaywhat [op] 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 21:06:58 ago (+1/-0)

it was sarcastic, as in for modern day jewish prophecy to be "righteous", it would imply God lied to Jacob and pretty much everyone in Genesis

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 18:26:56 ago (+0/-0)

I think it is important to distinguish between people and belief systems. Christianity does not replace God's law. People who accept the Messiah and walk in his steps replace those who claim to be Jews but are actually worshipping moloch.

In other words, Gods law never never changed, and neither did His requirements for His acceptance.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 16:25:31 ago (+0/-0)

The substance of the law remained the same but the form changed.

[ - ] bobdole9 2 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 09:47:58 ago (+3/-1)

he should GIVE UP his business and become a W2 employee because wife felt lonely

Children. That's what she needs. No boredom when there's always something to tend to.

The guy got told he needed to cater to his wife some more because fuck you! See when women decide to act like rabid cunts, its the man's fault because wife is always right. Even when she's dead wrong and clearly bitching about nonsense, you gotta just listen and believe!

Sucks the dude is stuck with some pinheaded child. Those who want to act like men shall be treated as such.

I'm no longer welcome at this church

Probably for the best, they're fostering more Clown World behavior.

[ - ] niggaswaywhat [op] 3 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 09:54:08 ago (+3/-0)

Childrens would be disasters in these cases: they would get dumped on the husband whilst the woman endlessly complains about all the "hard work" she does.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:21:17 ago (+0/-0)

You really think some psychotic harpy like that should have children?

[ - ] albatrosv15 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:25:23 ago (+1/-0)

Somehow the first human lesson in the bible gets absolutely ignored. Eve took the bite, THEN gave it to Adam, who wrongly trusted her and then it wasn't her fault at all. It was their fault and you know what, there was some kind of mystical serpent involved too!

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 18:29:45 ago (+0/-0)

Adam was with her the whole time.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 07:41:31 ago (+0/-0)*

and he said to the woman,
Then the serpent said to the woman,
took of the fruit thereof, and did eat,
and yes
and gave also to her husband with her,
Doesn't change the fact that only the woman talked to the serpent(apparently) and the woman gave the apple to the man.

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 18:08:21 ago (+0/-0)

It does change his responsibility. He was without excuse because he had been given the instruction. He took it knowing what it was. If anything he bears more blame.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 02:31:24 ago (+0/-0)

It is a story about that a man should never trust a woman.

[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:17:24 ago (+1/-0)

This is why I will not marry. Sell me marriage.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:53:17 ago (+1/-0)

The benefits of marriage for men are:

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 19:14:27 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] JosephGoebbels 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 16:55:03 ago (+0/-0)

@dirtywhiteboy is one of these, he volunteers with niggers because he was homeless once too 😂

[ - ] dirtywhiteboy 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 16:59:25 ago (+0/-0)

if only you knew how good i fucked with you

[ - ] JosephGoebbels 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:54:08 ago (+0/-0)

By admitting to nigger appreciation? Sounds logical...

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 15:37:54 ago (+0/-0)

Be the change you want to see, start your own church. Fuck those jewed faggot priests, be your own old-school right-wing congregation. Lead the stupid masses back into what you think is the right way.

Even if it's just a small pavilion in a back yard somewhere with a few plastic chairs. I ain't Christian but I'd sure attend a based lecture or two just to hear something that isn't jewish GAE race communism.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 14:28:15 ago (+0/-0)

I can tell you aren't talking about a Catholic church.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 15:15:33 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, because they're not even Christian.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 17:41:15 ago (+0/-0)

Anyone that claims that isn't a Christian.

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 18:31:16 ago (+0/-0)

Why does the Catholic church have a different 10 commandments than Protestants?

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 20:03:43 ago (+0/-0)

The differences in the 10 is just about the breakdown of the Mosaic laws. It's like two people paraphrasing the same thing but using slightly different words. There is no difference in the substance of what is referenced, only the form. Compare the 10 in Catholic vs the 10 in Lutheran. They are the same commandments, they are just numbered / collected differently.

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 07:03:34 ago (+0/-0)

Is that why Catholics are the only Christian denomination that makes graven images? Because the substance is the same, just the numbering is different.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 10:06:58 ago (+0/-0)

They aren't graven images (idols).

If you count yourself as a Christian, keep old photos of long passed grandparents, etc., and are claiming that depictions of saints are idols, that would make you a hypocrite. Saints aren't worshipped, they are venerated, in the same way that pictures of family members aren't a worship of your family members.

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 18:03:21 ago (+0/-0)

A photo or drawing is not a graven image.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 18:56:59 ago (+0/-0)

You are missing the point.

[ - ] firestation7 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 19:12:57 ago (+0/-0)

You are saying if I say that statues are forbidden then I am a hypocrite for having photos. You are also mixing in the "we don't worship statues anymore than someone worships photos of grandma" argument. Both arguments fail to hold water and ignore the plain instructions of God. You wouldn't be on voat if you were a sheep, so just think...why do Catholics and Protestants number the commandments differently? Why is the major difference the lack of prohibition of graven images?

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 19:38:47 ago (+0/-0)

I get that is 'bite back' response, but you would do well to justify that rather than simply reacting.
There is plenty to justify understanding the Roman Catholic Church as being the beast of revelation.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 20:21:04 ago (+0/-0)

You are an evil idiot, and I'll demonstrate how. There are basic questions you will have no answers to.

Give me a definition of Christian and explain how Catholics don't meet that definition.

There is plenty to justify understanding the Roman Catholic Church as being the beast of revelation.

Is there? And from your theory, I assume you are claiming that Catholics would have taken on the mark of the beast and therefore be damned?

Explain what you see as the mark of the beast?

What distinct practice is done differently from Protestant groups such as Lutherans? If it's the same practice, are you deeming them non-Christian too? Again, what is your definition of Christian? And in your books, who counts as one?

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 22:33:52 ago (+0/-0)

You are an evil idiot, and I'll demonstrate how.


There are basic questions you will have no answers to.

Now the onus is on me after you've smeared me with no evidence?

Give me a definition of Christian and explain how Catholics don't meet that definition.

ahem From the first 3 sentences at https://www.gotquestions.org/catholicism.html

The most crucial problem with the Roman Catholic Church is its belief that faith alone in Christ is not sufficient for salvation. The Bible clearly and consistently states that receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, by grace through faith, grants salvation (John 1:12; 3:16,18,36; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10,13; Ephesians 2:8-9). The Roman Catholic Church rejects this.

I assume

That's where you're wrong... The rest follows.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 02:16:17 ago (+0/-0)

faith alone in Christ is not sufficient for salvation.

Salvation comes from God's grace. Faith is the acceptance of that gift. Works are the fruits of faith. Faith and works are two sides of the same coin. A proclaimed faith without works is a fake faith. Good works should be something that comes naturally from faith.

What you are describing in your objection is a doctrinal concern (one that you are wrong in).

But what does that have to do with your initial claim that Catholics aren't Christian? Like I said, you are an evil idiot, tool of the devil, and that you will never be able to answer simple questions because you are a preacher of lies.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 13:30:05 ago (+0/-0)

I'm going to stick with the Holy Spirit's guidance on this and not your 'say so'.

I pray that the Lord will open your eyes to the truth, that the RCC is an abomination.

Repent and turn to God and be saved.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 15:41:01 ago (+0/-0)

You're not even a Christian, your words mean very little. Go back to your Talmud.

that the RCC is an abomination.

Make your case, son of satan.

I'm going to stick with the Holy Spirit's guidance

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isa 5:20

You should be painfully aware that your arguments are not consistent with scripture and you have yet to even try to address how you are defining Christian.

Repent and turn to God and be saved.

Like Saul to Paul, I hope you find your way.

not your 'say so'.

Read the Bible, evil idiot.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 monthApr 17, 2024 17:37:21 ago (+0/-0)

And with failure to utilize logic, reason and the Word, the Catholic lashes out!

Notice I didn't claim to know the state of your salvation, only the RCC, which is decidedly not Christian. Yet you claim to know mine.

I suggest you reel your emotions back in, you are not thinking clearly.

[ - ] FluffyBunnySlippers 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 13:07:34 ago (+0/-0)

I heard a statement the other day that the world wars pulled the young men away and that the now heavily skewed female churches shifted cultural to a gynocentric perspective. I don't know about the truth of this narrative but the gynocentriism rings true. Most high T men that I know don’t connect with the church experience.

[ - ] JustALover 0 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 10:09:25 ago (+2/-2)

And then they wonder why we call them christcucks.

[ - ] UncleDoug -1 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 10:17:23 ago (+1/-2)

neo liberal church doctrine

Regular, run of the mill church.

[ - ] Master_Foo -2 points 1 monthApr 16, 2024 10:37:05 ago (+1/-3)

All Christ-Cucks worship a Jew.
Everything flows down hill as a consequence of that.