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Why I Hope.

submitted by prototype to whatever 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 14:57:28 ago (+10/-2)     (whatever)

Well some unpleasant truths are about to come your way.

You cannot breed your way out. Because the replacements being brought in have a higher birthrate than yours. Voting is very nearly entirely dead as a winning strategy (that does not exclude the utility of co-opting local and state elections).

I will not comment on violence per se.

I will suggest something else though.

You study. You study every single topic at your disposal. You remove all doubt. There is no giving up. There is no backing down. There is only forward because if defeat is inevitable, than why surrender?

But hope is a curse that is a gift to the pragmatist, because when you have moved past inevitability, to the realization you are the descendant of ten thousand generations a lifetime of struggle is a small matter. And even utter destruction is therefore nothing.

yes, hope, not hopium, not 'hope and change', not 'hope for salvation from someone else.'

Here is why I hope:

Because if there is no hope, then there is nothing to lose. And at that point europeans and all still under the jewish yoke, will not be able to be contained or controlled any longer. So they must give us their version of 'hope' to contain us.

But where a small fire burns, like a candle, there is always the potential for an inferno.
And so the thing which they must give us to ensure control over us, will sooner or later, be their doom.

We were pagans once, and we were forged in fire and sharpened in the conflict of brother-wars for a thousand years. I'm not speaking of some high minded ideals.
But to the survivor, the survivors of our race, all things have their utility.

Our ancestors, the celts who fought the romans, were the ultimate pragmatists.
It is with pragmatism, not idealism, that I regard hope.

The way forward can only be reached by moving forward, and when moving through flames, you must move quickly. And the hotter the fire, the faster you must move.

This is why I say "accelerate".

Because you can't move forward or backwards without accelerating.

You are discouraged by all the darkness, all the conflict. But your ancestors, as late as the early 1900s would have been enlivened by the animating contest of LIFE and our struggle. Why then do you seek peace
or flail uselessly with feelings of despair, or loss, when you are the many sons and sons and sons of sons of war?

Whether peaceful struggle or otherwise, I cannot tell you what to choose.

But if you wish to LIVE, you must choose.
The lichen sit, on the rock, and get eaten, because they do not choose, or move, they merely get eaten.

But hunters and patriots stir imperceptible in the heart of darkness, and live a thousand generations to hunt again--Who loved their own so dearly, and hated their enemies up to their very lives. Stand your hatred beneath the noon day sun, my hate would cast a shadow that would darken your world. And that is my love for all the peoples who now struggle under the chains of judaism.

And memory forgets the dead, but wars name is engraved eternal on the diadem that adorns the brow of every prince. And kings and ordinary men, possessed of extraordinary feats, passed away from the face of this earth, their names grace our tongues as gods whos ordinary origins are no more.

Only the fame of a dead mans deeds remain eternal.

For the thousands of legions of modernized slaves that adorn the earth, none of consequence or lives worth remembering, hell is a place adjacent to fear. And as for heaven, no authority under it is granted, or given, that reigns eternal except by delusion, and in its short time, might, truth, and nature's god disproves all claims.

Just as mankinds day of doom is written, between now and the antique intervals of the brief and rapid centuries, there are yet many 'eternal bureaucracies and chairmen maos.'

And all of them are consigned to shit their pants, either by trial and execution, by revolt, or by old age, when once they die.

Thats hope enough for many to try.

36 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 2 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:48:47 ago (+2/-0)

My hope is the fact that we are smarter than they are.

If we withold our intelligence from the Jews and other races they cannot survive.

It is our ultimate weapon and advantage.

If we get a movement going to stop working from Jew controlled companies and work on for gentile companies and causes then we can quickly collapse them.

They can't kill us all because they need our brains. AI is not a substitute as the leaders are quickly finding out. It tops out about now. It can't be smarter than humans.

If you find your company is owned by or controlled by Jews slowly sabatogr it. Fuck up a little. Be slow. Hold back your best ideas.

If you work for a non Jew controlled company then give it your best and make the owners let your participate in profits and make sure they know you are working for gentile interests.

And start your own companies and businesses and be sure to help other gentiles start their own.

Then mass together like Jews do to destroy non gentile businesses through purchasing and flooding below margin product at a loss to destroy Jewish vendors selling those products.

And taking back the important real estate.

Etc etc

People use to know it was common sense not to do business with Jews or let them into your companies.

Forgetting this has led to our destruction.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 3 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 16:47:05 ago (+3/-0)

Upvoted for effortposting. Decent read. You don't have to be Hadrian to do your part. Expose the nose and patrol the hoes. Even if it's just amongst your close friends and family. Start small.

[ - ] Reawakened 3 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:15:39 ago (+4/-1)

I will not comment on violence per se.

I will suggest something else though.

is when I realized OP was auto-fellating.

[ - ] prototype [op] 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:18:17 ago (+1/-0)

is when I realized OP was auto-fellating.

yeah the language is high minded. Maybe you should get past your cynicism for a moment and understand morale is dangerously low.

[ - ] Reawakened 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 08:53:55 ago (+0/-0)

Maybe. Or maybe hope is just another drug that keeps us waiting for someone to do something. Maybe what is really needed is determination and sacrifice. Right now, everybody is too busy sitting around and bitching to actually get up and do anything, me included, and those that did do something, as little as it may have been, were carted off to the gulag as a warning to everybody else. Ain't nobody done shit about that.

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 15, 2024 21:42:05 ago (+0/-0)

Maybe. Or maybe hope is just another drug that keeps us waiting for someone to do something.

Hope is a curse.

But it is a gift to the pragmatist. You must learn to use it like any tool.

Everything, hope, fear, joy, individualism, even collectivism, everything, and I mean everything, everything human, everything material, every idea, every action, that has been wielded against us, and the world, by the enemy, we must also learn to wield, to master.

Right now, everybody is too busy sitting around and bitching to actually get up and do anything,

That is untrue. Because you're disconnected and isolated from the broader culture (as the enemy intended), it is the easiest thing imagineable to confuse silence for inaction, to fall into this trap of believing nothing has changed and nothing is happening, and to despair at that.

I'll ask you something, what have you done to prepare for the struggle? I don't want you to answer me, because I don't need you to, and it is important to get away from this idea of having to prove anything to anyone. It's why when people say "nothing will be done, no one is doing anything, you included", I have no need to disprove them.
But you must begin to ask yourself this question, daily. What is it you are working towards, how are you prepared, and more--how are you fighting back already? These are far and away, early days, even in this late hour.

More than any equipment or training, you must equip and train yourself with this mindset, that you and you alone are the key, the critical factor, to getting things done, to protecting the future, the present, and the past.

I guess if someone wanted to pithy you might say "if it is to be, it is up to me."

[ - ] oppressed 3 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:07:23 ago (+3/-0)

the hope is in you and others waking up many whites. not studying.

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:19:10 ago (+0/-0)

the hope is in you and others waking up many whites. not studying.

be a student of life first. Or aren't we commanded to know ourselves, and our enemies?

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 16:17:48 ago (+2/-0)*


[ - ] prototype [op] 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:24:14 ago (+1/-0)

Evolve and win.

A good summary of everything in the original post. Be willing to try, inspire others to try. Be the match that lights proverbial brushfires.

[ - ] purityspiral 2 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 10:22:14 ago (+2/-0)

You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

source: https://explorersfoundation.org/glyphery/122.html (everyone argues about who wrote it)

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 2 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:17:12 ago (+2/-0)

Since I've given up hope I feel a lot better.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 18:45:58 ago (+1/-0)

Once you see the reality of our species, you can't unsee it. I don't know about feeling better, but there's a calmness in the apprehension and acceptance of what is.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 05:35:25 ago (+1/-0)

@Sector2...I am dead serious about giving up hope, hope gives me ulcers, at this stage in my life and with everything I've seen and went through I lived for everyone else, everything I did was out of care and concern for those in my life, nobody knew what I had to go through to generate the cash that they benefited from and in the end I get shit on,so, now I don't care about any of them, family and friends created me, I have no more worries for any of them anymore...and it really is a sense of true liberty and as for that patriotic spirit that I once had for my country, FUCK THAT, THIS IS COMMUNISM.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 23:08:27 ago (+0/-0)

Haven't moved to a cabin in the woods with no electricity, but have written off modern society (hearing ducks flying over right now) as much as practical. If not, I'd come visit you and the bears. We have some similarities, although my operations were 'mostly' solo.

[ - ] prototype [op] 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:15:51 ago (+1/-0)

You, and those like you, are the hope, because you still draw breath, and know the truth of what the world is up against.

[ - ] drstrangergov 2 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:01:27 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:22:51 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] oppressed 1 point 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:11:12 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] Lost 3 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:25:40 ago (+4/-1)

Nick Fuentes is a grifter and or traitor with kike heritage who pals around with niggers and troons. He should never be trusted. You praise for him worries me, you need to find better role models.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 3 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:33:49 ago (+3/-0)

Then do better.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 18:41:28 ago (+1/-1)

Doing nothing at all would be better than actively subverting.

[ - ] prototype [op] 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:16:39 ago (+1/-0)

even the active subverters are useful, as object lessons in how an enemy operates, and what their propaganda is.
You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 12:46:49 ago (+1/-0)

The way it appears from here is that they can program, entice, and intimidate enough of the people that the malcontents (us) are not an impediment to their control of the herds.

Hope can be a legitimate set of beliefs to assist in achieving ones personal goals. Pushing through the herd to get closer to the silage or salt lick takes effort, and hope helps one maintain the mental and physical effort needed for the struggle to overcome the brownian motion of life.

Hope based on ignoring certain realities, or in maintaining delusions about conditions outside of ones ability to influence, can lead to disillusion and despair when or if wisdom intrudes.

Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise. (Thomas Gray)

Studying the methods and techniques of programming can force one to acknowledge certain realities of existence that don't result in bliss.

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 15, 2024 21:51:07 ago (+0/-0)

The way it appears from here is that they can program, entice, and intimidate enough of the people that the malcontents (us) are not an impediment to their control of the herds.

Thats argueable but you're probably correct. The solution then is to increase the number of malcontents till the situation is not controllable for those in charge.

Studying the methods and techniques of programming can force one to acknowledge certain realities of existence that don't result in bliss.

Bliss is delusion. Knowledge is sometimes a curse. These things are inevitable. There is, for some, always the option to go back to sleep. Their choice, but I find that position unenviable. Some of us can never go back to sleep. Some of us believe we owe it to the ones still asleep, to wake them up. Others believe illusions are worth destroying simply on the principle of the thing, that it is better to live in reality, even if it takes struggling, perhaps unwinnably, to undo a false reality.

The fool walks up to the cliff edge, unawares of the danger at all. Sometimes it takes fools to lead all of society right up to that cliff edge, in order to get them to realize the danger to begin with.

Even folly has its place in the grand order.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:49:46 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck off.

I'm so tired of Jews stepping in here and trying to take apart the only leaders that are out there actually doing anything.

You're just a stupid Jew or you're a coward and you won't stand up yourself and you feel bad about it so you criticize others who do stand up.

[ - ] vol09877 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 00:53:35 ago (+0/-0)

what a load bullshit

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:19:54 ago (+0/-0)

what a load bullshit

how so?

[ - ] vol09877 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 09:47:45 ago (+0/-0)

"everything is hopeless, but i wont comment of doing anything that actually may have some impact, no, you beTTer StuDy" again, were you drunk when you wrote this garbage?

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 15, 2024 21:51:57 ago (+0/-0)

"everything is hopeless, but i wont comment of doing anything that actually may have some impact, no, you beTTer StuDy" again, were you drunk

No, I am a hundred percent lucid. You're looking for a leader if you want someone to tell you what to do.

Be your own leader.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 23:53:15 ago (+0/-0)

You had me at study.

[ - ] prototype [op] 1 point 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:21:21 ago (+1/-0)

we have a lot of think-they-know-it-alls and a sore lack of actual know-it-alls like rockwell and bracken.

[ - ] Tbneer967 0 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 20:03:13 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:19:40 ago (+0/-0)


Go back to sleep then.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 18:39:48 ago (+0/-0)

a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

The question is, hope for what?

[ - ] prototype [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 04:22:31 ago (+0/-0)

The question is, hope for what?

Hope for one another, that men and their courage does not fail.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 2 weeksMay 13, 2024 15:27:11 ago (+1/-1)

You still are pagans.