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I've never had any luck growing radishes, apparently one of the easiest of plants to grow, but...paydirt!

submitted by paul_neri to Gardening 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:33:08 ago (+19/-1)     (i.ibb.co)



And I can't figure out what I did right. I was trying to grow mostly the bulbous variety rather than the long radishes but they got leggy which suggests not enough light whereas the long radishes were in the sunniest spot in the garden (for mid winter). And an added bonus is I grew the long radishes in shallow seed trays which was an experiment as we have lots laying around and not put to any good use. It's wonderful to be rewarded by your garden.I was about to give up on radishes but then today spotted some beauties. Very exciting!

14 comments block

anrach 1 points 3 months ago

Nice. Blending radishes with cream cheese, spring onion, lemon juice and salt makes for a nice zingy sandwich/cracker spread.