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I'm so ashamed

submitted by Cunt to TraditionalWives 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:13:52 ago (+49/-0)     (TraditionalWives)

I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone in real life, even here until my husband told me I need to talk to someone. I might burn this account after IDK.

My husband is an alcoholic, and he was before we married. By the time I was proper red pilled I was running out of eggs and the baby rabies was my priority so I married the man I was dating without too much thought.

I thought we could move out of party mode and into family mode. I did, with just an occasional relapse into weed and/or tobacco smoking.

He had some relatively dry periods but just drank more at home then out, but out drinking got worse. I didn't want to be the nagging wife saying 'don't go out with the boys' so I never objected.

Almost always he lost something while out. Left his phone or keys or wallet at a bar or in a cab or something like that.

Saturday night he went out after work to a friend's house. He came belligerently drunk, falling over and slurring speech (! Remember this for later). He smashed through the child gate into the kitchen, taking it off.

I came out after a few minutes of him thrashing around the house. He is upset his phone is missing. I call his phone a few times and eventually the uber driver picks up, says he will return it tomorrow. My husband says he needs it tonight, uber guy says okay but is on another job, says he will bring it back as soon as he can but doesn't know when.

I don't have any cash so I have to borrow $20 from the 6 year old's wallet to thank the driver for coming back.

Husband continues to be angry/sad belligerently drunk. Has lost his glasses. Did you call my phone? When is the uber guy coming back? Tell him to come back now. Did you call my phone.

I answer a question and he repeats it a minute later.

I try to log in on the computer to find my iPhone but he has no idea of his password and is shouting insults at my followed by his birth year as suggestions. Password recovery via email is bullshit with Apple and they say it will take days if I do that.

Computer remembers his bank details so I log on there and lock his cards (!).

Had to charge my phone so it was in the bedroom and I didn't hear the uber guy ring but it was only 5 minutes ago (now its like 1:30am), call him back he's outside only he's not so I have to go walking down the street in my pajamas looking for him. Find him get the phone, thank him, give him $20 and search for my husband's glasses in uber, they're not there. Uber driver comments on how drunk my husband was.

As I'm coming up on our house I see my husband in the street and the front door was left wide open with our kids inside. He is not grateful for me getting his phone back and is just as wild about his glasses now. Throws the expensive Mamaroo baby rocker across the room and breaks it. I go to the bedroom and he grabs but I shake him off and manage to bar the door closed. He had been screaming at me, woke the 4 month old baby and still screamed at me while I was holding him. He keeps trying to come in for a while and then leaves and comes back several times looking for his glasses. Around 3am it's quiet so I go to bed and try to sleep. Don't know if I did or not. Let also not forget the baby who used to sleep all through the night is having the 4 month sleep regression and bearly sleeps at all just breastfeed almost all the night.

Sunday morning while cleaning up I find his glasses. He is still belligerently and ungrateful, now saying I should have done everything possible to stop him leaving/drinking because he went out and spent a bunch of money at "a bar". I try to pour out his cask wine and its oh no that wines not the problem. When he eventually passes out I look at his phone banking to see how much he spent at 4am because he didn't seem to be gone long. There were a few $10-20 purchases and more users and also a $1100 transfer. When looking up the name at first nothing came up but eventually I traced it to a brothel. I pack some bags and the kids and as we're getting in the car he wakes up and begs me to stay. We are really poor and have been scraping money together for groceries and the kids swimming lessons and have been putting off things like the car service.
I even started a work from home job where I had to listen to the kids cry for me for 4 hours while I made telephone calls.

I didn't even know it was a brothel at that stage but suspected it was something dodgy because how can you spend $1100 in a couple of hours on drinks and what bar accepts bank transfer? He says he was buying drinks for everybody and was going to hang himself.

So he hated me and his children that much that he wanted to die. And he hated us more then that because instead of leaving us our last $1000 he spent it on strangers. Instead of having the decency of making it look like am accident so the kids didn't know how much he hated them he wanted to hang himself and make it obvious. Instead of drunk driving into a lake and giving us some insurance money he wanted it to be an obvious suicide so we wouldn't get any life insurance money.

Every action he did says he doesn't love me or the kids. Fine I got fat and the house isn't always clean and I'm shit cook. Hate me. But why hate our beautiful children so much?

Oh and so I find out it's a brothel and he's now saying it's a strip club and he got lap dances as well as buying everyone drinks.

And these fucking kikes at the bank who hold every new payment for car repairers or swim schools or whatever actual legitimate businesses for 48 hours to check I'm not being scammed I bet those absolute kikes put that money through to the brothel straight away and we will never see that again.

I took the kids to McDonald's for a few hours and then we went to my grandmothers empty farmhouse buteverything was covered in mouse poo so when he begged me to come home I did.

He's begging for forgiveness but I don't know what to do. I want to throw up. I feel so sick that he's admitted to lap dances and even more sick that he's probably lying as it was a fucking BROTHEL not a strip club.

119 comments block

[ - ] Sector2 26 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:33:46 ago (+27/-1)*

First, don't make any hasty decisions in the heat of the moment.
Second, hugs and sympathy.

He has to stop drinking alcohol. That has to be a condition. For the possibility of you even staying with him, and it sounds like for him to remain functional and alive.

As for the rest of it, that's a serious betrayal. To find a positive, it was retardedly drunk him, although still not an excuse.

This is going to be tough. He'll probably have to find all new friends because his current friend are drinkers, and he's "not so good" with drinking.

Again, chill for the moment and just do the needful. There will be time to sort things out after the emotions cool down and you can be rational and objective. Definitely a life changing event for the both of you though. \o

[ - ] Gowithit -1 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:00:32 ago (+2/-3)

That has to be a condition

an ultimatum?

serious betrayal
is drastic

chill for the moment and just do the needful.
best advice unless the needful is getting all dramatic and issuing ultimatums.

[ - ] bobdole9 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 14:45:25 ago (+4/-1)

Being that intoxicated in front of your children should be a perfectly justified reason alone for divorce.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 20:57:34 ago (+1/-0)

Eh, depends on how you act while that drunk. If you just watch stupid movies and snore loudly, it's not a big deal. So long as it's not a common occurrence of course.

This guy clearly doesn't act well when that drunk and should control himself to not get that drunk, ever.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 24 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:58:15 ago (+24/-0)

If this had been written ten years ago, I would assume you were my mother.

That being said, my father would have just driven drunk everywhere including with me and my siblings.

When he got caught cheating, he didn't cry and say he would commit suicide, no he blamed my mother, and made it clear that he had been for years.

He never begged for forgiveness, and when my mother removed us from the house, he couldn't even bother to visit.

Your husband however is not like my father, my father is willfully evil.
You just married an idiot who lacks a strong moral fiber.

Was he drunk when he said he would commit suicide? If so, don't worry about it. Both in the fact that he's not going to commit suicide, and he wasn't planning on killing himself to spite you.

No more alcohol he clearly can't handle it. Every infidelity he has had needs to be made clear. Lastly he needs to stop hanging out with however he was hanging out with at the time.
If he can't meet those three requirements, or breaks one of them, then yes you will have to leave as he is on a path he won't recover from.

Edit: You don't have anything to be ashamed of. Nothing you did or could ever do justifies cheating.

[ - ] NeedleStack 22 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:39:48 ago (+23/-1)

First thoughts; Your marriage is over. He's a selfish child who will have to figure out on his own he has to get sober to have you and the kids in his life.

Not only has he committed monetary infidelity but probably sexual as well.

The only way I see this could work is if he agrees to go to rehab/AA and that you and only you control the money until he's trustworthy again.

I hope you won't delete your account and that you'll check in with us and let us know you're OK.

[ - ] deleted -6 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:54:16 ago (+1/-7)


[ - ] MaryXmas 10 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:38:23 ago (+10/-0)

This is why you are "dating" at 50.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens -3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:44:32 ago (+0/-3)


[ - ] big_fat_dangus 13 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:23:50 ago (+14/-1)

Every action he did says he doesn't love me or the kids

While you're not wrong, extreme selfishness and all the rest is very typical alcoholic behavior, not necessarily more than that.

Drinking has to stop. One way or another. That is the ONLY way forward.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:52:36 ago (+5/-4)


[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 08:06:58 ago (+2/-0)

Bwahahahaha @Graydragon

[ - ] SumerBreeze 12 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:22:34 ago (+13/-1)*

Make him read this entire thread. Sector2 is spot on. You obviously care about him - and he obviously has no control over alcohol; he has more than sufficiently proven that he isn’t like a normal functioning person that can safely consume alcohol without it making a fool out of him. He needs to attend a local “AA stag” meeting at least 3 times a week for a few months. Any feelings or thoughts he might have for these next few months will be enthralled with alcoholic hubris - and he will have the idea in the back of his mind that he can stop drinking whenever he wants and can continue it later without problem. That is an empty promise that the pleasure-seeking part of our minds will tell us. I’m not telling him that he cannot have any more pleasure - just that alcohol will always steer him into the kind of pleasure that doesn’t even sufficiently fill that void; more loss than gain.

Your marriage is on the line, and divorce is not beneficial for anyone except for kikes and niggers and women that don’t care about raising wiggers. If he can’t stop being a retarded nigger, you have no choice but to leave him and that is going to weigh heavily into your immediate favor (just not for the kiddos future).

You can also stop eating icecream or any empty calorie garbage as a sign of solidarity with your husband towards a new and improved healthier lifestyle - maybe this was a wakeup call for both of you. Maybe he was silently suffering and couldn’t confront you; the changes life throws at us isn’t fun for man or woman, but that doesn’t excuse our weaknesses and gullibility to temptations.

I pray that you both will wake up with a healthier attitude towards life and fill any extra time with more positive focus.

[ - ] clymer 9 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 04:49:32 ago (+10/-1)

First of all: if he is getting piss drunk like this on a regular basis and leaving you to take care of the house and the kids including a 4 month old while blowing your last cabbage on booze and strippers (giving him the benefit of doubt, here), he's losing at life. He needs to get his shit together. Secondly, any guy that is lucky enough to land a wife that not only allows him to go out drinking without complaining, but a wife who also is based and posts on a site like this under the moniker "cunt" -and he STILL allows himself to go out and get piss drunk, lose his money and phone and subsequently smash up valuable and necessary items for his child, is losing at life BIG TIME. He is not helping you to build a future for your family. Either the booze goes or you do. No in between. (full disclosure: I drink too much as well and I know how hard it is to stay away from, but luckily for me you would never know the difference between me sober or drunk- some people can function at a high level and still have a problem with booze, so I am lucky that way. Him? Not so much; he's a danger to himself and to his family)

[ - ] con77 9 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:54:52 ago (+9/-0)

He's not just drunk. He's mentally ill. I'm drunk every night and I haven't been like that since I was a teen

[ - ] UncleDoug 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 04:45:59 ago (+3/-2)

Exactly, bad people make poor excuses for their trite behaviour.

I'm not a POS, it was the demon drink, it was my friends, it was a bad week at work, et alia infinite lame excuses.

We live in the worst of timelines and almost everyone needs to be purged from this shithole planet.

[ - ] hylo 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:49:40 ago (+1/-0)

Stop punishing your liver.

[ - ] OoklaTheMok 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 17:07:26 ago (+1/-0)

That useless organ deserves it. It's a lil bitch and it likes the abuse.

[ - ] ImtheDumbcunt 2 points 1 monthJul 23, 2024 21:30:49 ago (+2/-0)

Self-centeredness was my problem. All my life people had been doing things for me and I not only expected it, but I was ungrateful and resentful they didn't do more. Why should I help others, when they were supposed to help me? If others had troubles, didn't they deserve them? I was filled with self-pity, anger and resentment. Then I learned that by helping others, with no thought of return, I could overcome this obsession with selfishness, and if I understood humility, I would know peace and serenity. No longer do I need to drink I hope they will forgive me

[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 1 monthJul 23, 2024 21:35:07 ago (+2/-0)

anons wife?

[ - ] ImtheDumbcunt 1 point 1 monthJul 24, 2024 07:06:03 ago (+1/-0)

I fucked up
I knew I was an alcoholic for years I’m angry that it took me losing my family over a blackout night that I can’t remember ( which is no excuse and I am guilty of everything in the op) breaking the trust of 16 years which I’ll miss more then anything and would be amazed if I ever get back and definitely don’t deserve it.
I never cared you put on a bit of weight after having three kids and yeah you’re a shot cook but at least you’re not a fucking drop kick alcoholic.
Your an amazing mother and a bloody patient wife I’ve been a shitty husband the last few years and should have shown you way more love my decisions that night had nothing to do with you I was an angry resentful drunk who made the decision to keep drinking even after bad decisions after bad outcomes.
I should have gone to AA’s a long time ago all I can do now is show you I’ll never drink again.
I love our little white kids that you alone are turning into amazing people through your dedication and determination.
That night was an extreme culmination of my decades of drinking and will never happen again all I ask is that you will give me my one and only chance to keep our family from becoming what we hated about our childhood.
Not a single drink ever no more childish outbursts and a commitment to raise our kids with love instead of hiding in my depression
I love you and I’m sorry for betraying you.
You know where I am when if ever you want to reach out
I’m ashamed, you have nothing to be ashamed about

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 1 monthJul 24, 2024 09:28:55 ago (+0/-0)

You know where I am when if ever you want to reach out

here hoping its up/downstairs or in the garage

[ - ] ImtheDumbcunt 0 points 1 monthJul 24, 2024 23:58:53 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah I moved out to the farm I’ll clean it up and sober up until she knows what she wants to do with me
If I could give anyone who thinks you drink too much some advice you probably do
Get help before you fuck over everyone you love ,even if your not in control in the moment your responsible for your decisions now wake the fuck up before you end up like me.
Alcoholism is a cunt of a thing it fucks your mind and body I’ve been drinking ever since I was a little kid and thought I had my shit together,taking stock of what I’ve done not just that night but for years I was a fucking retard
Hopefully someone reads this and changes their behaviour before it’s to late

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1 monthJul 24, 2024 07:31:26 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] dulcima 3 points 1 monthJul 23, 2024 03:52:14 ago (+3/-0)

Damn, Cunt, sorry to hear about this. I remember your baby post announcing your new baby and asking for strong White names for him...

Can't really offer much, other than I agree with the poster who advised to keep hold of your grandmother's house if possible. You didn't mention if other family members use it (or have a right to it) but if you can clean it and fix it, it will make a safe home for you and your kids, if you need it. You certainly don't need me to tell you how our politicians are running this country to ruin - if you have the farm house, there might come a time you will be very, very grateful for it.

Also I find mundane cleaning also clears your thinking. While you're scrubbing away at mouse shit your thoughts might become clear enough for you to figure out where to go next. Centrelink might be able to help you with some payment or other you might be able to claim, which would relieve some financial burden at the very least.

I hope your husband gets his act together. It's a very bad time in history to lose his way - he needs his job, and he needs to prioritise his family. Wherever the next stage life leads you (with or without your husband) I wish you the best of luck.

[ - ] Hobama 6 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:05:14 ago (+7/-1)

Bank transfer for 1100 is almost definitely for a private ‘dance’ with some stripper-hooker at the club. Ive seen drunk buddies duped into it, the club is more than eager to provide such services to drunk retards as its basically free money for nothing.

Sounds like he is incapable of handli by drinking. Either he quits cold turkey or theres no future.

[ - ] veridic 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 22:10:17 ago (+0/-0)

I agree with this. Also, a guy this drunk probably isn't capable of having sex anyway. If it was a prostitute, she probably took the money and ran without performing any services.

[ - ] jfroybees 5 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:03:29 ago (+6/-1)*

Get tested. He's been doing the whore stuff a while now. Don't lay with him until he gets tested. The smart thing to do is to stay and plan a better way out. If out is what you want. If it isn't, he has many fiery hoops to jump through and you have some pounds to lose. Try and be a better cook. You have to love what you do, too.

[ - ] Gowithit 5 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:03:52 ago (+5/-0)

Try and be a better cook.

You have to be in a certain mental place to do that. Bad juju doesnt belong in the kitchen

you have some pounds to lose.

fuck that we're bulking up for the end of the world

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 11:03:10 ago (+0/-0)

Yea but with all the garbage poison that other parts of the world banned from their foodchain. Eating is good if it doesn’t included the known harmful stuff!

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 11:51:39 ago (+0/-0)

everything you eat down to your yogurt is 3d printed.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 13:26:07 ago (+0/-0)

When was the last time you supported your local small farmers? You don’t have neighbors that sell their chicken/duck eggs and meat and raw milk?

You can make your own yogurt with cream and local berries and honey!

[ - ] Gowithit 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 14:12:38 ago (+3/-0)

All the time!

wanna see a picture?

https://files.catbox.moe/t35rbl.jpg thats my baby clabber. she turns into yogurt and whatever else I want. shes a worker.

heres a video there was a whole thing with the mozzarella but the ricotta worked out.


we're getting there. slowly but we are getting there.

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 14:50:16 ago (+0/-0)

Bad juju doesnt belong in the kitchen

Only if you do not appreciate solving problems discretely.

[ - ] jfroybees 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 18:30:50 ago (+0/-0)*

She has children whom I am sure would appreciate healthy home-cooked meals that she prepares with love in her heart. She has children that she is supposed to be an example for REGARDLESS what Straydick, her financially-calamitous and weak drunken "husband," does.

I know you jest, but rearing kids is a one-shot deal that determines a life-time relationship. You know the deal, Go.

[ - ] gabou 4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:53:03 ago (+4/-0)*

My heart breaks for you and your family. It breaks for him as well, thought he's hard to love at the moment because of alcohol.

Alcoholic living in recovery here.
Your husband will need to stop drinking immediately. Currently, his brain brain wiring is all messed up in the front, and his decisions/desires even while sober, are still not great. Alcohol changes your thinking well after a binge, even when you think it doesn't.
Only absolute sobriety should be accepted / enforced for this to work. Him, 'promising' not to drink will probably not be enough given the circumstances. He should be seen by a substance abuse professional for an assessment. This is a clinical problem now - not just 'will' and 'fortitude' and 'backbone'. He's flipped to being physically/mentally addicted - it happens.
Cutting back, changing drinks, only drinking on weekends won't work.
Have you found alcohol bottles in strange places in the house?
Has he made is way to drinking straight vodka yet?

It's going to be a really tough time for a few months. But, if he can stick to it, everything changes around 4-6 months of being clean (for me). There's hope - he's not inherently evil - but the alcohol has gotten ahold of his attention, fucked up his thinking, and won't let go. Alcohol has displaced the joy he would get from anything that normally would bring joy - that's what it does. A hug doesn't bring joy any more - only alcohol.

I wish you the best. Alcoholics tend to treat their spouses the worst (which seems like it would be the opposite) but it seems to be universally true. My spouse is an angel and endured some verbal idiocy from me in the past. Regretful.

He has to ACCEPT the fact that he cannot control his drinking. He has to ACCEPT that fact that if he drinks, he cannot make good choices. He needs to OWN this fact about himself forever now, not just ADMIT, not ACKNOWLEDGE, - but ACCEPT it as FACT. He won't want to hear this - because alcohol is the only thing keeping him going at the moment.

DETOX centers work, group therapy works, AA works, church works. He needs help from others. He won't fix this on his own - he's too far down the road. He will need to TRY everything, and pick the ones that WORK. Not the ones, that are most comfortable. Most of this stuff is FREE.

This story is far from uncommon. But the circumstances here indicate that it's really bad. It's HIS job now to fix himself, it's YOUR job to set boundaries that will protect you and your kids and stay firm.

Alcoholism is progressive, it only gets worse if it continues. It is a disease of 'yets' - "haven't wrecked a car yet", "haven't gotten in a fight yet", "haven't blown my paycheck yet".

You CAN stop it through abstinence. Unstopped, it is lethal.

[ - ] UncleDoug 4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:54:44 ago (+5/-1)*

I might burn this account after IDK.

Don't burn your account, that's pure weakness.

Almost always he lost something while out. Left his phone or keys or wallet at a bar or in a cab or something like that.

Jeez Louise, imagine getting so fucked up you get blackout drunk as a father. Thats not even acceptable as a 20yr old.

He came belligerently drunk, falling over and slurring speech

I did this once with an ex, apologised and never got to that state ever again. Your husband doesn't respect you or his family by the sounds of things.

Uber driver comments on how drunk my husband was.

LOl, pajeet shitting on your husband is hilarious. That's an all time life low.

There were a few $10-20 purchases and more users and also a $1100 transfer. When looking up the name at first nothing came up but eventually I traced it to a brothel. I pack some bags and the kids and as we're getting in the car he wakes up and begs me to stay.

Did you marry a wog tradie? This is what happens when you marry a filthy wog tradie.

So he hated me and his children that much that he wanted to die. And he hated us more then that because instead of leaving us our last $1000 he spent it on strangers. Instead of having the decency of making it look like am accident so the kids didn't know how much he hated them he wanted to hang himself and make it obvious.

This is what happens when foids make bad choices. Reap the whirlwinds of shit in a shitnado.

Every action he did says he doesn't love me or the kids.

I called it on the third reply. Obvious is obvious, it sucks but these things dont happen by chance, relationships are a two way street. You most likely made shit choices picking shit people to be a life partner in the very least.

I feel so sick that he's admitted to lap dances and even more sick that he's probably lying as it was a fucking BROTHEL not a strip club.

He's definetely smashing some mullato escort. Isn't your hubby a vaxtard too that sterilised your kids with the death shot?

[ - ] Panic 4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:56:34 ago (+6/-2)

Why are you ashamed? You are the victim. He has no shame. He never did and never will. Get a divorce and milk him to pay costs via child support. Don't get mad, get even.

He won't suicide. He's just manipulating you my dear. And please give us an update on this in a week or month.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 6 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 03:34:48 ago (+6/-0)

It's my stupid fault for marrying him. It's just the brothel part that's new really. It's not like he hid any of it, I just hoped he'd change.

We're so fucking broke there's nothing to milk. No house owned, no saving, nothing.

[ - ] Lanfear 8 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:59:16 ago (+8/-0)

I'm late but you need to know that you cannot fix him. I married a drunk once and it was just like this. I left before we had children. You have to save your children from him. He's the only one who can make himself stop drinking. And it will be really fucking hard but worth it. Don't delete your account.
I believe in you.
I read your stuff all the time and I think its like needlestack, you and me that are real women. The rest left a long long time ago. Don't go too.

[ - ] dulcima 3 points 1 monthJul 23, 2024 03:54:31 ago (+3/-0)

Nah, there's a few of us still here.

[ - ] Peleg 4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 08:29:02 ago (+4/-0)

"I just hoped he'd change."

Yeah. Men marry women hoping that they never change, and they always do.
Women marry men hoping that they can change them, but they never do.

[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 04:58:52 ago (+2/-0)

You're fine.

We're so fucking broke there's nothing to milk. No house owned, no saving, nothing.

thats by design

It's my stupid fault for marrying him.

make it his problem

I just hoped he'd change.

yeah no thats not going to happen on his own. How many years together?

[ - ] Cunt [op] 5 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:21:28 ago (+5/-0)

16 years all up, including dating.

[ - ] Gowithit 6 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:35:36 ago (+6/-0)*

pretty good chunk of time.

mine just stopped smoking weed about a year ago now maybe 2 years now? right in time to start noticing shit going down. It would serve your husband well to start paying attention to shit going on around him instead of being a victim and wallowing in self pity. Like uncledoug said its an excuse and he needs to be told the drink is turning him into a woman.

As for the supposed affair to each their own but imo an affair is the stupidest thing to give it all up for. Keep your high ground. If you havent had an affair on him yet dont. Remain above reproach. For the love of god please dont give him an inch to work with.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:40:07 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:52:59 ago (+2/-0)

opposite in fact. I swear it feels bigger since he's stopped.

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 16:51:20 ago (+0/-0)

If you really need it, shoot me a note. Maybe buy you a few days till you get things sorted out. No questions asked.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens -1 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:46:04 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Sector2 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:21:19 ago (+2/-1)*

Suicide is definitely an option in that situation.

[ - ] FacelessOne -2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:00:37 ago (+1/-3)

^obvious kiked female brain

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:52:52 ago (+5/-1)

That's a really rough situation. Sucks to be in a situation where you may have to take your kids away from their dad. You definitely need to put your foot down on the drinking - if he can't stop, he'll keep wasting money and breaking things and being a danger to the kids. Talk to your family about a backup plan in case you do have to leave him.

[ - ] Boyakasha 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:33:38 ago (+3/-0)

Some thoughts here in no particular order. I'm a very RP'd man and admittedly biased against modern women, but there's ZERO fucking excuse for the bullshit that he's putting you through. Reading this pissed me the fuck off.

1. The cheating at the brothel is a deal breaker. It's massively disrespectful, breaks trust, puts your health at risk, and shows a childish level of impulse control. He's a complete piece of shit for doing it and no apologies can fix this level of degeneracy. It's not just the act itself, but that he's capable of the act that's the bigger issue.

2. (If you're considering working through it) Apologies don't mean shit without action. If he's really done with drinking and driving his own change, then consider sticking it out. If he's acting like a pouting child that's being deprived of his love in life and treating you with resentment for it, then pack your shit and move on. You can't drag an alcoholic to recovery. They have to lead the charge and need to be 100% dead set against drinking

3. He's minimally providing, blowing his cash, putting your family at risk, treating you like absolute dog shit, disrupting your quality of life, etc. You'll literally be better off alone.

4. As a married woman, don't let yourself physically go under any condition. Lose the weight and continue to improve at your craft. Show your kids what it means to be a traditional wife and be their hero. Physically letting yourself go reduces your value, and shows disrespect to your husband and family. It's no different than a well earning man that decides to stop working and providing once getting married. No bueno.

5. Let him solve his own problems. Lost his phone/wallet/keys while drunk? Tough shit, figure it out. If he acts like a dick, time to pack a bag and the kids and head out. I can't REMOTELY fucking imagine treating a spouse like that for problems that I created.

6. Work on your self-respect. Always aim to be nice, respectful, and calm. Tolerate nothing but the same from him. Bullshit that you tolerate, you promote. No reason to escalate with him. Just keep calm and leave the scene when he's pulling bullshit.

7. If you leave, really evaluate your man picking ability. For alcoholism to not be a big enough red flag to dodge this guy is a serious problem. Try to work on why this guy was your best option in a sea of solid, hard working guys out in the world. If you need the drama or the emotional ups/downs to feel something in a relationship, then relationships probably aren't for you and you'll continue to end up in situations with damaged men.

I sincerely wish you the best. You have a tough road ahead, but you'll come out better for it. Please keep us updated.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:59:53 ago (+1/-0)

4 Haha fucking hilarious choice of words that's my vice right now. You're right I need to put that shit down but it's a little harder then that. When you're a healthy weight + a couple of kg it's easy to lose the extra but once you're unhealthy it's really tough to lose more then a couple of kg, even with calorie deficits the body clings to the weight.

5/6 - you're right again but again easier said then done.

7 self respect and self esteem were shot when I was a healthy weight but convinced I was fat and worthless from almost-anorexic, narcissistic divorced mother. I don't and never did want drama - he was an escape from the drama of my insane mother.

If I left I would never find a man half as good, probably even if I didn't have 3 kids and what kind of man wants a woman with 3 kids?
If I left it would probably fuck up the kids more - being a child of divorce it's something I never, ever considered doing before. Just so much betrayal in a few short hours is really hard for me to fathom right now.

[ - ] Boyakasha 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 10:43:53 ago (+3/-0)*

4. Too funny about the candy. lol

5/6. Leaving the scene is the easiest method for dealing with conflict. If he pops off, seriously, just take the kids and go anywhere until he cools off. Don't engage with fighting, insults, etc. If he gets physical, try to record while you're leaving and call the cops if necessary. Consider setting up the farm house as a place to escape to. It would be best if he didn't know about it or couldn't track you there.

7. This is the by far the hardest thing on the list to address. Your childhood background is playing a massive part here (thanks mom). This is why I mentioned value in #4. Build and retain your value. Value is where you can build and genuinely believe self worth. Obviously, this is massively easier when you're young, fit, and childless, but there are men that will still value traditional wives with kids. Your problem right now is that you can re-read your original post and think "this is still better than being alone." Until that perspective changes, you'll keep eating all of his bullshit and driving your self esteem and value further down through the floor.

And finding another man half as good? He's failing you completely. You can't divide zero by 2. You need to separate for a bit and clear your head. Hopefully, it'll make him re-think his situation as well. The situation that you're in today sounds like complete hell. Living alone has its own challenges, but your kids need stability. His bullshit is out of fucking control. Even his visits should be fucking supervised. There are better men out there, I promise you. You just have to work to be worth it. They're only looking for a woman that makes their life better.

Also, one last tip. Never shit on him to your kids. Always make sure that your kids see him in the best light. Let him fuck up the relationships with them on his own time.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 1 monthJul 26, 2024 00:05:32 ago (+0/-0)

4 I went from 236 to 185 by just eating less. It took months, but I weighed myself often and watched the pounds gradually drop until I hit my goal. You can do it too. Drop the sugar and any junk food. Drink water or unsweetened tea, especially when you're wanting a snack. It will happen.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:49:36 ago (+0/-0)

Well said.

[ - ] __47__ 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:58:43 ago (+3/-0)

Alcoholic in recovery checking in. Don't let this person keep draining you. They for the lack of better words don't know what they're doing. I'm not excusing the behavior. In their brain it hasn't been that bad. Alcoholics did to not remember or understand their rampages. As far as spending money like that, it's not a good sign at all. I'd say keep your distance and if you go back make sure sobriety is a condtion.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:25:13 ago (+4/-1)

At this point you choose whether to be a victim or a volunteer.
Good luck to you.

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:55:18 ago (+4/-1)

Sorry this happened to you. Shitty fucking thing to happen. I wish I had some good advice but the only advice I have is if he drinks again while you're trying to figure it out then leave and never come back. Tell him that. Best of luck, keep us posted and we're here if you need to talk. Keep those kiddies safe!

[ - ] DukeofRaul 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:30:33 ago (+5/-2)

Alcohole sucks for sure. If you have kids together its tough

[ - ] 2plus2equals5 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 10:47:04 ago (+2/-0)*

Quitting cold-turkey off the ledge can lead to heart attacks. It's a physical addiction as well as mental. I've heard of good results from psilocybin iboga and ayahuasca (psychedelics being used for heroin addiction) which structurally reset the brain by scrambling it. Personally I think the step back program is better for resetting one's vision or image of "self". There are a lot of things to overcome and work through. I still drink but now it's days or weeks sober in between and able to stop after a single beer. What a new strength I found in myself. So many good things await.

You can:
1). Straight up confront him with ultimatums and threats.
That's a good strategy and worked for millions of single moms so far. Pussy always rules supreme. Stronk and independent. Divorce his ass. Goodbye loser. He loses job after meltdown and you lose child support. Kids might get a new father or a few dozen new fathers who like 'playing' with them. Good luck sweetheart.

2). Emotionally detach and pull away.
That's what my latest ex of ten years did after her series of disasters. I tried to keep supporting her while she back stabbed me. I fell into the bottle (quiet drunk) for a long time until realizing she was the problem within me. I epiphany'ed I hadn't manned up and failed her as well but it was already too late. We simply had different visions on life. I hope she's happy now somewhere else with the prince she always deserved.
That's also what my dad did with his hobbies and work to never be at home. Turning the kids and entire family against the father is the final straw of rejection. Gut stabbing. This won't work and he will chose the bottle and slide into decay even more. GoTo1. Or he will find himself remarry a hot young blonde Ukrainian and start a new life with twelve kids.

Sounds like that's been happening for a long time now. You chose food and he has drink.

3). Claim him as your man and propose a game plan.
Step him down a notch. Travel somewhere nature and water on the cheap for at least a few days with the whole family. Take good healthy food. Being piss drunk conflicts with getting a tent set up with mosquitoes in the dark. This is a bonding moment. Confess and apologize you haven't been there for him either and you want to make a new life with him. Offer unlimited handjobs if you physically don't like sexual intercourse but he comes to you. It's the being close that counts. Explain that his kids will be fucked up for life if he doesn't man up. The male species actually do listen to logic believe it or not. He owes you a debt but lean close and smile when you tell him.

Make a goal to suffer together. Put skin into the game. Dogs and people are able to live under the most severe conditions when everyone feels equal. Schedule a therapist or AA or something you both commit to.

[ - ] Hall_of_Cost 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:32:55 ago (+2/-0)

Sorry to hear that, my goat.

I used to drink a lot. I know frequent drunkenness is incompatible with meaningful relationships. I hope he quits or hangs himself. How dare he cheat and lie.

[ - ] goatfugee12 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 08:38:43 ago (+2/-0)

partied her youth away, panic married b4 the wall. Roastie through and through.

you telling us here we already know you. You need to post on normie sites with your cautionary tale. Young women need to hear your story not us.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 10:03:52 ago (+3/-0)

Normie sites would just tell me I'm a queen and need to leave him for the 6 foot buff billionaire that I deserve. They would learn nothing.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 12:13:54 ago (+1/-0)

go queen. haha

this site is becoming normie site by some of the comments.

the slide is real.

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 11:37:55 ago (+0/-0)

they still need to hear it, if you could warn 20 year old you would you at least want her to know this is a likely outcome.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 09:43:05 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SilentByAssociation 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 08:12:10 ago (+2/-0)

I understand that you came here to vent and aren't explicitly looking for advice. If you are interested in advice, I do suggest starting somewhere small. Establish that the alcohol has to stop. What's the "why" behind his heavy drinking?

You both should read Why We Pick the Mates We Do by the late Anne Teachworth if you can get your hands on a copy.

Counseling may be worth considering. I grew up in a home with some parallel circumstances, minus the alcohol. Feel free to DM if you need to.

I wish the best upon you and your family. Be safe. Keep your head up.

[ - ] Master_Foo 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:43:30 ago (+2/-0)

What would the Ubermensch do?

[ - ] 2girls1cup 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:26:13 ago (+3/-1)

This place is a trailer park special Jerry Springer episode. Adults who don't have $20 to their name and have to steal from their children. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

[ - ] Gowithit 3 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:31:28 ago (+3/-0)

over here I gave an uber a 20 for bringing back a phone and he told me if I went through uber to get the phone back it would have cost me 30.

have to steal from their children.
After clothing and feeding and buying their toys mine are lucky I dont charge them rent. My mom started chrging me rent when I was 15.

Question. What 15 year old has 400 a month? Idk but somehow she expected me to find it. she had money too. I used to tell myself she's saving it for me when I turn 18. She didnt. Oh well.

Were you raised rich? Lemme hold a dollar.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 05:46:01 ago (+2/-0)

Post the address to the strip club, I'll shoot over there and see if I can get a refund for you.

[ - ] MaryXmas 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:10:55 ago (+1/-0)

You gonna swallow it?

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:48:21 ago (+1/-0)

refund plus interest. you do what it takes.

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:59:42 ago (+4/-2)

Sounds like a shit situation that's only gonna work itself out in time if you both put in the work.

Ultimatums are a shit tool for working anything out. It's more of a cowards way of saying I'm blaming you for this not working. Then he'll probably kill himself anyways as you ream his ass through for child support.

Sounds like you are both unhappy for your own reasons and having kids was never an answer to making anyone change their ways.

Life's gonna be shitty separated. It's gonna be shitty together.

Best of luck figuring out what to do.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:11:15 ago (+1/-0)

Life's gonna be shitty separated.

for one of them.

It's gonna be shitty together.

both get to suffer. it is the way.

[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:47:19 ago (+1/-0)

The deal with Marriage and kids is you don't just get to peace put and call on daddy government for help when things get tough.

She isn't even getting beat. Life's grand in comparison.

[ - ] Gowithit 4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:51:34 ago (+4/-0)

She isn't even getting beat. Life's grand in comparison.

daddy government doesnt put out for free though and he likes to touch kids. Probably not the best option.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:02:32 ago (+3/-1)

Sorry you're going through that. I don't have any advice for you, and I don't pray, but I do hope you and your children can find the peace and happiness you deserve. Keep your chin up, dude. With time comes clarity, and only you can figure out what the right thing to do about this is.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 15:06:11 ago (+1/-0)*

Well, you picked him, and you don't sound like much of a winner yourself. So, either you leave him, and ruin your children's lives, or you be a loyal ride or die wife, and help him become better. He's begged for your forgiveness, now you have to decide what sort of adults your children will grow up to be. Do you want grandchildren? Do you want them to be White?

"In sickness and in health. Till death do us part."

What does a vow mean to you?

[ - ] Endo_Aryan 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 14:02:13 ago (+1/-0)

If he doesn't make an effort to change, his "I'm sorry" is just empty words. Addicts need to have a good reason to change, if things go back to normal, why should he? Could you separate and move in with family for a while? And is there truly no way to get back the $1100, dispute the charge maybe? Idk, that really stings. I also had to take a WFM job last year on the phones. Our AC went out at the same time. I had to have my kratom-addict cousin watch the kids, it really sucked (didn't know she had a problem but once I found out I was stuck).

[ - ] ButtToucha9000 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 10:36:55 ago (+1/-0)

Do you not have a father or brothers who can beat his ass and straighten him out?

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 15:27:50 ago (+0/-0)

Amazed this sentiment hasn't been brought up sooner.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:57:22 ago (+1/-0)

By the time I was proper red pilled I was running out of eggs and the baby rabies was my priority

This is where you fucked up. You have a shit man because you had little to offer. Mostly the jews' fault for hiding real information from you. But you're the one holding the shit sandwich. Good luck.

[ - ] Theo 0 points 1 monthJul 23, 2024 07:58:29 ago (+0/-0)

Sounds like a serious conversation is in order. Get him to bring one of his friends to the table and you bring one of yours, it helps keep everyone calm and honest.

[ - ] LiberalsAreMental 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 05:50:31 ago (+1/-0)

I am so sorry for you.

Your kids are your first priority.

[ - ] DoughGoy 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 05:37:21 ago (+1/-0)

99% of the time I will lean towards taking the man's side, but this is ridiculous behavior by him.
I still don't believe in divorce though.
You should pack up, leave for a few days and have divorce papers made up. Just ignore him a few days This will have a good chance to snap him out of it and decide to change.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 05:23:02 ago (+2/-1)

"Every action he did says he doesn't love me or the kids. Fine I got fat and the house isn't always clean and I'm shit cook"

If you got fat you decided that eating junk was more important than being the primary sexual being in your husband's life which is absolutely going to led to him feeling betrayed and looking for sex elsewhere.

You basically decided to have an affair with food instead of your husband.

If you were keeping self control and cared about your husband's sex life you would have remained slim and been a hot little sex rocket and instead of drinking he would be home fucking you.
That's the reality.

If you take sex out of your marriage with a man it's going to go away.

Either he'll be bold enough to tell you or do what most men do which is slide slowly and only be brave enough to seek the sex he deserves when he is drunk.

If a wife chooses to get fat then she is choosing to abandon her marriage.


You getting fat is the reason all this is happening.

Did he do it before you were fat when you were fucking like rabbits?

I'll bet not.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:07:34 ago (+1/-0)

f you were keeping self control and cared about your husband's sex life you would have remained slim and been a hot little sex rocket and instead of drinking he would be home fucking you.


Did he do it before you were fat when you were fucking like rabbits?

i bet it was kids obligations and government.

its always those 3. Fucking cock/cunt? blockers

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 12:35:49 ago (+0/-0)




[ - ] deleted 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 12:37:40 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ProudRebel 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 04:09:45 ago (+1/-0)

Al-anon, go there.

[ - ] Love240 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 03:43:12 ago (+1/-0)

I'm sorry you're going through this.

I don't have enough experience in a relationship to give you better advice than the top few comments I'm seeing here.

I just wanted to tell you I feel for you and your children, and as a victim of divorce, I cannot hope strongly enough that you will work it out with everything you have in you, for their sake.

I will be praying for you. God bless, you.

[ - ] Not_C 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 03:08:27 ago (+1/-0)

You're going to get into pointless arguments about that night.
You - "You did this."
Him - "No I didn't."
And it'll all be pointless arguing that goes nowhere.

Instead, stick to agreed upon facts.
He's an idiot when he drinks, and he can't be trusted with money.

Tell him he has to find somewhere else to stay until he proves that those agreed upon facts will never be an issue again.
(Again, and I can't stress this enough, stick to agreed upon facts, or use his "facts".) What he admits to will give you more than enough justification.
He can return home only after he proves that his kids will never see him drunk again (a kid should never see their father, their hero, being a slurring stumbling mess), and after he proves he can be trusted to never spend his kid's grocery money on booze for other people.

He's the one who has to leave because it's 4 against 1.
And he screwed up, so he doesn't get to be the one who decides when he gets to come home.
If he truly regrets what he did, then he'll fix it. And this is the way he's going to fix it.
If he truly regrets letting his kids see him drunk, and regrets blowing their money on drinks for others, then this is the way he fixes it.
He fucked up, and this is how he fixes it. By giving you and the kids some space for a while.

Maybe he's a cheater, or maybe he's just an idiot that has to show off for his friends with strippers and booze.
Either way, he has to prove that whatever happened will never happen again. And he proves that by moving out for a while.

But never say the words strippers or brothel. Avoid any "deniable" things and stick to agreed upon facts. You have enough justification with just that.

Get him out of the house. And then use that time to get your head straight, and plan you next moves. Whatever they may be.

[ - ] DukeofRaul 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:36:19 ago (+2/-1)

You have kids?

[ - ] Cunt [op] 6 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:53:23 ago (+6/-0)


[ - ] DukeofRaul 5 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:36:59 ago (+6/-1)

Give him a lot of time to dry out. Hes got wet brain for sure

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 23:36:36 ago (+0/-0)

Same old story. They built housing projects for women who thought they could marry a bad boy and then change him after the babies came.

So. go clean up the farm house and make it liveable. Apply for welfare. Find a trusted unemployed friend or relative to help put. Trusted means they have good judgement. That means no tattoos vandalising their face, and no weed or alcohol. If you don't have someone like that it's because you don't have good judgment.

Tell your husband he has to choose between the family or alcohol. No justifying, arguing or bargaining. Not a drink on Saturday or any other time.

He'll choose alcohol.

Take every stick of furniture to the farmhouse and cut your losses. Never bad mouth the dad to the kids. Just say he's an alcoholic.

[ - ] Krier55 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 19:39:08 ago (+0/-0)

Take the kids to your mothers and take your husband out on the town
On the way home unbuckle his drunk ass and drive into a tree favoring the passenger side. Collect insurance and
Erase this thread.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 1 monthJul 23, 2024 01:41:25 ago (+1/-0)

Hmm not getting drunk and marrying you.

[ - ] v0atmage 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 14:38:41 ago (+0/-0)

Got no advice for you but sorry you're in such a shitty situation!

Also here's hoping your kids don't learn any bad habits from the father.

[ - ] DrLeoMarvin 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 10:56:38 ago (+0/-0)

Your life is in danger. Leave now!
This is called 'the cycle of abuse.' Leave now while you still have your life.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 10:56:36 ago (+0/-0)*

Wow that's terrible. He is unable to control himself. You'll need to separate until he can, financially and physically; because he is unable to make an agreement. So it's really three actors you, him, alcohol.

Ask him how he would feel if he accidentally killed his family?

Women are attracted to dangerous men as a means of acquiring dominant genes; however you have to think about it too. And it may actually have been your best option to have kids with him.

Use a mediator get separate living spaces and finances - he should agree to this - because he could otherwise ruin your finances and lives. He's could visit the kids when he is not drunk.

He should agree to physical and financial separation so you can support the family. Otherwise he may cause physical or financial damage.

Even if everything about you was twice as bad he cannot be out of control.

It's always good to maybe personal improvements, read about time management, goal setting, and find simple fast meal prep. Walking helps with weight.


The major problem though is his alcohol, and he needs to be sober.

You don't need to have shame over this - if you feel bad about it compare yourself to the left.

Also if he has sex outside marriage it gives you a risk for STDs or cancer causing HPV.

Might be inspirational


Involving a third party, other than a mediator, may not be good; if you are around someone unsafe for your kids they could try to take your kids.

So the first thing to do is probably try to fix this between yourselves, and you should not be in a house where he will show up drunk.

Praying for you

[ - ] Nein 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:23:06 ago (+0/-0)

Fine I got fat and the house isn't always clean and I'm shit cook.

Pull yourself out of your whole before you show fingers to somebody else. Don't be lazy and everything will turn out fine. You have more hours in the day than you care to admit.

[ - ] Rowdybme 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 07:21:51 ago (+0/-0)

After reading the first two paragraphs. This is definitely a salty incel typing up fantasies.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:40:32 ago (+0/-0)

Holy shit. He is a fuckin mess. Find a way to get away for good.

[ - ] Gowithit 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:43:21 ago (+0/-0)

Theres a saying for this.

talk the talk but cant walk the walk?

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 06:06:56 ago (+0/-0)

So you respect your man? Does he show you love?

[ - ] Laputois 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 03:38:34 ago (+0/-0)

You need to put as much insurance on him as possible immediately.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 03:26:20 ago (+1/-1)

sounds like shitty choices to me.

[ - ] Panic 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 01:53:01 ago (+2/-2)

if possible, get out now and move in with family. Preferably out of state. And take the car when you go. And any money left to pay for the move. And to have a bit of the giggles... take his cell phone and glasses. His problem.

[ - ] Prairie -1 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 04:32:04 ago (+0/-1)

In this regard it's good that OP doesn't have a house, etc. Nothing left to lose or deal with the legalities of, so find a safe place to live in the immediate. I'd treat someone alcoholic as an animal until they get sober and stay sober. There's no sense in trying to reason with an animal.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 00:59:48 ago (+2/-2)

fine 'husband' you have...

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:55:50 ago (+3/-2)


[ - ] 4thTurning -1 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 13:39:25 ago (+0/-1)

Stop being a weak and pathetic loser and tell that guy to kill himself.

[ - ] MaryXmas -1 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 08:18:01 ago (+0/-1)

I don't think his actions were right in any way. However, you said you have let yourself go, and maybe there are some problems with sex and the kids are stressful etc, etc. Do you really look to your husband as a strong leader and do you treat him as such? He probably isn't being a great leader but are you giving him the opportunity or are you criticizing and scrutinizing every action?

Sounds like mandatory marriage counseling at a minimum. Don't trust voat, not even myself.

If my wife cheated on me she would be walked to the front door and it would be locked behind her. She knows as much. I can't speak for other relationships but that is a non-starter.
Good luck.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens -2 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:44:09 ago (+1/-3)


[ - ] clymer 1 point 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 04:52:51 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] GreatSatan -4 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 02:13:56 ago (+2/-6)

Certified White trash moment. Thanks for fulfilling the right-wing stereotype.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 5 points 2 monthsJul 22, 2024 03:27:33 ago (+6/-1)

id rather stupid people make stupid choices together behind closed doors than left wing faggots raping children.

at least the right wingers are both of consenting age.