Just thought i'd let other voaters know about these unlisted Xeon chips, the X79 never had any official 8 core cpu released for it thats why this is pretty amazing, has a nice stable 4.5ghz overclock too and 25mb l3 cache, i even have the option of a 10 core or 12 core xeon but they don't overclock.
my mobo dosn't even claim to support this CPU, no commercial motherboards will as this chip was released for a single server system in 2013 and there is plenty of these unlisted xeon chips for diff sockets that usually offer more cores than what your motherboard even claimed to support and these CPUs are super cheap these days.
So if you are looking for a cheap upgrade path look into "unlisted xeon CPUs for XXX mobo platform"
You only need the newest chips if you are running a 4k system or some really crazy emulation in terms of gaming.
You can pick up xeon systems on ebay for about 80-100 bucks all in. (Just checked and new prices today are 130-200 all in)
Its the dirty secret since no one ever searchs under that search term.
Currently running an old Dell Dual Xeon CPU CAD workstation. Came with a 256 SSD, a old (top tier at the time) vid card that does everything I need it too and 32 gigs o ram...
99.00 bucks plus another 40.00 for shipping , since this thing is a mighty beast of a case and PS.
Only issue was a bit of overheating that was simply fixed with a quick re-paste....run's solid 7x24 for about four years now...
Edit: These might be some of the last boxes you can pick up cheap that doesn't support the new micorosoft boot (Spy) systems. Stock up while you can.
[ + ] iSnark
[ - ] iSnark 0 points 4 monthsSep 9, 2024 21:57:19 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] glooper
[ - ] glooper 0 points 4 monthsSep 9, 2024 21:07:37 ago (+0/-0)*
You can pick up xeon systems on ebay for about 80-100 bucks all in. (Just checked and new prices today are 130-200 all in)
Its the dirty secret since no one ever searchs under that search term.
Currently running an old Dell Dual Xeon CPU CAD workstation. Came with a 256 SSD, a old (top tier at the time) vid card that does everything I need it too and 32 gigs o ram...
99.00 bucks plus another 40.00 for shipping , since this thing is a mighty beast of a case and PS.
Only issue was a bit of overheating that was simply fixed with a quick re-paste....run's solid 7x24 for about four years now...
Edit: These might be some of the last boxes you can pick up cheap that doesn't support the new micorosoft boot (Spy) systems. Stock up while you can.
[ + ] drhitler
[ - ] drhitler [op] 0 points 4 monthsSep 9, 2024 22:21:55 ago (+0/-0)