Not really sure without more specific details. For example, if you're using the vpn from a phone then the gps coordinates of your location are likely available. Or it could be google detects the vpn and notices some overused IP addresses and flags it. Could be some settings tied to the google account like the associated mailing address, or maybe even previous mailing addresses. Could be something going on with browser cookies but that's probably grasping at straws. That's all that comes to mind off the top of my head.
I assume you're on a phone, not a PC? Google has so many hooks into Android.
You can still try. Some VPNs also have a proxy service. Try using them VPN/proxy in conjunction. Also try turning off WiFi, they use that for geolocation. There are also some apps people use to spoof GPS for games, it's hacker stuff so use at your own risk. Maybe you should try this in a virtual machine on a PC.
Depending on your phone google services has their own DNS baked in This could potentially be used to identify you / your approx location. Likely Australia based DNS.
[ + ] ElementalPee
[ - ] ElementalPee 0 points 2 monthsOct 22, 2024 10:31:33 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] allAheadFull
[ - ] allAheadFull 0 points 2 monthsOct 22, 2024 12:43:21 ago (+0/-0)
You can still try. Some VPNs also have a proxy service. Try using them VPN/proxy in conjunction. Also try turning off WiFi, they use that for geolocation. There are also some apps people use to spoof GPS for games, it's hacker stuff so use at your own risk. Maybe you should try this in a virtual machine on a PC.
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2 monthsOct 22, 2024 12:54:37 ago (+0/-0)
And some places flag it as spam.
It's a US number not sure why it's not treated as one when people try to call me overseas.
Goes strait to voice-mail.
[ + ] BoozyB
[ - ] BoozyB 0 points 2 monthsOct 22, 2024 13:30:20 ago (+0/-0)
Not sure if that would help you.
[ + ] Kozel
[ - ] Kozel 0 points 2 monthsOct 22, 2024 16:09:22 ago (+0/-0)
or he just buy a phone and root it for half the price
[ + ] Shockadee
[ - ] Shockadee 0 points 2 monthsOct 22, 2024 17:52:07 ago (+0/-0)
This could potentially be used to identify you / your approx location. Likely Australia based DNS.
Just a thought.