I like drinking coconut water and bought some coconut milk by mistake. My wife used it in a cobbler recicpe to see how it would turn out and it was delicious.
Communism vs. Zionism was seen as the jewish civil was of the 20th century. They caused two world wars where White men killed each other by the millions. We must not let them do it again.
That is a cringy grandmother-aged woman trying to be relevant. No one will care in 30 years when she and her friends are all dead. The rest of us, and our decendants, will carry on the torch of life and go bodly into the future.
The jewish end of times (their version of heaven) is the messiah coming, them ruling the earth from Israel, and having a thousand (or so) slaves each from the lesser races. Some say they won't really have slaves but instead have that many goys working on their behalf.
Now, do the math on how many US goys they have. Divide how many people pay taxes in the US and by the population of Israel and you'll get the current Goy:Israeli slave ratio.
Better videos and stories out there. The guy was attacking people, broke a cop's nose (probably a female that you can see in the full video as she has a busted face). The clip shows the guy on the ground because he was just tazed. The tazer was about to wear off and the cops probably thought he was about to get up and start attacking again, hence the face kick.
Amazing that a black kid in a basketball game full on head stomped a peaceful asian kid, twice, from behind, and that gets no press.
I'm not for zogbots, but you seem like you're pushing some bullshit.
I get that this means something to people, and I admit the coordination and training is impressive... But flinging a weapon around in a slow gymnastics floor routine seems silly to me.
Or, we get them in, endure 30-50 years of genocide and decay, but the survivors come out the other end stronger and pissed off and innoculated against the international conspirators.
Rebooted 5 points 2 months ago
The good ones are secret. That is why you don't know about them.
/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66aa4dcbae93d
Rebooted 3 points 2 months ago
They are closer to feral. Humanity has to rein in it's animal nature or let it reign.
/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=66a9c9564b0f2
Rebooted 3 points 2 months ago
Why not just say we're all solar powered?
/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=66aa00ed8fdd1
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
Can you elaborate on why you say don't buy organic?
/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=66aa00ed8fdd1
Rebooted 2 points 2 months ago
I like drinking coconut water and bought some coconut milk by mistake. My wife used it in a cobbler recicpe to see how it would turn out and it was delicious.
/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=66aa00ed8fdd1
Rebooted 2 points 2 months ago
Communism vs. Zionism was seen as the jewish civil was of the 20th century. They caused two world wars where White men killed each other by the millions. We must not let them do it again.
/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66a92ee51e63e
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
That is a cringy grandmother-aged woman trying to be relevant. No one will care in 30 years when she and her friends are all dead. The rest of us, and our decendants, will carry on the torch of life and go bodly into the future.
/v/Women viewpost?postid=66a900b0a05ac
Rebooted 5 points 2 months ago
If you think Israel or jews won't complain about something then you haven't been paying attention.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66a8ebf66f4d6
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago*
Edited for a simpler formula:
The jewish end of times (their version of heaven) is the messiah coming, them ruling the earth from Israel, and having a thousand (or so) slaves each from the lesser races. Some say they won't really have slaves but instead have that many goys working on their behalf.
Now, do the math on how many US goys they have. Divide how many people pay taxes in the US and by the population of Israel and you'll get the current Goy:Israeli slave ratio.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66a837e7d5092
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
We prop it up and keep its neighbors from reigning it in.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66a837e7d5092
Rebooted 10 points 2 months ago
Better videos and stories out there. The guy was attacking people, broke a cop's nose (probably a female that you can see in the full video as she has a busted face). The clip shows the guy on the ground because he was just tazed. The tazer was about to wear off and the cops probably thought he was about to get up and start attacking again, hence the face kick.
Amazing that a black kid in a basketball game full on head stomped a peaceful asian kid, twice, from behind, and that gets no press.
I'm not for zogbots, but you seem like you're pushing some bullshit.
/v/BadCopNoDonut viewpost?postid=66a41c6f897b4
Rebooted 3 points 2 months ago
You can see the female cop's face is hurt. The guy broke a cop's nose, and I think she's the one.
/v/BadCopNoDonut viewpost?postid=66a41c6f897b4
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
How do you service those if/when they break? From what I understand, walls in Germany are brick or masonry so it would be a large job.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66a3988503048
Rebooted 8 points 2 months ago
Well, are there any blacks inside? If not, they work.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66a3988503048
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
This had me guessing for the first few seconds.
/v/funny viewpost?postid=66a3979f23071
Rebooted 5 points 2 months ago
Who, and why do I care?
/v/MeanwhileOnTwitter viewpost?postid=66a25be50abcd
Rebooted 0 points 2 months ago
Children are often abused by those they trust.
/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=669fd9231689c
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
People are waking to the holocaust lie. They'll wake to the slavery lie as well since they are linked by the same jews.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=669f969928fec
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
They were trained by jews. Jews are the same way.
/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=669e50ac6357d
Rebooted 2 points 2 months ago
I get that this means something to people, and I admit the coordination and training is impressive... But flinging a weapon around in a slow gymnastics floor routine seems silly to me.
/v/WhiteBoySummer viewpost?postid=6696a434cc883
Rebooted 0 points 2 months ago
I can't tell. Is it sarcastic?
It doesn't even matter. The beast will have who it wants.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6695b4e4b01a4
Rebooted 0 points 2 months ago
Or, we get them in, endure 30-50 years of genocide and decay, but the survivors come out the other end stronger and pissed off and innoculated against the international conspirators.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6695855341673
Rebooted 0 points 2 months ago
Those other things are all tools. It's like yelling "fuck hammers, fuck formal language!"
Yes, you are correct. Those things are built for a purpose, they are not ever THE purpose.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66959636b78d8
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
If they are jewish?
/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=66958bddc3cf1
Rebooted 1 point 2 months ago
Get un-pudgy. Train. Find people. Build a family. Grow.
Our enemies hate our successes. Go forth and piss them off.
/v/SoapboxBanhammer viewpost?postid=66958bddc3cf1