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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 51766 (+57438/-5672)
ccp: 8248 (+13642/-5394)
votes given: 7267 (+4847/-2420)
score: 60014


Owner of:
RomanCatholicism, Guns, TIL, Insanity, USPolitics, WhiteBeauty, based_department, ThotPatrol, tlolocaust, manlets, wagies, shitbulls, femcels, comfy, cringe, ClusterBglitches,
Mod of:
NutziHiveKickers, Niggers,

Lol what a spastic. You should keep a diary instead. All sorts of trackers and spyware are reading your texts, even if you don't send them.

/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=664b163101069

You are retarded. Fuck off spam jeet.

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=664af7564eeec

The amish bit isn't what did him in.

/v/tlolocaust viewpost?postid=664a6a204d0a6

Sesame Street has always sucked. Hated that shit as a kid.

/v/AnonTalk viewpost?postid=664a7f4a12438

Projecting already? Bald cuck cryposting getting more pathetic by the day.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664982347edbc

Swing and a miss. That 8th grade writing level on display.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664982347edbc

You should prioritize not being a retard.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664982347edbc

Of course not. It's his typical "someone should DO something..... but not me tho" bit. @tallest_skil

/v/MeanwhileOnScored viewpost?postid=6649b5f263f36

What actually happened: you were kicked from the show for being a fucking retard. You literally can't think in real time and do nothing but repetitively recite idiotic talking points, rather than actually think in real time and address the matter being discussed. We've had issues with your bad takes in the past, but this wasn't even a take, just you going robot retard mode rather than using your brain. If you want to get butthurt and leave the tele channel over it, so much the better.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664982347edbc

[Are you having problems?](https://files.catbox.moe/rxf6ej.png)

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664982347edbc

Considering he wasn't able to pass 8th grade, this seems like a longshot 🤣

/v/ShitpostLitterBox viewpost?postid=66499cfa7ef10

Or so he claims, lel. "I'm writing a book" = part of skil's attempts to seem brooding and mysterious.

/v/MeanwhileOnScored viewpost?postid=6649b5f263f36

Our cat is usually very aloof towards me and mostly hangs out with my daughter, like a total simp. *Until*, he gets legitimately frightened, then he comes SPRINTING into my arms lol. I take it as a compliment. A kitty bro code of sorts.

/v/NutziHiveKickers viewpost?postid=66490c2b2c32e

Something about Ana K getting mad and yelling at the camera just does it for me 😍

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6648e8a79622c

You've got oneitis for a girl you've never even seen.

/v/WhiteBeauty viewpost?postid=6648e0db41f8e

I'd like to know which region of india you were shat out from.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=664889bc36180

Link doesn't even work. Take the boomer spam back to facebook.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6648d9128fc96