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You don't want to block the radiation - or at least, not the neutrons - because it takes the neutron radiation from all the pebbles to reach criticality and generate power. Alpha and beta will be blocked because pretty much anything will block them, including a few inches of air; gamma is more difficult.

/v/Askconspirologist viewpost?postid=665ba61365a7a

Are cancer rates actually increasing, or are cancer treatment rates increasing, and cases where dogs were put down in the past weren't recorded?

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=665c5c579b474

>It is possible to make uranium pellets that are encased in ceramic and graphite composites that block the radiation, make meltdown impossible, and stay hot.

It's called a "pebble bed reactor", was developed in France, and I think they have several operating. The ceramic exterior does *not* block radiation, it just keeps the material contained, even if it's molten. This keeps the reactor from melting down and also keeps the radioactives from getting into the environment. If someone blows up a pebble bed reactor don't approach scattered pebbles thinking they aren't dangerous! But once they're picked up there won't be any lasting issues.

/v/Askconspirologist viewpost?postid=665ba61365a7a

They will be destroying thousands of acres of untouched wilderness to put up solar farms.

Luckily there are millions of acres of untouched wilderness out there. They'll overload the grid many times over before they can ruin a fraction of a percent of the desert.

Still a huge waste of money. Build a friggin' nuclear reactor and have done with it.

/v/ClimateTards viewpost?postid=665ad9baeb296

Most likely the jury pool was tainted from the beginning, before Trump's attorneys even got a chance to poll them. I think it's likely Trump will go on appeal, but will still be removed from the ballot and while there's a good chance a higher court will go "lolnope" they won't allow him to be reinstated.

/v/OccidentalEnclave viewpost?postid=6658eb814d58c

Web sites have an option you can specify to change the level of security. You can allow the user to bypass the bad certificate if they're chad enough (and know to look at the cert and see how it's deficient), or you can set a higher security level and say "no, if cert's bad, it's an infosec issue, do not allow!" Catbox is set to high-security. Also note that Chrome has a hidden method for bypassing this if you're feeling especially based.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6656fcc2eb2bf

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/h2KMXsSHIv0 :Q

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

Needs some extra safety features. I'd be hesitant to leave the cabinet propped on that thing to go grab a ladder to attach it to the wall.

/v/WhitePeopleThings viewpost?postid=66534cee8a5c5

Yup. I can't say I really trust them either. Still use them though because nobody got time for that. :-P

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=6653577b06e54

https://files.catbox.moe/dbru4y.PNG mirror

/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=6652f1b0a17c7

Deleted. Did it get archived? [checks]

Not on archive.fo, can't reach archive.org right now...

/v/MeanwhileOnReddit viewpost?postid=66523eac049f5

You missed my use of the term "problematic" too. :-P

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6651cdda34694

So. The reason why talking about your problems is used for therapy is because of the way human memory works. When you relive a memory, you literally relive it; it's removed and rewritten in your brain. When this happens it usually changes - some events get softer, others get more pronounced or better defined, and sometimes details that never actually happened are added. (This is also why eyewitness testimony is so problematic.)

Reliving those memories in a situation where you feel safe and comfortable helps blunt those memories. Reliving them in a situation where you feel *uncomfortable* - like when you feel forced to share them - can exacerbate things.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=6651cdda34694

I can kind of understand the reasoning, when you stick drive-by-wire and steer-by-wire into a vehicle you don't want someone to be able to just plug in and turn the the vehicle into a booby-trap - or worse, a killing machine. But maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't be letting cars be computer controlled in the first place.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66515b606d7ac

Yup. If it were a closed system, where all the nutrients from the dead cattle were put back into the land, you could do that. Those nutrients go to humans instead.

/v/LifeProTips viewpost?postid=66514e8848765

I guess what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas any more...

/v/videos viewpost?postid=66515cae9d246

Step 1: Post image meme showing an odd Google result

Step 2: Watch as tens of thousands of non-neurotypicals try out the Google result

Step 3: Flag all of those non-neurotypicals as mentally disturbed, bring them in under psych holds, suspend some civil rights, prescribe mandatory medication

/v/funny viewpost?postid=665055e19f734

Some things did change for the positive, but I heard the greenies looking at the park weren't entirely happy with progress, which slowed down. Then (again, what I heard) they did more research and the real disruption was caused by eliminating beaver populations in and around the park. Only thing is beavers cause issues everywhere and govs are loathe to let them re-establish.

/v/Nature viewpost?postid=6650a4aba9a9e

Spoiler: Biden recently gibberished so badly recently that he wound up endorsing Trump !context

/v/funny viewpost?postid=664f99a0ee299

$150? Even with the prices jumping it shouldn't have been over $90 for the food. Considering she's holding up a wine glass I can guess where the extra was from.

/v/JewMedia viewpost?postid=664f37cdaa901

*sigh* - Okay, let me type all this up again.

The best overview I can give on the subject would be to refer you to a LTT video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B635wcdr6-w - which talks about a product from Asus that uses the Dual Edge TPU boards. 200% of the performance for ~ 220% of the total price. TBF this card is better built and will handle being inside a server better but it's overkill for most individuals. The video is interesting and goes into some of the software to utilize the TPUs in image recognition.

The Coral Dual Edge TPU uses what is part of the M.2 slot spec but isn't the same as the ones for SSDs. It's actually the same slot as what's used for wifi/bluetooth on some laptops and motherboards. You can actually plug the module into one! Unfortunately you will probably only be able to access one of the TPUs because most of the time there's only one SATA lane routed to the slot.

To get the cards working on more standard hardware I purchased carrier boards from COOPERATOR on Makerfabs - https://www.makerfabs.com/dual-edge-tpu-adapter-m2-2280-b-m-key.html - which will take one of the TPU modules and plug into the same M.2 slot as an NVME drive. The total cost of the module plus the carrier is roughly the same as one of the single-TPU USB dongles, so twice as much bang for the buck!

You can plug the above into a slot on your motherboard, and this might be worthwhile to start experimenting. If you need more, though, you'll need to do what I did and buy a PCIE card that can take multiple "drives". This raises other issues; those cards mostly have PCIE switches meant to share bandwidth between all the drives, and I wasn't sure the switch would be compatible with the TPUs.

What I did is buy this thing - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C64FVVHY - which is a card that lacks a switch, but instead depends on a chipset featured called "PCIE bifurcation". This feature was introduced with the PCIE v4 spec, though I hear it's available on some v3 motherboards. It's also not guaranteed you'll be able to enable the feature, it has to be turned on in the BIOS. So this is something you'll need to confirm will work with your PC.

/v/technology viewpost?postid=664bfcec45ed0

The lefties hate Biden, they just hate Trump more. Fun as this was it doesn't show any sort of common ground.

/v/videos viewpost?postid=664e92ce46e69

If Trump had happened to be there, the FBI wouldn't have been up against private security, they'd be drawing down on US Secret Service agents. That wouldn't have been an assassination, it would've been a massacre, and the Administration would've gotten a huge black eye.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664ece776e200


I had this one guy try to convince me that because I'm an agnostic I must also be an atheist. I had to lolno multiple times.

There are some serious issues I have with members of many current religions but I'm not going to claim God doesn't exist.

/v/Atheism viewpost?postid=664e4c6f6c2ef