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Anyone know if gun stores are planning to sell civilians drones with gun attachments or drones that explode? It's our second amendment right to bear arms and I want one.     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 3 weeks ago (+9/-0)
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how do I find hidden spy cameras in a hotel room?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 3 weeks ago (+7/-0)
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what ever happened to cached webpages?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 2 days ago (+4/-0)
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I Just Became Homeless & Without a Car. No GF & In a New Band But Don't Wanna Ask the Guys for Help Because They're Going Through Their Own Problems. I Have $3k Cash On Hand & a Small Public Storage Locker. WTF Should I Do?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 3 weeks ago (+4/-1)
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Long story short, my current ex-gf kicked me out of her place - cops came this afternoon after a 2 day heated argument and said I had to leave because it's legally her place.
Cheapest motels are about $65 and that's after taxes/fees/etc.

I've been working with a new band for the past month but I don't wanna ask them for help because I just joined a month ago.
Rooming houses take a few days to get in because they need to do background checks.
I'm clean with a few misdemeanors from at least over 5 years ago.
Not working a regular job because I got laid off back in March. Been living off my savings.
Caught my ex cheating on me and brought it up during a heated argument and now I'm homeless.

WTF. Thank God I never married. Women are fucking everything up and taking all they can from their men & that's why men have been dropping out of society like crazy the past 5+ years or so.
What's the most you've physically hurt someone? Have you ever come close to taking a life, whether in self-defense or for other reasons?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 3 weeks ago (+2/-1)
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edit - to clarify, I'm mainly thinking in the context of civilian/everyday life, excluding military service.

But, if any vets want to chime in on specific scenarios, what they had to do, and how it affected them, feel free.
sleepnumber or temperpedic     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 1 week ago (+1/-0)
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what does it mean your router allows unchecked UpnP and nat-pmp     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 6 days ago (+1/-1)
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Why all-of-a-sudden are videos becoming intrusive to the point I have to assign an app to them and run them on my computer?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 2 days ago (+2/-1)
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why does ffmpeg video output end up coming out sideways or playing audio only when converting mp4 to avi     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 2 days ago (+0/-0)
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brita filters are a scam anyone use Aquasana?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 23 hours ago (+0/-0)
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can ollama scan and extract text from jpeg or pdfs as effectively as chat gpt plus can? I paid for gpt plus because it can scan and read my documents and then explain to me the problems. when I tried using regular ocr scanners the text they kept outputting was horrible. but gpt plus did it right--     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 1 week ago (+1/-3)
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--perfectly. I think out of 40 pages it got one or two digits incorrect. It made studying seamless especially because ocr scaning failed or outputted the text incorrectly. And gpt can even go over and explain what problems I did wrong. I just need to to know if ollama is capable of this?
smash or pass     (
submitted by anon to askanon 2 weeks ago (+2/-3)
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Do you appreciate a woman with nice feet?     (askanon)
submitted by anon to askanon 1 week ago (+0/-8)
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I love attractive women with nice feet. I also like foot jobs (seriously underrated.. try it. Better than a bj). But I don't consider myself to have a foot fetish. But I do enjoy them. I just don't get the hate.