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Community for : 3.2 years

Owner: ggolemg


We know an elite class of parasitic social engineers tirelessly works to deracinate and uproot culture, historical ties, and traditions in the West to create empty vessels programmed by rote to chase material wealth because they know nothing else.      (
submitted by Sector2 to culture 3 days ago (+9/-0)
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Schoolchildren are converting to Islam 'out of fear' in German schools     (
submitted by paul_neri to culture 3 weeks ago (+1/-0)
La Quinta del Alf     (
submitted by x0x7 to culture 1 month ago (+6/-1)
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Guy breaks down only fans girls better than anyone     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 2 months ago (+3/-0)
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US Customs to Indian Travellers: Don’t Carry Cow Dung in Your Luggage (2021 but still relevant)     (
submitted by Sector2 to culture 4 months ago (+14/-0)
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The cash-me-outside girl from Dr Phil is making over $50,000,000. per year. - Highest earning internet creators. Beast is #1.     (
submitted by Hand_Of_Node to culture 8 months ago (+3/-0)
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The opposition before us appears of a soulless cast of miscreants who verge on an evil to, it seems at times, a biblical degree.     (
submitted by Hand_Of_Node to culture 8 months ago (+11/-0)
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Perspective on the Trannies in women’s sports nonsense     (culture)
submitted by Portmanure to culture 10 months ago (+3/-0)
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Remember the puppy bowl?

Let’s put this in perspective, I don’t want to come across as a misogynist (but if you call me out, I’ll probably agree, love the ladies!) allowing males who identify as a women to compete in women’s sports is the same as letting a full grown German Shepherd who identifies as a puppy to compete in the puppy bowl.

The blackwashing of the redheads continues apace.     (
submitted by BulletStopper to culture 1 year ago (+52/-0)
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All purely a cohencidence, I'm sure.

Hitler was right. \o
(And no, I don't live in Florida, so fuck you Ron.)
Libtard says white people and America are terrible. Then watch what happens.      (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+44/-2)
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Jews say rumors they drink blood of human sacrifices is nonsense but then the biggest religion to come from Judaism is drinking the blood of Christ as a human sacrifice. Makes you think...     (culture)
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+16/-3)
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Looking at some anti Christian responded- To clarify my point in posting this is not that Christianity believes in drinking the blood of human beings but that it's incredible evidence that this custom came up from Judaism it's incredible evidence that Judaism itself promoted this at the time and probably still does. What Christianity does is ends that practice by providing the wine and the bread. And of course while many religious Christians believe that the wine is actually transmuted into the blood of God via the priest's prayer before the communion service it's actually not blood obviously.

Just to clarify this is not criticizing Christians this is pointing out that it's very good evidence that Jews practiced drinking the blood of humans because Christians created the substitute for that practice by drinking wine and eating bread.
Kanye points the hypocrisy of "its not all Jews"     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+7/-0)
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Jew plays reversi as he realizes the blacks are waking up     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+1/-0)
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A lot goes back to Saturn.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+1/-0)
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When teaching went remote during the lockdowns attractive female students grades went down but attractive male students grades stayed higher. Interesting. Some suggested possible reasons are in the article and include that attractive men have more confidence in that comes through in remote teaching      (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+21/-0)
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We might have need of these lessons.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+0/-0)
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Hasidic Jews think the world they make us live in with psychologists and women having careers is "insane"     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+3/-0)
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If you don't know about the blazing meteor of a film reviewer called "The Critical Drinker" then you need to. Here is an example.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+18/-0)
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Every time you repeat the falsehood, even to refute it, you build its strength because the mind really only does sort of a word count of concepts that it's seen. So if you say Democrats say Republicans are the most violent but this proves it's not true. Your brain adds another ticker to the concep     (culture)
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+10/-1)
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Every time you repeat the falsehood, even to refute it, you build its strength because the mind really only does sort of a word count of concepts that it's seen.

So if you say "Democrats say Republicans are the most violent but this proves it's not true" Your brain adds another ticker to the concept.

So instead of doing a headline that says

"Democrats say Republicans are more violent but this proves it's not true".

Just do a headline that says

"Democrats are more violent and here's the proof".

You'll notice fake right wing media like Fox News uses this trick to repeat false allegations against normal people, conservatives, right wingers, or whatever you want to call them all the time. Even when they're refuting a story they repeat the allegation.

Every single time you repeat the allegation it actually strengthens the allegation no matter what the full text of the article says.

and it's not even because people don't read the text which they often don't. It's because the brain doesn't hold that much complexity. The brain makes long-term choices based on average exposures to concepts and it doesn't always remember the context of the concept exposure.
The Shut it down song.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+6/-0)
43 minutes of just the race sequences from the 1971 movie LeMans mostly all filmed during an actual race. Retro people, car, action.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.6 years ago (+9/-0)
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I haven't watched Network television in so long that I literally had no idea what the top shows were so I looked it up. Is anyone ever heard of any of these?     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+6/-0)
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Swindlers Grift. Another great song by foundring     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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The security routine before going to sleep as a white family in South Africa. This is what will happen here unless we stop it.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.6 years ago (+35/-0)
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Russian woman editor of RT News says the Ukraine war is about our right to raise our children to be like us instead of like them. References watching friends in the 90s with the positive references to homosexuality is when she realized the West was not like the east and they were getting divided.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to culture 1.6 years ago (+2/-2)
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