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Community for : 3.7 years

The Official Sub for SubRequest
Found an abandoned subverse that you'd like to Own?
Subs owned by 'MrGoat' or those without any owner are available for transfer.

-Submit a Link post to the subverse you are requesting by writing "Requesting v/SubNameHere" in the title

-Sort by 'New' to see the latest requests
1. 50 CCP required
2. 30-day account age required
3. Only one pending subverse transfer per user at a time
4. Can't request a sub on behalf of another user
5. Must have activity in sub — minimum 2 posts and 2 comments in the last 30 days; if content appears to be submitted just to meet this requirement, request will be denied.
6. A user may not own more than 10 subs, so check your sub ownership count before you make your request

A. Requests for v/all or v/whatever will be denied; this is a catch-all 'Default' sub and you can't have it
B. Requests to Mod any 'Default' sub owned by system coming soon so don't ask yet

Owner: system


SubRequest Requirements     (subrequest)
submitted by Cynabuns to subrequest 3.5 years ago (+2/-0)
5 comments last comment...
Found an abandoned subverse that you'd like to Own?
Any subs owned by 'MrGoat' or those that have no Owner at all are available for transfer.

To make a request, just submit a Share Link Post linking to the subverse you want and make your title: "Requesting v/SubNameHere"

1. 50 CCP required
2. 30-day account age required
3. Only one pending subverse transfer per user at a time
4. Can't request a sub on behalf of another user
5. Must have activity in sub — minimum 2 posts and 2 comments in the last 30 days; if content appears to be submitted just to meet this requirement, request will be denied.
6. A user may not own more than 10 subs, so check your sub ownership count before you make your request

A. Requests for v/all will be denied; this is a catch-all 'Default' sub and you can't have it
B. Requests to Mod any 'Default' sub owned by system coming soon so don't ask yet

updated 2021-08-25
Requesting mark ryden sub     (subrequest)
submitted by Gowithit to subrequest 4 months ago (+4/-3)
7 comments last comment...
as the only poster in that sub i was wondering if I could have it? thank you.
Requesting /v/SPACEisFAKEandGAY     (subrequest)
submitted by HeyJames to subrequest 6 months ago (+6/-4)
14 comments last comment...
I believe I will add valuable content to this subverse. It should be considered defunct since all content previous to my own lacks mental acuity.
Request Moderator Position in /v/FeminismIsCancer     (subrequest)
submitted by Love240 to subrequest 7 months ago (+3/-1)
21 comments last comment...
Title: Request Moderator Position in /v/FeminismIsCancer

The popular subs are being co-opted by bad actors like doug and dungus.
They're banning me from posting anything relevant because they don't like me.
requesting v/Bushcamp     (
submitted by dirtywhiteboy to subrequest 8 months ago (+3/-2)
6 comments last comment...
4th request for ownership of the +4 month abandoned /v/OccidentalEnclave.     (
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to subrequest 1.2 years ago (+8/-4)
9 comments last comment...
3rd request for ownership of the +3 month abandoned /v/OccidentalEnclave.     (
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to subrequest 1.2 years ago (+14/-1)
4 comments last comment...
Why my post was nuked?     (subrequest)
submitted by Motorweed to subrequest 1.2 years ago (+2/-0)
6 comments last comment...
and why our sub has owner?

Who the fuck this faggot is and why he is on our sub?

Sub request for v/PureFuckingKikery     (subrequest)
submitted by UncleDoug to subrequest 1.3 years ago (+12/-0)
17 comments last comment...
The sub owner got rightfully gassed, IO am requesting the sub so an active user can unban everyone fightkikeHOMO blocked.
requesting v/PureFuckingKikery     (
submitted by dirtywhiteboy to subrequest 1.3 years ago (+6/-2)
25 comments last comment...

not requesting on behalf of doug

i am currently building a history of active moderation of the few subs i do have, and feel like i am doing an exceptional job keeping everyone on-topic in these subs. this is no different, i want to end the drama over the sub and moderate it accordingly.

thank you everyone

love, dwb
Requesting /v/WhitePeopleThings. I'm pretty sure SparklingWiggle tied a rope around his neck and went back to the mothership.     (subrequest)
submitted by Master_Foo to subrequest 1.3 years ago (+2/-3)
4 comments last comment...
2nd request for ownership of the +2 month abandoned /v/OccidentalEnclave.     (
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to subrequest 1.3 years ago (+4/-4)
7 comments last comment...
Requesting v/ThankHitlerEveryday     (
submitted by Fascinus to subrequest 1.4 years ago (+20/-0)
14 comments last comment...

It's long past time to remove the taint of FightKikeHERO from a sub dedicated to honoring dear uncle A.
requesting v/killallpedophiles     (
submitted by killallkikes to subrequest 1.4 years ago (+8/-1)
14 comments last comment...

i would like to return this sub to its former glory, and keep it out of evil hands.
Requesting OccidentalEnclave     (subrequest)
submitted by Inward to subrequest 1.4 years ago (+5/-0)
6 comments last comment...
I can't post or comment because I was banned by the jew, Joe_McCarthy. He seems to be gone now.
Requesting ownership of the +1 month abandoned /v/OccidentalEnclave.     (
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to subrequest 1.4 years ago (+1/-3)
4 comments last comment...
Requesting /r/LGBTQNPZ     (
submitted by big_fat_dangus to subrequest 1.5 years ago (+1/-3)

No active mod. In need of moderation
Requesting v/aww     (subrequest)
submitted by Centaurus to subrequest 1.5 years ago (+3/-0)
4 comments last comment...
I was the owner back 2 years ago -- that is my sub description -- and as I often come across vids and pics suitable for the sub, I wish to take the sub off your hands, @system , if possible.
Requesting /v/Occult     (
submitted by Love240 to subrequest 1.6 years ago (+0/-0)
4 comments last comment...

I've got stuff that doesn't belong in /v/Leaving_Babylon and would fit in here more appropriately. blumen had blocked me from this sub at some point and he has been banned for some time.
Requesting v/ShitpostLitterBox     (subrequest)
submitted by UncleDoug to subrequest 1.7 years ago (+11/-0)
14 comments last comment...
Current owners are non-active alts of deleted users.

Owner: DavidGoldstein

DavidGoldstein (zero posts in 2 years)
BareBackOpSec (banned user)

Requesting soapboxbanhammer     (subrequest)
submitted by GrayDragon to subrequest 1.7 years ago (+9/-1)
23 comments last comment...
If I cannot overthrow FacelessOne with democracy, I will overthrow him with system tyranny.

I will do what is necessary to clean up the streets of all these kike mods. I call it, The Final Modification!
Petition to transfer blupedo's subs to MrGoat and reset bans     (subrequest)
submitted by mikenigger to subrequest 1.8 years ago (+2/-3)
8 comments last comment...
blumen4alles and BareBackOpSec are banned, generic subs like /v/UpliftingNews, /v/bears, /v/turtles don't belong to the pedo
Requesting v/Christianity     (subrequest)
submitted by Master_Foo to subrequest 1.8 years ago (+17/-13)
49 comments last comment...
Requesting v/Sewing     (
submitted by NeedleStack to subrequest 1.9 years ago (+25/-0)
18 comments last comment...

I created the sub on the original voat and Cynabuns appears to not be active anymore. Thank you!
Soapboxbanhammer     (subrequest)
submitted by FacelessOne to subrequest 1.9 years ago (+4/-0)
3 comments last comment...
Obviously I make all the best soapbox posts and deserve ownership
Requesting v/Christian     (
submitted by Love240 to subrequest 2.0 years ago (+3/-1)
8 comments last comment...

I want a place for the sermons that don't belong in /v/Leaving_Babylon.