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Accidentally burned a bridge yesterday.     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to tellupgoat_based_edition 2 hours ago


Not literally of course, there's very few wooden bridges these days. I was pissed at the owner of the place I worked at, and I accidentally sent a text I shouldn't have.

Let me unpack this a bit. So I got a text with this week's schedule. She's been starving me out there for a couple weeks and I only had two days. I accidentally told her to shove those two days up her ass. That's how I really felt, but I didn't mean to send that text. I'm a little neurotic, so sometimes I'll write out a text with what I want to say but then think better of it and delete it. Maybe I shouldn't do that, or maybe I should just say what I want. I dunno. I have another job, so it's fine sort of. It was good money though, and it was off the books.

I'm feeling pretty angry about the whole situation though, and I couldn't sleep last night. Kinda need every dollar I can make right now. It is what it is.
Got another one y'all      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Nature 15 hours ago


This one came from the same pot as the last one. I actually like it better, it's kinda mysterious in its patterns. There's like eight more buds, so this is gonna be cool.

Anyway, hope y'all having a good Sunday.
Monarch caterpillar munching      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Nature 4 days ago


Not sure if I shared this with y'all. I'm going through some old photos and throwing out the garbage. Saw this and it made me smile, hopefully it makes you smile too.
My Lulu cat under the umbrella tree at dusk.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Cats 6 days ago


We've been letting our indoor cats have outside time lately. This one is Lulu, and she's 12 years old. Couple days ago she caught a lizard and ate that fucker alive. She still got it! Anyway, I thought this was a pretty cool picture and wanted to share it.
My "crazy" Uncle passed away recently. Let me tell you bout him.     (RIP)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to RIP 1 week ago


Uncle Tim was married to my mom's sister. Between the mid 70's and the late 80's they had seven kids, six girls and one boy, and they lived in Miami. Now something happened in the mid 90's that didn't sit quite right with Tim. I didn't know about this incident until I was much older, and it was relayed to me by another Uncle.

The story goes that his oldest daughter started dating a spade. So Uncle Tim went to my other uncle for some help. Tim's plan was that they kill the nigger and dump his body in a canal. He was an avid collector of guns his whole life, and he was built like a brick shit house. He definitely had the means. My other uncle talked him out of it, so instead Tim bought ten acres of land in north Florida bout an hour from where I live now. I still go past the place sometimes when I take a drive to clear my head.

Tim was one of those "crazy conspiracy theorists". He was the first to get me thinking about all that, specifically the Clinton crime family, ruby ridge, and Waco. It was policy in my family that you never visit unannounced unless you wanted eight rifles pointed at you.

They eventually sold the farm and moved further away from people, wound up in a small town in bum fuck nowhere Kansas. All his daughters married White men from their Latin Catholic Church and had many kids. Shit my one cousin just had her 9th.

Yeah, we all thought he was crazy growing up. He wouldn't let his kids watch anything made by Disney, his daughters all dressed in ankle length skirts, ultra conservative. Turns out Tim had shit all the way figured out.

I don't know why I was thinking about him today, but hindsight is 20/20. That was one based bastard. RIP Uncle Tim, you fuckin earned it.
Doxxing conspirafag      (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1 week ago


To honor Cinco de Mayo properly, I'm watching the 1960 John Wayne film The Alamo      (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 2 weeks ago


Hell with tacos, margaritas, and refried beaners. I'll take Jim Bowie and Davey Crockett.
Robin Trower - Too Rolling Stoned     (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to music 2 weeks ago


There's currently a cadre of beaners moving in next door.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 2 weeks ago


Better than niggers I guess. I'll know if they're Mexican tomorrow if the air is polluted by mariachi and molta. They sound Colombian or Venezuelan. Too dark to be from Argentina.

It's a couple with three kids, so at least there's a family unit. No moving truck, just a squad of beat up f150's.

There goes the neighborhood, I knew I shouldn't have resigned the lease agreement.
Campfire story     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Campfire 3 weeks ago


Back in the mid 2000's I was a bit of a shit bag. I know, surprise surprise. Anyway, after a long night of drinking and chasing tail my buddy and I were headed home with nothing but a buzz. We stopped at circle K for some three am hot dogs. We used to pull this sham back then where we'd put two dogs on one bun with nacho cheese in the middle and chili on top. You'd put the hotdogs in a little carton, and the clerk would only charge you for one, but I digress. As we're heading in to the K some crackhead nigger pulls up on his bike and told us not to steal his bike. We wouldn't have done it otherwise, but god damn if that nigger didn't put the thought in our heads. Needless to say, when we exited the building we threw that niggers bike in the back of the truck.

I still think about that and laugh sometimes. Had to be twenty years ago.

Good times.
Buddy that goes to Columbia University sent me this      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 3 weeks ago


I know it's silly, but this is the first time I've ever gotten an orchid to bloom.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Gardening 3 weeks ago


I've had dozens of orchids over the years, and they never rebloom. I've had this one for at least two years and today I was greeted with this. Pretty fuckin stoked.
Nigger story      (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1 month ago


Had a nigger bitch come into the place I work last night. It's a deli, we make sandwiches and there's a beer only bar in the back.
First Question: Do y'all take EBT?
I tell her no, we only take cash and local checks.
Second Question: Does the check have to be valid?
Me, verbatim: Fucking Yes?
She tells me she was just fuckin with me and she "don't eain fucks wit EBT" and proceeded to pull some damp mother fuckin titty money out of her bra.
I take her fuckin bra stash titty cash, cause fuck it let's get this god damn lunatic the fuck out of here and get on with the night, but fuckin god damn. That's a new one for me bros.
Does the check have to be valid? I'm at a loss. It's typical nigger behavior, I know, but fuck that's absurd.
Sierra Hull & Jeff Coffins - Stomping Grounds      (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to music 1 month ago


Sierra Hull is one of the most talented mandolin players I've ever had the joy to experience. Probably only second to Chris Thile, but it's a damn close second.

The fact that you don't know her name but you know who fuckin Taylor Swift is, well that's just proof positive that music is fuckin kicked. So much good music out there that hasn't been completely jewed, you just have to dig for it. Seek and you shall find, don't settle for the McDonalds version of something so essential to the human experience.
Spicy     (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to videos 1 month ago


So no one told you kikes were gonna be this way πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ
You're fat, you're broke, your trans and everything is gay
Seems like you're always next to something queer
They put hormones in your water, food, and even your beer!
While we're all patiently waiting to see videos of Isreal get kicked, I have a story about a nig.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1 month ago


The house next door is for rent, it's been vacant for since 3/1. Today, an SUV with three niggers pulled into the driveway. That's not too strange, they are showing the place. What was strange was the property manager, who has a custom wrap on their vehicle, didn't show up.

So these niggers get out and head straight to the backyard. Pretty sure they were trying windows and doors. I couldn't see them, but I was out in my backyard smoking and I could definitely hear them.

Right about that time my wife got home from the store, and her spidy senses were tingling. She See's them try a couple windows on the front, nab a package that must have been there for a while, and then drop the package back by the door and skitter off. She managed to get a few wildlife photos as this was going on.

No happy ending here, but the shitter critters probably saw her filming and won't be back. I called the fuzz, and sent them the photos I had. They looked like potential swatters, so I wanted to make a report.

Anyway, TNB TND and GTK
So I guess I have to move.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1 month ago


Got an email yesterday saying that if I want to resign my lease they're raising the rent by $350, which is crazy. I can't do it unless I start making a lot more money and I just don't have the energy to do that anymore.

Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I've been wanting to get out of this town for awhile. There's really only one person, other than my wife, that I would call a friend. I've got a ton of stuff that I now have a good excuse to get rid of, shit I don't need. Let me know if any of y'all want an antique bar, an antique letter desk, fuckin antique dresser bureau night stand set. I'd literally give it to you if you pay for shipping. Just need shit gone by July. I don't feel like moving that shit again. The bar is solid oak and like 300 fuckin pounds. It's a glorified cabinet at this point.

Fuckin hate moving, but this might be a really good thing.
I gave myself a hair cut.     (whatever)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 1 month ago


It was pretty alright. Had to have my wife touch it up a bit. Saved myself $25 so that's pretty cool.
Dragonfly on the antenna of my truck      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Nature 1 month ago


Took this today at the end of a long hike. Thought it was pretty cool.
Do we have a Canary? And if not, should we have one?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


If you were on old voat you probably know what I'm talking about. If not, fuck you you're dead to me.

Anyway, shouldn't we have a Canary here?
Life comes at ya fast.     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to tellupgoat_based_edition 1 month ago


I work with this chick, and please allow me to set this up so you understand. She's what could be described as country chic. She's about ten years younger, pretty if not for being covered in tattoos, married a guy that makes 300k plus a year. I've seen video evidence of her going into the bar bathroom with other dudes and staying there for about fifteen minutes. Maybe they just went in for a private chat lol. She drives a crazy lifted truck, has two kids, and generally acts like her shit smells like roses.

Got it? Ok let's move on to chapter two.

Yesterday, they were on their way home from the place they hang out on Sundays. It's in the neighborhood, so they usually use a quad of sorts. It's a four seater. Kids are buckled into the back, husband driving, wife passenger in the front. Neither one were buckled.
I don't know what exactly transpired, but they wrecked it. They wrecked it bad. Now both parents are in the hospital. Chick I work with got her face broken, a concussion, and several broken ribs. Her husband has a concussion as well, and maybe a tbi.

In a fuckin instant their lives went from redneck fairy tale to white trash trash fire.

Let me be clear, I was never friends with her, but always friendly. I fuck myself up quite often, and I've broken all my ribs, or had them broken for me. I do have sympathy for the pain they're both going through. The physical pain at least.

Now they stand to lose the kids, lose that 300k/year job. Lose their house, and they've already lost their health for several weeks or months. Ribs take a long time to heal and it ain't pleasant or easy. CPS will be all over this because there was definitely alcohol involved. Husband was/is working as a dentist for children. It doesn't take Bobby Fischer to see checkmate here.

Pride comes before the fall. Literally in this case.
My friend Althea      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Cats 1 month ago


Awesome little kitter. It's crazy how much this little critter likes me. Sometimes I think she likes me more than I like myself. She's smart and retarded at the same time. I think she probably got that from me.
The urge to steal arrives early.     (Monkeyshines)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Monkeyshines 1 month ago


Was at Publix earlier, just trying to get some delicious fried chicken. Go over to the self serve area and there's a pack of niggers over there waiting for deli service. The smallest of the brood, a male nog about the age of six, helped itself to a pack of the fuckin mixed fried chicken! Little nigger reached right up and helped itself to a fuckin drumstick. Momma nog finally noticed and put the half eaten drumstick back in the fuckin box and told baby nigger to get him a napkin.

Long story short, I settled in a fuckin frozen pizza tonight. Fucking shameless beasts ruined chicken night forever.

I saw many more horrors in those isles, shit stressed me out to the point that I left my wife in the line to pay so I could get some air. Last time I go to Publix at 5:30pm. Shit's a fuckin jungle at that time.
Who's the most based band?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to AskUpgoat 1 month ago


Trouble Taylor Swift, bluegrass style      (youtu.be)

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to music 2 months ago


I don't care if y'all think this is gay as hell, but this is such a beautiful example of musical communication that I've ever seen. This shit warms my heart, and I know my fellow musicians here will get a smile.