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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 538 (+555/-17)
ccp: 65 (+68/-3)
votes given: 37 (+37/-0)
score: 603


Owner of:
Blackonwhite, New_Pakistan, Humour_Videos, I_FUCKING_LOVE_SCIENCE,
Mod of:
we have a pretty robust indoctrination plan     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to videos 1.9 years ago


The Liberal World Order     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to videos 1.9 years ago


On the left...Palestinian Propaganda...On the right....Palestinian Reality     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to videos 1.9 years ago


IFLS - OBESITY - Gastric Bypass failure     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to whatever 1.9 years ago


"Scientists" literally chop up part of your stomach in hopes this will make you eat less.

IFLS - Lobotomy - This used to be a procedure performed by scientists.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to I_FUCKING_LOVE_SCIENCE 1.9 years ago


Police Warns Cab Driver after ...playing "Anti Covid" Podcast on his car?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to New_Pakistan 1.9 years ago


Haleluja     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to Humour_Videos 1.9 years ago


Hold still so I can change your diaper     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to Humour_Videos 1.9 years ago


She finally replied!!!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to videos 1.9 years ago


The Kebap Incident     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to New_Pakistan 1.9 years ago


We was geniusez     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Rubberdong to Memes 2 years ago


Niggers and hair     (whatever)

submitted by Rubberdong to whatever 2 years ago


i just realized...exactly ZERO niggers allow their hair to grow naturally.

they either shave short or do dreads, straighten or even wear wigs.

take a look around you and take notice.
How to access the Daily Stormer     (whatever)

submitted by Rubberdong to whatever 2 years ago


Download tor browser on your phone or desktop and put on this link,

DailyStormer...is it down again?     (AskGoats)

submitted by Rubberdong to AskGoats 2 years ago


anyone has the meme that divides 6m jews by 6 years, 365 days. 24 hours, 60 seconds?     (Jews)

submitted by Rubberdong to Jews 2 years ago


Is anyone actually willling able and trustworthy enough to help?     (IdeasForTalk)

submitted by Rubberdong to IdeasForTalk 2 years ago


I ve been told that its all up to System to maintain this place and that he even pays for it from his own pocket.

But obviously, a man that is already working a full time job probably, is not able to invest more in this place.

So, all of these ideas we have are cool...but do we have trustworthy people able to implement them?
Changes 02     (TalkDev)

submitted by Rubberdong to TalkDev 2 years ago


1) Share Link / Discuss Buttons.

Two buttons for submitting content is not necessary.
Especially when you are on mobile.
A single button is enough. The next screen may easily have both Submit Link / Submit Text options, but it is not necessary either.

You may be able to submit content, whilst leaving the "Link" field blank.

Cons: You risk people creating new threads, but forgetting to attach the link, so the link field should REALLY stand in red bold text.

2) Share LInk / Discuss images, vids and archive.

Surely, I can share content...but I only use PIC8 and catbox.
So when you submit content, you may also advise which hosts can help. It doesn't help to have a link to catbox or imgur or whatever we prefer to be using. We can fucking leach off of reddit if we want to.

3) Where is the [Forgotten Password](https://pic8.co/d/68bfd231-2a4b-4765-b369-c453396387d0.jpg) button when you try to Sign In?

4) Sign In / Register buttons.

This could be a single "Log In" button. Then, the Sign In screen may have a "Create New Account" option.

In the Create New Account screen, on the "Email" Field, you may provide a link to a trust worthy email provider...like Gmail (I am joking).

5) Mobile interface looks horrendous.

[This](https://u.smutty.horse/mgrjrttyqft.jpeg) is what you see when you try to submit new content.

And the submit post button is [barely visible](https://anopic.us/loomfKgWJ2NkqHwYN8hm1rfJL0nb3ahgqHj9ODU5.jpg)

6) This is what Talk.Lol [looks like on mobile](https://u.smutty.horse/mgrjqpsmxfg.jpg)

the upvote downvote button may be moved to the far left, even further.

The "submitted by User123 to subverse123 x hours ago (+12/-23)" takes too much space.

Look how much clearer other [reddit clones look](https://pic8.co/a/62abf690-f2ba-4764-95b6-ea17837f087e/) and how easier it is to see this information. You can see the subverse, the username, when it was posted, all without confusing the reader.

7) There is a + Button that opens pictures NOT on a new screen. There is "play" button that opens videos. But there is no video that opens up the text. The only way you can read the text, is if you click either on the "Comments" button or on the subject itself.

There is no way you can read text posts without moving to a new screen.

Text only posts, should have the option of being viewed like pics and vids.

8) There is no report button? Seriously?

What if someone is posting gore on cute subverses, or scat stuff on porn subverses...and of course...childporn?

9)Notifications on comment replies

[This](https://pic8.co/sh/H9HeZe.jpg) is what it currently looks like

This MUST quote the POst it relates to, not the comment the reply relates to, the post. This should be at the very top.
It should also be clickable and link you to your comment and the replies below.
It begs for an upvote/downvote button next to it.
The "delete notification" button is too time consuming. A mark as read should be sufficient next to the upvote downvote button.

10) If I click on the + button, I open the image/ vid.

For example I clicked here on the ["This image was produced in 2015..." post.](https://pic8.co/sh/FQLLU1.jpg)

So it opened the image all right.but, it is still too small.
The image only expands between the - button and the far right.

So this needs to

Firstly be substantially larger. It should expand between the far left border of the screen and the far right border.

Secondly, have an option that allows you to open it in a new screen.
There is no way of opening up Catbox Videos via mobile. You need to zoom in by pinching or, go in the comments and then open it up.

11) I know I am a Jew Nigger Faggot that needs to go back to Reddit/ Poal. Lets please have an honest discussion on how we can improve this place and make it grow.

TwoXYChromosomes - "How I almost got kidnapped" (SPOILERS:Karen is just paranoid)     (pic8.co)

submitted by Rubberdong to MeanwhileOnReddit 2 years ago


Are you happy with VOAT's interface and everything? I made some recomendations that I would love to see implemented.     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by Rubberdong to AskUpgoat 2.1 years ago


Changes     (TalkDev)

submitted by Rubberdong to TalkDev 2.1 years ago


Hello people,

The reason why I am here, is because I also love VOAT but also hate it and I would like to see it grow and improve.

Sadly, other than make shit memes, waste hours in filing shit, cropping vids...I am not a developer. And I am really hoping that the owners, or someone with a passion will actually improve this place.

Remember, every time big tech censors, WE WIN! VOAT wins. We all crave a place that is clean from leftoids, fags and niggers, and our grandfathers did more to escape them than just build a reddit clone.

SO...lets get started shall we?


What the fuck does this button do? Does it take me to some kind of chat? Where I can discuss? Oh..ok, it is actually the submit button."COol...let me share this link of Zelensky arresting his own people to exchange with Russians" oh wait...this is a text only! How do I share a link? I cant change the option now..Should had chosen the "share link" button.

So, there should be a single Submit button there, either "Submit" or an Icon, that then allows you to quickly and easily switch between link post, text post or whatever post.

2)Forgot password
Where do I reset my password if I've forgotten it?


and why is there no register button there as well? A large percentage of people accidentally type in sign in when they actually want to register a new account, not just idiots, but people that are being confused by a bad interface or are flooded with too many buttons and information.

3) Mobile interface.

This is what VOAT looks like

This is what POAL looks like

Look at how much better POAL looks like.

You got the subverse on top, and the creaton on the top right, that stands out easily.
On VOAT you got all of this bullshit that you probably wont even read because it is too confusing.
"submitted by ExRedditor to whatever 3 hours ago"
Takes too much space, confuses, looks ugly.

The upvotes seem to take too much space too on VOAT.

You can have
An image/ video button which allows you to view the link/image/ video.
A comment button which takes you to the comments session.
A save , hide, report button.

4) Looks at this shit...seriously..

This is what happens when you click on submit on mobile

and this is where the submit post is, can you fucking spot it?

5) File sharing
Above anything, this is a file sharing site. We need to easily upload pictures and vids.

the submit link option, desperately needs

An "IMAGE" button which takes you to PIC8 or some PIC8 clone.
A "video" button that takes you to VID8 or a VID8 clone.

6) Branding.
Its been almost a year and the VOAT brand is still alive. Can you remind me again why we cant have VOAT anymore? Is it because the previous owner that pulled the plug out of the blue is being a faggot?

7)Why cant I click on the picture?

If I click here....nothing happens



It took me a year to realise that these two take me the posts I have downvoted and posts I have upvoted...cool feature, but how the fuck are new users supposed to know that?


Christine Englehardt, 18MAR21     (jssocial.pw)

submitted by Rubberdong to Blackonwhite 3.2 years ago


Jadon Hayden MAY20     (s01.geekpic.net)

submitted by Rubberdong to Blackonwhite 3.2 years ago


A pakistani in Greece     (s01.geekpic.net)

submitted by Rubberdong to Blackonwhite 3.2 years ago


No one is safe, not even unsuspecting 5 year old children. RIP Cannon!     (jssocial.pw)

submitted by Rubberdong to Blackonwhite 3.2 years ago


Boulder Colorado     (pic8.co)

submitted by Rubberdong to Blackonwhite 3.2 years ago