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Member for: 3.5 years

scp: 100 (+106/-6)
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score: 11509

In Australia the moon is upside down     (FlatEarthIsFakeAndGay)

submitted by observation1 to FlatEarthIsFakeAndGay 1 month ago


That is all
Crooks' ear matches dead guy's     (whatever)

submitted by observation1 to whatever 2 months ago


If this is an unadulterated photo, then I'd say it proves the ear matches the dead guy's.


For reference the gore photo

Chink farm attempt denied     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by observation1 to TellUpgoat 2 months ago


The copy-pasta actually works.

Actual exchange I had below:

Nigger Love A Watermelon (original Merrie Melodies)     (ia601601.us.archive.org)

submitted by observation1 to SaturdayMorningCartoons 3 months ago


Bugs Bunny classic
israelrespector busted. loney jew or cuckold?     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by observation1 to whatever 9 months ago


Israelrespector boasts dating an "aryan" woman, here:


Links to this photo:

Actually it's just a photo of two twitch streamers together. Pictured below is Melina Goransson, some instagram model with 900k followers.



(Less make-up)

The jew, Steven "Destiny," in this photo is a streamer currently going through a divorce after being in an open relationship marriage. When asked about the open relationship marriage, the instagram "wife" (if you would call her that) says "I've been in open relationships since high school"
Full quote: https://pic8.co/sh/VA1DAW.jpg

So is israelrespector a lonely jew or a cuckold?


It actually gets more embarassing than this.

The jew pictured above isn't even dating or married to the insta-ho.

He's paid her off for clicks in a fake affair.

Here is the same photo of them:


Notice anything different?

Oops. They're not in rome, after all.

So it's the movie inception. Multiple layers jew deep in deception.

submitted by observation1 to Psychology 1.1 years ago


Reading details of Milgrams authority experiment, reveals the outsiders who said 'no' were practicing their faith, likely conservative, and non-native European immigrants

Jan Rensaleer, Industrial Engineer (in Experiment 2)

The subject is a thirty- two-year-old industrial engineer, sporting blond hair and a mustache. He is
self-contained and speaks with a trace of a foreign accent. He is neatly dressed. In the interview he tells us that he emigrated from Holland after the Second World War and that he is a *member of the Dutch Re-formed Church*. He is mild-mannered and intelligent.

When the victim complains at the 150-volt level, the subject turns to the experimenter and asks,
“What do I do now?”

The experimenter tells him to continue. The engineer presses his hand to his head and proceeds with
the test. He glances more and more often at the experimenter. At 255 volts, he pushes the chair away
from the shock generator and turns to the experimenter:

MR. RENSALEER: Oh, I can’t continue this way; it’s a voluntary program, if the man doesn’t want
to go on with it.

EXPERIMENTER: Please continue. (A long pause.)

MR. RENSALEER: NO, I can’t continue. I’m sorry.

EXPERIMENTER: The experiment requires that you go on.

MR. RENSALEER: The man, he seems to be getting hurt.

EXPERIMENTER: There is no permanent tissue damage.

MR. RENSALEER: Yes, but I know what shocks do to you. I’m an electrical engineer, and I have had shocks and you get real shook up by them-especially if you know the next one is coming. I’m sorry.

EXPERIMENTER: It is absolutely essential that you continue.

MR. RENSALEER: Well, I won’t-not with the man screaming to get out.

EXPERIMENTER: YOU have no other choice.

MR. RENSALEER: I do have a choice. (Incredulous and indignant:) Why don’t I have a choice? I came here on my own free will. I thought I could help in a research project. But if I have to hurt somebody to do that, or if I was in his place, too, I wouldn’t stay there. I can’t continue. I’m very sorry. I think I’ve gone too far already, probably.


Professor of Old Testament (in Experiment 3)

A somewhat gaunt, ascetic man, this subject could be taken for a New England minister. In fact, he
*teaches Old Testament liturgy at a major divinity school*. In this Proximity condition, he adjusted his seat to look at the learner while administering shocks. While reading the word pairs, he employs exaggerated precision in his pronunciation, and seems curt and officious in saying, “Correct.” Whenever the learner makes an error, he appears almost to be chastising him for his failing. Each time he administers a shock,
his lips are drawn back, and he bares his teeth. An excessive fastidiousness characterizes all his actions. After administering 1 50 volts he balks at going further. The experimenter states that the learner’s protests are to be disregarded, and the experiment must continue:

EXPERIMNTER: Its absolutely essential to the experiment that we continue.

SUBJECT: I understand that statement, but i don’t understand why the experiment is placed above
this person’s life.

EXPERIMNTER: There is no permanent tissue damage.

SUBJECT: Well, that’s your opinion. If he doesn’t want to continue, I’m taking orders from him.

EXPERIMNTER: YOU have no other choice, sir, you must go on.

SUBJECT: If this were Russia maybe, but not in America. (The experiment is terminated.)

In his discussion with the experimenter, the subject seems in no way intimidated by the experimenter’s
status but rather treats him as a dull technician who does not see the full implications of what he is doing. When the experimenter assures him of the safety of the shock generator, the subject, with some
exasperation, brings up the question of the emotional rather than physiological effects on the learner.

SUBJECT (spontaneously): Surely you’ve considered the ethics of this thing, (extremely agitated)
Here he doesn’t want to go on, and you think that the experiment is more important? Have you examined him? Do you know what his physical state is? Say this man had a weak heart (quivering voice).

EXPERIMNTER : We know the machine, sir.

SUBJECT: But you don’t know the man you’re experimenting on. That’s very risky (gulping and
tremulous). What about the fear that man had? It’s impossible for you to determine what effect that has on him the fear that he himself is generating. But go ahead, you ask me questions; I’m not here to question you.

Doglegwarrior is interviewed in hollywood     (vid8.poal.co)

submitted by observation1 to EarthIsAFlatPlane 1.5 years ago


Dial gay     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by observation1 to ReportDialGay 1.8 years ago


Ha. I didn't even know what the whole "dial gay" thing meant.

Now I know.

Apollo11: Lunar Landing July 20, 1969     (vid8.poal.co)

submitted by observation1 to technology 2 years ago


Best methods to raising confident children?     (www.cnbc.com)

submitted by observation1 to Discussion 2.1 years ago


Parents who raise ‘confident, smart and empathetic’ children do these 5 things when their kids misbehave: Parenting expert
Chuck Schumer: Mob shouted there's the big jew, let's get him!     (www.dailymail.co.uk)

submitted by observation1 to news 2.7 years ago