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Community for : 3.3 years

Owner: system


Jewsbadnews is banned     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by system to ProtectTalk 2.4 years ago (+49/-0)
120 comments last comment...
For posting blatantly stupid and illegal comments in chat. Intentionally trying to stir shit up it seems. Thermonuclear levels of glow. Caught it quick but if I need some mods I have a couple of you in mind, I will think it over tonight. Sorry about chat there is no easy way to delete individual messages currently.
Discord and discontent     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+28/-1)
11 comments last comment...
Jews sow discord and discontent amongst groups they dislike. It is their stock in trade. Don't let the jews fool you. If someone is stirring up shit, check their post history and comments. Is that all they contribute? Do they have a legitimate reason for their accusations and complaints or are they just a bitch?

They need to damage us. Don't be jewed.
ATTENTION! : Voat is UNDER ATTACK today by groups of paid Leftists meant to ruin social media sites that are 'Hate Thought' ! VOAT UNDER ATTACK! original content     (
submitted by try to ProtectTalk 2.9 years ago (+35/-10)
63 comments last comment...

Example of all new content being slammed below Gabara (and many sockpuppets) gibberish on /"new" (v/all?view=new)

See? -4 downvotes in mere minutes , to "0" to reach the effect of it being lower than the gibberish signal to noise attacks today on


VOAT.XYZ is almost thoroughly compromised at this point by paid attackers, meant to disenchant any contributors that will now probably flee to less free sites like Gab and Poal.

Its the goal of leftists here to use the rules to destroy this site.

If downvotes were limited to 2% or less of upvotes given, this crap would stop, or if people could elect to have all their voted they receive be visible (up or down), these JIDF/ADL/SPLC ShareBlue Soros tactics would fail.

This site is Provably utterly ruined at the moment, and those two images illustrate a form "Gibberish attack" upon us.

I cant believe this is allowed to happen here. And it will only accelerate until no users are left.

Only paid Jews and paid leftists will remain!

Joe MCarthy is now Jew McArthy, and he is again trying to build points until he can post his Pedo crap. You know what to do.     (
submitted by Artificial_Intelligentile to ProtectTalk 3 years ago (+22/-1)
26 comments last comment...
Please remove the limits on voting.     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 3 years ago (+24/-8)
36 comments last comment...
I upvote and downvote a lot. It is a quick way of showing agreement and support or disagreement and disapproval. I don't care about a ranking. Some people post and comment more than 10 times a day and if I want to upvote the comment and posts I agree with, but run out of votes, they may not feel supported and stop posting as much or at all. There are a couple of outliers on the site. Why is their behavior crafting the rules? Why is their behavior forming the culture.

In the real world, if many on this site had their way, the criminals would be executed. We would not limit or ban guns. Cull the chaff. Harvest the wheat.
Regarding the posts denigrating postwallhelena     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by Yargiyankooli to ProtectTalk 2.1 years ago (+20/-5)
70 comments last comment...
This is some weird Jewish tactic where they are demonizing our people by posting disgusting things about them, pictures, etc. It is just a way to get degeneracy on the site by acting as of they were "one of us". I am sure the majority of you know this but considering we are trying to take action against this pozzed affront on voat, I figured I would post about it.

No I am not white knighting, I am just calling out another source of degeneracy on the site.

PS. I know I still owe you a (((covid))) argument postwall, but I am too busy now to sit down and do it for real.

PPS. We also need to stop communicating with these fucking anon posts. Either tell them they are faggots or ignore.
So far these all appear to be the exact same user     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by incellivision to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+13/-1)
5 comments last comment...
DANGER ! is NEXT! EXPOSED!!! Jew-Infested Goatpen! NOT ONE single Jew Named in 235 of 235 posts! full Proof supplied! at risk?!! original content     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by try to ProtectTalk 2.7 years ago (+16/-5)
44 comments last comment...
DANGER ! is NEXT! EXPOSED!!! Jew-Infested Goatpen! NOT ONE single Jew Named in 235 of 235 posts! Proof supplied!

Time of 235 posts in images : 2021.09.03 10 AM

Goatpen PROVEN 100% controlled by Jews!

Out of Top 235 posts shown in these images,
NOT even a token pot shot allowed against Israel or Jews!

The most Jew friendly social site on earth. PROVEN.

I helped convert & to extreme Jew Naming sites.

Goatpen is a proven ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/JIDF/ShareBlue Dumpster fire! sadly, in weeks also might have no Jew Naming posts in top 235 posts.

In order from post 1 to 235, all Topmost posts, 100% free of Jew Naming, Proven!

goatpen part 01 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 02 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 03 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 04 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 05 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 06 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 07 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 08 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 09 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 10 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 11 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 12 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 13 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 14 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 15 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 16 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 17 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 18 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 19 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 20 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 21 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png
goatpen part 22 - top 235 posts - 2021.09.03.png

I cannot believe how foolish the goatpen Jews were to not even allow a token innocuous Jew naming post.

system needs to keep the banned jews out, not let the paid leftists do to what they PROVABLY did to goatpen.

look at the images for proof.

CAUGHT! EXPOSED! "Oy Vey, The Goyim Know, Shut It Down!"
Dial/Sanegoat is flooding chat     (
submitted by gabara to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+14/-3)
29 comments last comment...
Why does @try post, then delete, then repost the exact same thing?     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by mumbleberry to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+13/-2)
15 comments last comment...
WARNING! - 2021.08.24 - How Data Brokers Sell Access to the Backbone of the Internet from ISPs to Help ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/JIDF track https periodic tiny chat packets through VPNs to, as I mentioned hours before this was written     (
submitted by try to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+13/-2)
7 comments last comment...

ISPs are quietly distributing "netflow" data that can, among other things, trace traffic through VPNs.

Here's archive lacking charts, lacking images, non reactive on glass held devices :

Summary : Companies sell traffic sieve database scan specifics to motivated data buyers. A person forcing periodic chat packets of a tiny specific size, even if h t t p s encrypted by this site, results in a specific time and packet size easily locatable on backbones to and from VPNs leading to users here with open chat windows even if they use VPNs or Tor to access

22 hours ago, hours before this OP article was on-line, I mentioned in this attack vector in a thread how to defeat it :

I mentioned 3staragent periodic packets of "." to chat for weeks are to track ultimate IP locations of people who ever have chat window momentarily visible.

In that thread I also mention how to thwart it with periodic jitter delay and random unseen message padding :

The admin of this site could thwart MOSSAD/China/Russia by merely adding a random 1 to 260 bytes of non displayed data onto all chat payloads, and add a jitter delay of 135ms + 0 to 270ms to all chat messages

@system, @PuttitoutIsGone, @mikenigger, @Granite_Pill

FBI/NSA/CIA are entrenched in-situ at CloudFlare the anti-DDOS snitching vendor, so this thing in this news story is for foreign actors, not US Feds : ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/JIDF/China/Russia.

80% of long-haul h t t p s packets can be scanned by ONE data broker : from their boast on their page :

Cortex® Xpanse™ obtains flow data via multiple relationships with Tier 1 ISPs. Cortex Xpanse has access to a sample of approximately 80% of global flows.

The paid Leftists infesting will try to downvote this warning of VPN to home IP tracking. System should ban those Jew leftists that downvote this warning. This includes the Jews that JUST NOW reversed their downvotes.
Granite_Pill has dropped his mask      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+13/-2)
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removing my content for no reason
Subversive Post in Question
Owns too many subs

@system are you comfortable knowing this kind of (((user))) owns
so many subs?

The deleted post in question was this
the Chris Langan video which had 53 upvotes and zero downvotes

i demand my post reinstated
such power tripping does not belong on voat

edit: this jew decided to be an extra kike and remove content from months ago

Double edit: it appears mr (((Granite_Pill))) is also the owner of a rather suspicious anon sub (credit to mikenigger for the find)
At some point, it's not retardation     (
submitted by lastlist to ProtectTalk 1.8 years ago (+12/-1)
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AO chink jew passed on this pretend tard.
Thisisallstupid is a kike faggot on hormone therapy.     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by bosunmoon to ProtectTalk 3.2 years ago (+5/-0)
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He's here to defend poal and be hormonal on account of the fact that his body can't make hormones normally. Most likely because he is a soy eating queer.
Try     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+3/-0)
14 comments last comment...
Why was @Try run off the site? Is it because he posted facts, so the jews were scared? Did he have some opinion that couldn't be squared, of which I am unaware.

Some real douches have been run off, but it is a slippery slope.
Why is there no immune system that deals with these jews?     (
submitted by Inward to ProtectTalk 1.2 years ago (+3/-0)
21 comments last comment...

Only a degenerate loser would comment like this. INB4 White knighting. I knight for all Whiteness.

Many here should be well-versed in jew tactics: Division, Demoralization, Degeneracy, Distraction, and Subversion, etc.
Edited text     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+2/-1)
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@system edited comments used to get a (*) after them, but I don't see that anymore. Also, banning people for empty threats is lame.
Crest shill tactics 2021     (
submitted by Cunt to ProtectTalk 2.6 years ago (+1/-0)
4 comments last comment...
Its time we talked about the users "deleted" and "removed" and their spam     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by systemisseasilymanipulated to ProtectTalk 2.3 years ago (+4/-3)
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Now Im sure some of you may have noticed these accounts from time to time. They post the exact same comment over and over, just their names, and nothing else. What really concerns me is that they have no user page or comment history, so collecting evidence of this has been difficult. I have reason to believe these accounts may actually be agents running IP traces on users. If anyone has information regarding these users, please post and help out, thank you.
Rule 7     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 2.7 years ago (+0/-0)
Is rule 7 of this site new or just not enforced?
Demoralization      (ProtectTalk)
submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 2.6 years ago (+0/-0)
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Beware of users that have been silent over the last few months that try to put a negative spin on what are otherwise triumos to our cause. "This is what the left wants", etc. Shame these shills and tell them to fuck off back to Israel.
Industry standard is our enemy.     (ProtectTalk)
submitted by Artificial_Intelligentile to ProtectTalk 2.4 years ago (+0/-0)
calls for violence
ALS is back with an alt     (
submitted by mikenigger to ProtectTalk 2.8 years ago (+4/-6)
7 comments last comment...
MoarDeadjews admits to being a jew.     (
submitted by Inward to ProtectTalk 1.2 years ago (+5/-7)
39 comments last comment...

He very clearly followed my directions and very clearly admitted to being a jew. Stop supporting this degenerate loser.

If you post a WebM you have a micropenis and erectile dysfunction      (ProtectTalk)
submitted by Systemisgay to ProtectTalk 3 years ago (+0/-3)