RIP Goats of Canuckistan - Trudeau introduces "Online Harms" Bill C-63 - It is specifically designed to retroactively imprison anyone who has ever posted "Hate" online.     (twitter.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 3 weeks ago (+56/-0)
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Most popular re-elected President Nixon who ended the Vietnam War passed environmental regulations and helped the middle class taped his discussion with Billy Graham about how Jews will destroy the country because they don't believe in the same things we believe in     (twitter.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to History 2 weeks ago (+49/-1)
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If you don't know Nixon was framed and brought down by Jews including Mark felt who was secretly deepthroat and feeding information to the Jewish reporters at the Washington Post which was Jewish controlled to create a bad image of Nixon over a long period of time to change people's opinion about him and get him to resign..

Who was Mark felt? Who's the assistant director of the fbi.

So once again we had the intelligence agencies working against the population of the United States that had just reelected Nixon in one of the biggest landslides in the country's history.

He was so popular. He was for the middle class he had ended the Vietnam War and the horrible draft that had thousands of young men killed. He passed environmental regulations that did many other wonderful things.

And he was framed and still is framed as a crook and a bad person when actual fact he was one of the best presidents..

But the Jews brought him down because they knew he opposed them as he discusses here.

It's important to remember that at this time divorce was almost unheard of. pornography was not prevalent. television and movies had codes of ethics which could not be broken. the country was primarily white Christian European. Crime rate was very low.

And after they got him out the Jews did indeed destroy our country through the media primarily by controlling the media and framing nonsense as truth.

Now marriage is the thing that is unusual. They're very few children born. They're pushing not just pornography but all kinds of gay shit and transgender bullshit and abortion is everywhere.

The white European race is being genocided right in front of our eyes and Nixon predicted at all just back in the '70s.

It's been almost no time at all.

We must reverse this somehow. And Trump will do it and Biden is certainly under their spell. And RFK won't acknowledge the problems with Israel although maybe he's just trying to keep it on the down low until he could possibly get elected but I doubt it he married a jew.

We're really fucked unless we figure something out.
Harvard medical school DEI initiates will make you never want to see a doctor again.     (twitter.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to ClownWorld 3 weeks ago (+39/-0)
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Video - Jews looting, and destroying U.S. donated food, and medical supplies before it can be delivered to the starving Palestinians of Gaza. - JEW MEDIA SILENT !!!     (twitter.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 2 weeks ago (+40/-1)
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Alex Jones names the Jews, and also details their "Israel First" tentacles of control within our Federal Government.     (twitter.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 1 month ago (+40/-1)
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How Western Civilization Ends     (twitter.com)
submitted by BulletStopper to whatever 3 weeks ago (+42/-2)
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It should be recorded now, for future generations to find, that modern Western civilization sputtered and died out due to:

1) jews
2) a lack of White people.
3) a lack of intellect,
4) a lack of any interest in it continuing.

Future generations of niggers and half-breed mutts, picking the lice from their heads while squating in their filthy villages, with raw sewage flowing through the streets, will not even have the remaining intellect to ponder how it happened.

For Whites and White values to survive, we must seperate ourselves from these fucking parasites.

(Thanks jews!)

(As a serious aside, if you’re looking for work, or to launch a business, you should probably look very hard at the opportunities in the machine shop area. Because it’s not just the car collectors who need metal parts machined. I looked around my own shop and realized that with one exception, most of my machinery here dates from the 60's.)
Biden's Economic Advisor ((( Jared Bernstein ))) struggles to answer - "Why does the 99.9% private entity known as The Federal Reserve create dollars from thin air, and then charge U.S. taxpayers usurious interest rates while risking no private capital, or credit?"      (twitter.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 4 weeks ago (+36/-0)
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Holy shit they pardoned Daniel Perry (shot commie in self defense).     (twitter.com)
submitted by Dindu to news 2 weeks ago (+35/-0)
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This had to be one of the greatest Freudian slips in modern history 🤣     (twitter.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to videos 2 weeks ago (+28/-0)
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Judaism is just schizophrenia and OCD      (twitter.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to Jews 1 day ago (+29/-1)
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This guys twatter is a goldmine.     (twitter.com)
submitted by allAheadFull to Jews 3 weeks ago (+27/-0)
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never forgive, never forget      (twitter.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 2 weeks ago (+26/-0)
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Jews have been trying to ethnically cleanse, and steal Rafah for over 20 years - Rachel Corrie was murdered trying to tell you the truth back in 2003.     (twitter.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 2 weeks ago (+26/-1)
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Former CNN anchor and vaccine pusher Chris Cuomo disclosed for the first time that he has been suffering from side effects he attributes to the COVID-19 vaccine. Cuomo admitted his side effects during an in-depth interview with nurse practitioner Sean Barcavage.     (twitter.com)
submitted by carnold03 to news 3 weeks ago (+25/-2)
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We don't know it's the vaxx, but they do.
Thomas Massie 2024! The only non-zogged man left in Congress      (twitter.com)
submitted by GreatSatan to Kvetching 1 week ago (+26/-1)
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More video from UCLA brawl. This makes 2016 look pretty chill     (twitter.com)
submitted by Dindu to videos 1 month ago (+22/-0)
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"Jerry Nadler cries out as the Soros Cabal strikes you!"     (twitter.com)
submitted by KosherHiveKicker to OccidentalEnclave 4 weeks ago (+23/-0)
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They're 'excellent swimmers'     (twitter.com)
submitted by Sector2 to TodayInNiggerNews 2 weeks ago (+24/-1)
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Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’     (twitter.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 2 weeks ago (+23/-0)
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The Mayo Clinic is still refusing service to the unvaxxed     (twitter.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to MeanwhileOnTwitter 1 week ago (+23/-2)
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How is he unable to explain this? He sounds like someone who is NOT in control of our money would sound. That is how my neighbor would answer this!!     (twitter.com)
submitted by Dindu to Jews 4 weeks ago (+21/-0)
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Dude makes hilarious song out of a text exchange after an unfortunate identity mistake with his girlfriend's sister     (twitter.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to funny 3 weeks ago (+26/-4)
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As a man I watch this and think I may be in love... as a Rage Safety Officer I say WTF?!?!     (twitter.com)
submitted by Glowbright to Guns 3 weeks ago (+19/-0)
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At first I thought "Well they must have cleared the arena and have a safety perimeter" and then I saw her shoot right at the camera and I thought "well maybe it is a remote camera" and then I see her shooting at 0:37 with the guy in the red shirt down range of her shot and I was like "What the Jesus loving fuck?!?!?" Can anyone explain 1) how people don't die watching this and 2) Where can I see this live?!?!?
Little kid goes on dates after setting up a 29 year old profile     (twitter.com)
submitted by Crackinjokes to funny 3 weeks ago (+20/-0)
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Oi, you got a LOICENSE for that thought, mate? Aussies enact social media regulation     (twitter.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Australia 3 weeks ago (+19/-0)
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