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God damn people are fucking stupid! Why is everyone so fucking retarded these days?

submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Rants 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:14:42 ago (+32/-0)     (Rants)

It’s Tuesday, not Monday, but seriously, everyone was Monday fucking stupid today. From driving into work, to the actual customers coming in, to the phone calls received, all of it. People can’t understand what you’re telling them. They park all retarded and can’t back out easily. People with literal mush mouth shit coming out of their cockholsters. The dumbest, most obvious stuff goes right over their heads, like talking to a retarded five year old. It’s not just women, some men too, but mostly women. And, it’s not just me. I overheard a few calls the wife was on and it was painful to listen to. She was annoyed as well, except she handles it better than I do. She shrugs it off, where I want to invite them in so I can bitch slap them at least, or kill them at most. Kidding. Not really though.

Pulling into work this morning, there was a customer parked where there is shade, but right in front of our delivery area. Trucks come in and out all day. I need to get that part painted out as a loading zone. Just as I parked, she got in her car and couldn’t figure out how to back up and get out, it took her three cuts, because, stupid boomer woman driver and all. Pissed me off, I hate seeing stupid. Literally I am bothered by witnessing stupid. It brings me down. Verifies I’m surrounded by fucking morons. Like just how are you 70 years old and don’t know how to back up? How the fuck did you get this far in life being so stupid? I’m not perfect, but you’ll never pin stupid on me.

Ugh, maybe tomorrow will be better.

54 comments block

[ - ] WNwoman 21 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:32:58 ago (+21/-0)

Expect things to get worse as IQ further declines with the influx of immigrants.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 9 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:40:20 ago (+9/-0)

And contamination of gene pool with subsaharan and pajeets.

[ - ] GreatSatan -2 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 02:52:16 ago (+1/-3)

Thanks, White women!

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:34:31 ago (+3/-1)

Actually, White women are the least likely to miscegenate, especially high iq White women. If we are gonna cast stones here, we must admit one of the biggest problems is White men marrying yellow bugs and creating hapas. In fact, I have recently observed an uptick in White men marrying poos. Very vomit inducing

[ - ] KDs_Other_Burner 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:52:51 ago (+1/-0)

This. I make a point to always openly laugh at some weasel looking fuck sheperding his pet gook around CostCo or whatever. Sometimes they glare - I just nod at my wife. She's white and the hottest fucking woman who ever drew breathe. They get the picture straightaway.

Every nog/camel jockey/kike/spic/gook/street shitter would give their left testicle for a white woman. It's all they fantasize about. White men who choose to inseminate gooks deserve every piece of ridicule they get, there's nothing more beta than being born a white man and settling for a non-white.

[ - ] GreatSatan 0 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 18:40:56 ago (+0/-0)*

I’ve seen like three White men IRL with a brown woman. I see a White woman burning coal almost everyday.

[ - ] Leveraction 7 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:50:22 ago (+7/-0)


Corrected it for you!

[ - ] Sector2 18 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:28:16 ago (+18/-0)

Uh, oh. Forecast for tomorrow is morning stupid, with periods of full retardation in the late afternoon.

[ - ] lord_nougat 8 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:35:37 ago (+8/-0)

Same as every day, round these parts.

[ - ] Moravian 4 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:41:00 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 1 point 3 monthsJul 13, 2024 01:18:34 ago (+1/-0)

///why is everyone so fucking retarded these days///

[ - ] Theo 15 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:29:46 ago (+15/-0)

Common Neurological Symptoms of Long COVID

Brain fog: difficulty concentrating, memory impairment, and confusion
Fatigue: persistent exhaustion and lack of energy
Headaches: frequent and severe headaches
Cognitive dysfunction: difficulty with attention, memory, and processing speed
Neuropathy: numbness, tingling, or weakness in the hands and feet
Dizziness or vertigo: feeling of spinning or loss of balance
Muscle weakness: weakness or paralysis in the muscles

Long covid is another name for adverse effects of the mRNA injections.

[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:45:45 ago (+2/-0)

unless they slipped it in without me knowing I didnt get it but have more of these "symptoms" than i would like to admit.

[ - ] Theo 1 point 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:18:25 ago (+1/-0)

I've read that it can be delivered by dental anaesthesia but I can't confirm that.

[ - ] 2plus2equals5 2 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:51:58 ago (+2/-0)

Before covid, half the people here were driving like Massholes in a china shop around pedestrians. Now they are curtious and patient with only occasional honks. They even move over right-lane on the highway (gasp). My middle finger is still primed but I've never had to use it in a very long time.

It's either vaxx brain fog, or people arming up after the riots, or they've finally realized how much accidents cost in time and money and stress.

[ - ] KDs_Other_Burner 0 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:57:10 ago (+0/-0)

Interesting observation. MRNA as society wide anger management? Pre-Covid people definitely exhibited far more aggressive behaviors on the average than today. I absolutely agree with that. I hadn't related it to the vaccine though.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 9 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:41:13 ago (+9/-0)

I notice it too. Most people have always been retarded, but the clot-shot and the enforced isolation of the past few years made them 3x more retarded. I also smell weed EVERYWHERE, it's fuckin sickening. I pray for a giant comet to put us out of our misery.

[ - ] Imsickofmakingusernames 3 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 01:35:21 ago (+3/-0)

Yeah, the pot smoke has increased.

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:36:52 ago (+1/-0)

Germany just legalized pot consume and people are smoking even more of that shit. There is no escape from this mess.

[ - ] Not_a_redfugee 7 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:31:20 ago (+7/-0)

My stepmother had the backup camera in her lincoln navigator failbefore backing out of her space at walmart. She didnt know what the fuck to do. I was like are you kidding me? I drive an `11 F150. No backup camera. Ive never hit shit. Yeah people are retarded nowadays.

[ - ] GreenSaint 5 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:31:36 ago (+5/-0)

Fuck man it’s not like I can help it you don’t have to be so mean :(

[ - ] Imsickofmakingusernames 4 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 01:42:46 ago (+4/-0)

Yeah, I’ve definitely noticed an increase in insane fucking people lately. The other day I was in the left turn lane, it was backed up, the light had already changed before I was up and oncoming traffic was heading my way. I’m not some slow ass boomer or anything. I actually drive pretty aggressively but this chick behind me decided she was going to have a psychological breakdown behind me and wail on the horn non stop like I’m just gonna floor it left through heavy oncoming traffic or something. I just sat there watching her become unglued at me trying to understand wtf was even happening. Idk, people are losing their fucking minds or something.

[ - ] Imsickofmakingusernames 4 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 01:34:27 ago (+4/-0)

Probably the same thing causing the 111,000% increase in brain clots…. Just a thought.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 4 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 01:12:48 ago (+4/-0)

I encountered another one of those GD idiots at a 4-way stop. Starts motioning everyone else through while holding all us up. I almost exploded like a nuclear weapon. I rolled my window down and beeped my horn and he looked and I said "GO, MOTHER FUCKER" and go he did. I hate'em. I think SSRI's do this. I also notice most out-of-staters run every red light these days and stop signs.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 4 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:05:06 ago (+4/-0)

Ugh, maybe tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow, it won't be better.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:28:48 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] big_fat_dangus 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 01:55:11 ago (+1/-0)

Dude, bro. Dude bro like whoa, so profound. Are you trying to sell a new brand of herbal tea or something?

[ - ] Love240 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 02:21:14 ago (+1/-0)

This is advice I need to take. Thanks.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey [op] 0 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:50:39 ago (+0/-0)

Hmm. I will have to consider this.

[ - ] Backwards 3 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 23:52:10 ago (+3/-0)

I regret to inform you that the world is full of retarded people, and that it is not situational dependent upon time, space, or dimension.

The problem is that it has become more socially acceptable to be openly retarded. In our grandparents' days they did their best to be functional and outwardly useful to society in order to keep appearances. You were considered a detriment to the community and the source of gossip. No one wanted that.

However, in this day and age of social media whoring and special needs infamy, its become commonplace.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:31:12 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Kozel 3 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:44:42 ago (+3/-0)

Some lady called me today

"Hi I have a samsung phone and I lost my cable for it do you have any cables"

I'm a freelancer, lady. Go to bestbuy.

[ - ] Hoobeejoo 2 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 04:59:09 ago (+2/-0)

I know the feels. Everyday is like death by a thousand cuts. Add the NonWhite to that mix and the frustration jumps exponentially.

"Ugh, maybe tomorrow will be better".

Hate to break it to ya, buddy, but....it probably won't.

[ - ] PORTforceOne 2 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 01:57:35 ago (+2/-0)

It's the immigrants and the brainwashing.

I can't believe how fucking dumb everyone is when I go in to town. Brainless morons hesitating their way through a meaningless life.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 23:57:11 ago (+2/-0)

It’s too hot today

[ - ] Anotherone 2 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:41:56 ago (+2/-0)

Went to Lowes today with the wife, goddamn fentnyl people in the parking lot, parks full of tents.

Dude in the median shooting up with holes in his skin.

Fuck that side of town.

[ - ] Moravian 2 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:43:13 ago (+2/-0)

Holy shit man it's like you wrote exactly what I was thinking today. Fucking retard upon retard, upon retard. People just can't understand what you're saying. I could say something like "we don't work on that here" and they'll say "that's OK I can bring it next weeeK!" Just like you I want to beat them till they fucking bleed! The word retard means more than just stupid because anyone can be a bit stupid sometimes but they realize it and make a note to not be that stupid ever again, however a retard is retarded and therefore doesn't even realize how stupid they are. I've been noticing this shit more and more in the last few years.

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 10:14:09 ago (+1/-0)

Yes. Others have noticed too and it just seems to be getting worse

[ - ] Laputois 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 07:27:56 ago (+1/-0)

I am a member off an automobile group which quite often has posts of members experiencing problems asking for advice. They will post specifically what they have done to troubleshoot their problem. You would not believe the lack of reading comprehension on the part of the responders. It is disheartening because these are white people.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey [op] 0 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:46:07 ago (+0/-0)

In their defense, a lot of car people are kinda dumb. Have you ever seen one refer to their “breaks”?

[ - ] Rowdybme 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 04:37:21 ago (+1/-0)

Does your pussy hurt too?

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey [op] 0 points 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 09:47:01 ago (+0/-0)*

I bet your gaping anus does!

[ - ] albatrosv15 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 03:25:49 ago (+1/-0)

Like just how are you 70 years old and don’t know how to
Your sentence comes up more often the older i get. My parents didn't teach me much so i had to be self-taught and i know way more than most of the people even in their 60s.

[ - ] MaryXmas 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 02:45:20 ago (+1/-0)

I don't get it. People refuse to take accountability and learn to do "the hard thing". They float through life with credit cards and debt and absolutely unacceptable skills, they outsource their problems to the big corporations and wrong their hands at the mess they get themselves into.

[ - ] Salacious_Salicylic 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 02:44:51 ago (+1/-0)

Listen friend, I know things are bad right now, but its gonna get worse.

[ - ] allAheadFull 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:39:32 ago (+1/-0)

Strong men create weak times or something...

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:23:51 ago (+1/-0)

people are stupid because they are using drugs also the ADD/sperg population has increased as time goes by

[ - ] vol09877 1 point 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 23:20:30 ago (+1/-0)

and then piss over them

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:53:33 ago (+1/-0)

Microwave food.

Remote control TV.

Amazon shopping to the door.

Microsoft windows, HP laptop.

The fake New York Times best seller list and now Amazon's


Edward Bernays said the invisible government's job was to do the beast servants thinking for them. It took them a hundred years.

Yiu aren't supposed to want to go outside. It frightens the jews.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 21:21:35 ago (+1/-0)

Soeshul meejyah kondishunink bye yidz

[ - ] vol09877 0 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 23:20:20 ago (+0/-0)

you should rape them

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:31:57 ago (+0/-0)

How the fuck did you get this far in life being so stupid?

Civilization was built to 90IQ standard, meaning a person of 90IQ will do well enough. Remember, 85IQ is retarded, and 100IQ isn't all that bright.

[ - ] Leveraction 1 point 3 monthsJul 9, 2024 22:53:35 ago (+1/-0)

I remember my 9th grade econ teacher stating newspapers were written on a 6th grade level so the general public could understand what they were reading.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 3 monthsJul 10, 2024 00:27:13 ago (+1/-0)

or it's bc journalists are retarded too