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Holohoax_Tales, Cohencidences, RedPills, SeeKyle, CatboyKami, Evalion,
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Pokémon is pozzed to the bone.     (archive.ph)

submitted by WittyUserName to oneangrygamer 1.8 years ago



The international branch of Pokémon corporate has a full page of diversity and inclusion bullshit talking about all the non-gaming crap they support along with 25 million dollars they're giving away to money laundering operations.

100 Black Men of London
American Forest Foundation
American Library Association
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC
Banco Alimentare
Black Girls CODE
Boys and Girls Clubs of Bellevue
BGC Canada
Central Única das Favelas
El Centro de la Raza
First Book
Fundación para la Protección de la Niñez
Fundación Tomillo
Interfaith America
Legal Defense Fund
Malala Fund
Mary's Place
IMC Weekend School
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
National Indian Child Welfare Association
NW Children's Foundation
Save the Children
Southeast and East Asian Centre
Stop AAPI Hate
Tafel Deutschland e. V.
Thames 21
The Girls' Network
The Trevor Project
The Toy Foundation
Working Families
Young Women Empowered


Archive Link:

Introducing the National Socialist flag mega pack for Marvel's Spider-Man.     (shekelhertz.com)

submitted by WittyUserName to oneangrygamer 1.8 years ago


"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." ~ Newton's Third Law.

In the wake of modding sites taking down the American flag and banning the modder for "hate speech", ambitious PC gamers have taken it upon themselves to upload a more ... diverse variety of flags to replace it.

Select one or select them all. Take down the fag flag or every flag at the UN. Whatever floats your boat.
Self-Guided Abortion - A how-to guide for sacrificing your child to Moloch.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to WTF 1.8 years ago


Some abortion activists make no qualms about seeing abortion as sacred. This is probably the first one I've see who puts out videos about building an altar and cleansing yourself (of the guilt).

The site's blog is called "Gospels of Lilith", for fucksake.

This is some macabre shit.

Archive Links:

https://archive.ph/0L535 - Tweet drawing my attention to this.

https://archive.ph/0aDVn - Self-Guided Abortion site.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPfehOna696lOR9VOEZC5w/videos - Self-Guided Abortion Youtube channel (!!!)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbQTWiP0HNs - How to build an altar for your mifepristone + misoprostol abortion

https://archive.ph/C8rIY - LifeSite News article on this filth.
Ministry of Truth edits the definition of recession on Wikipedia, locks the page down to prevent further edits and then claims it's "misinformation" when caught.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to USPolitics 1.8 years ago



Archive Links:

https://archive.ph/UIKT7 - Tweet the image is from.
https://archive.ph/AiJye - 24 hour revision history.
https://archive.ph/jS6Yo - Article Talk Page doing damage control.
The Genderbread Person.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to LGBTQNPZ 2.2 years ago


Those of you who deal with corporate bullshit probably have to do the annual diversity brainwashing. This year's was just as insulting as usual, but then I ran into this.

The Genderbread person.

I do not know what disturbed mind came up with this. I do not know how it ended up in a diversity training slideshow. I do not know what purpose this serves outside the usual subversion.

It just...is.

And now you know. And you can't unsee it.

God help us.

Archive Link:

https://archive.ph/WP8I1 - Genderbread website.
Moby Dick - "2nd Edition".     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to books 2.2 years ago


The Oxford University Press is including some additions to the classic novel for today's sensitive youth.

>New introduction focuses on the novel's elasticity and continued relevance for twenty-first-century readers, with attention to its queerness and its meditations on race, power, and disability

Which, as usual, is an excuse for people not involved with the creation of a work to talk about themselves.

Links (Apologies for the lack of archive. Archive's being glacially slow again.):

https://global.oup.com/academic/product/moby-dick-9780198853695?cc=us&lang=en - Oxford University Press website.

https://www.hesterblum.com/about - The editor's bio.
No need to declare captured Russian tanks, other equipment of invaders as income – NAPC     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Ukraine 2.3 years ago


If anyone out there channels their inner 80's action hero, you can be the proud owner of slightly used Russian armor.

Archive Link:

https://archive.ph/CiBQ2 - Interfax Ukraine News Agency article.
Utah State Legislature Bill proposed to ban Social Credit Score restrictions.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to ClownWorld 2.3 years ago


Midterm pandering or trying to get out in front of a problem before it starts?

Archive Link:

https://archive.is/ktcJj - Utah State Legislature Bill.
Communist-themed restaurant to open in Miami...home to people who fled communism.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to WTF 2.3 years ago


This is a chain restaurant, so it isn't some one-off joke.

Though I'm not ruling out someone daring the local Cuban population to burn it down in an old-fashioned case of insurance fraud.

Archive Links:

https://archive.fo/A11sJ - CBS Miami Article.

https://archive.is/0NlqK - Café Habana website.
Australian video suggests lesbians dating underage girls should get them vaxxed behind their parents' backs.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Australia 2.4 years ago


>Australia is so lost. This is awful on so many levels

Archive Link:

https://archive.is/kopfV - Libs of Tik Tok tweet.
They are holding "Vaccinated Snuggle Parties" now.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to ClownWorld 2.4 years ago


Presented without comment.






Archive Links:

https://archive.is/5xobB - Vaccinated Snuggle Party signup.

https://archive.is/japxh - Hold me AVL website.

https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1481641325439053827 - Unarchived tweet because Archive decided to conk out on me after archiving the last one.
Saturday Night Live being honest about where trannies come from.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to LGBTQNPZ 2.4 years ago


Morrisons scraps 'use by' date on milk in favour of sniff test.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Health 2.4 years ago


And here we are. The Eternal Anglo (which really should be a sub) has decided that food on its way to spoiling is simply food that's being wasted.

>Supermarket Morrisons is to scrap 'use by' dates on most of its milk in a move it says will stop millions of pints being poured down the sink. The retailer will instead place 'best before' on 90% of its own-brand milk and encourage customers to use a sniff test to check quality.

Unless they're letting customers open the milk before purchasing it, there's a chance the market will use this as an opportunity to sell milk nobody would rightly purchase otherwise in order to pinch as many pennies as Scrooge-ly possible.

Of course, "the environment" is cited as a reason to do this.

>Mr Goode said: "Wasted milk means wasted effort by our farmers and unnecessary carbon being released into the atmosphere.

>Morrisons has already scrapped 'use by' dates across some of its own-brand yogurt and hard cheese ranges.

Given how easy it is to sue people in UK courts, it's only a matter of time before a few choice food poisoning lawsuits will cause this to revert.

A friend of mine dubbed this the point in which England is no longer a white country. They're officially niggers.

I'm finding it hard to disagree.

Archive Link:

https://archive.is/Vy4F0 - BBC Article.
Niggers to build a skyscraper in Manhattan. Looks like it'll last as long as anything else they touch.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Niggers 2.4 years ago


No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. That monstrosity is set to be the first black-made skyscraper in New York.

Called "Affirmation Tower", in accordance with their constant need to have their egos stroked, this multi-billion dollar nightmare will a stand as a symbol to the lies society tells about the black experience.

Such as their inability to rise in white society...

>"The building is a product of a dream team of Black developers including architect Sir David Adjaye (best-known for designing the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.); real estate firm The Peebles Corporation, led by Black multi-millionaire R. Donahue Peebles; century-old Black and woman-owned design construction firm The McKissack Group; real estate investor Steven Charles Witkoff, founder of the Witkoff Group; and Exact Capital."

...and their need to be forced into white companies and spaces because they lack opportunities.

>“Whenever a Black developer is awarded a project, we have a much higher propensity to employ more African American, Black, minority companies and they in turn employ Black and Brown employees,” he said. “We are feeding this ecosystem. These dollars are being proliferated through different companies and into our communities and it’s meaningful. This is something that should happen all over the country as we look at the reopening of so many different cities and the rebuilding of so many different economies coming out of this COVID era.”

Assuming this thing gets made at all, it looks like it'll come crashing down during a stiff breeze.

>“It’ll gain so much notoriety because it’s never been done before,” McKissack said.

For a reason, you mongoloid!

It'll be 80% owned by niggers. Makes me wonder who the other (((20%))) are.

Archive Link:

https://archive.is/ORuIm - Amsterdam News article.
How should you talk to friends and relatives that believe conspiracy theories?     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to conspiracy 2.4 years ago


Amazon’s gender recognition system identifies Michelle Obama and Serena Williams as men.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to technology 2.4 years ago


Archive Link:

https://archive.fo/LaAVZ - Citizens Free Press tweet.
"Self Employment."     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to ClownWorld 2.4 years ago


Archive Link:

CNN medical expert admits cloth masks are "little more than facial decorations".     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Controlavirus 2.4 years ago


>Just FYI, people got suspended from Twitter for saying this last year.

>Now a CNN medical expert goes on TV and just says cloth masks are “little more than facial decorations.”

>We need to work on this whole “disinformation” notion.

Archive Link:

https://archive.is/7N1nw - Twitter.
Lies and more lies.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Covid1984 2.4 years ago


We all knew this was coming. Sweden creates a Vaxx Pass that will be implanted under your skin.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to CovidWorldOrder 2.4 years ago


Swedish company DSruptive Subdermals has created a subcutaneous microchip that can be used to store vaxx information and accessed by a smartphone.

The 12-14 mm chip boasts up to 50 years of data retention and already has thousands of early adopters in North Cuckland.

Articles on the efficacy of the chip boast monitoring biometric data and can even check a woman's menstruation cycle.

Of course, the vaxx pass is already on the table.

>"I have a chip implant in my arm and I have programmed the chip so that I have my Covid passport on the chip," said Hannes Sjoblad, managing director of DSruptive Subdermals, as a PDF with his vaccine certificate appeared on his phone.

>"The reason is that I always want to have it accessible and when I read my chip, I just swipe my phone on the chip and then I unlock and it opens up.

>"A chip implant costs €100 if you want to buy the more advanced versions, and you can compare this with for example a health wearable that will cost perhaps twice that but at the same time a chip implant you can use for 20, 30, 40 years. Whereas a wearable you can only use for three, four years."

Naturally, the managing director made many promises we've heard over and over and over again about how he has a strong interest in privacy and he'd be the first one on the barricades if they they were to forcibly implant prisoners or the elderly.

>"Nobody can force anyone to get a chip implant."


Archive Links:

https://archive.md/TwnQL - RTE Article.

https://archive.md/KzDCv - DSruptive Subdermals website.

https://archive.md/dgYYz - Metro UK Article.

https://archive.md/hcR2m - Biohackinfo article.
Nigger gets a mistrial because three jurors didn't want to give "a young black man" a life sentence or the death penalty.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to Niggers 2.5 years ago


So, this cold-blooded coon breaks into the home of a middle-aged woman, ties her up and stabs her 20 times back in 2014.

He escaped from the courthouse the first time and it took nearly a week to track his ass down.

At the end of the trial, three jurors refused to convict him on second-degree murder because he was black.

While they were willing to go down to manslaughter, when the judge asked the foreman to confirm the verdict, she refused and a mistrial was declared.

And now they have to go through the trouble of re-trying this murder monkey.

Of course, there's a simple solution to this problem.


Archive Link:

https://archive.md/SX7ow - WSVN article.
Dindu Muffins     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to funny 2.5 years ago


The Failure of Occupy Wall Street.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to 4Chan 2.5 years ago


Wonder if they've learned anything else in those 9 years.
Three Musketeers.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to dogs 2.5 years ago



Meanwhile, in 2022...     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by WittyUserName to twitter 2.5 years ago


>How far away are we from this reality


https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1468831517430333441 - Archive's being a little bitch right now and won't save it.