Holy shit! Jews just shut down a major free speech social site's domain, by having NameCheap claim that hosting facts on Jew Holohoax are against NameCheap domain registrar policy! JEWS SHUT DOWN CONSUMEPRODUCT.WIN domain today! Why do Jews have so much power?
(communities.win) submitted by oursenilepresident to news 2.4 years ago
**Jews at NameCheap caused it today**
These two are almost identical replacements :
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FOLLOW MY RULES IN FUN FACT 89 and almost no shoahs can happen.
Its INEXCUSABLE to use (((Cloudflare))) anti-DDOS DNS servers. They banned free speech sites with 23 hours notice in the past. ConsumeProduct.win used and uses (((Cloudflare))), but its a big technical topic I discuss in my 'fun fact'.
Its INEXCUSABLE to use (((NameCheap))) to register domain names and list their primary authority name servers. They banned free speech sites with 24 hours notice in the past
I warned about this before. Jews attack three aspects of free speech servers : The domain (hardest to attack), the colocation server building, and the various selected DNS server locations. Jews attack all three.
Domains are the hardest for Jews to attack, but they have $$$ and connections. I can illustrate by showing 12 sequential shoahs of one single small web site for free speech : DailyStormer...
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Jews shut dailystormer colocation servers annually, but trivially rapid to change.
Jews shut down Jews shut dailystormer primary DNS servers annually, but trivially rapid to change.
DOMAINS are what Jews LOVE to seize, block, invalidate
Jews shut dailystormer DOMAIN down for the 12th time when it was dailystormer.cn domain, now its https://stormer-daily.rw
Jews shut it down as dailystormer.cn for the 12th time by attacking DNS registrar/colocation
For eternal safety its dstormer6em3i4km on tor .onion : https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link/
Jews cannot stop tor onion https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link/ but do attack the colocation server building, often.
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In 2017 it was deplatformed seven times, seven shoahs :
- Dailystormer.com (active until August 15, 2017 using Cloudflare, cloudflare shoahed 24 hours notice)
Cloudflare shut it down with only 24 hours notice years ago, the same cloudflare communities.win uses for anti DDOS.
- Dailystormer.net (poof!)
- Dailystormer.wang (active around August 15, 2017 for less than 24 hours)
- dailystormer.ru (active around August 16, 2017)
- Dailystormer.lol (active around august 18, 2017, shut down by registrar after only 2 days)
- Punishedstormer.com (active around August 24, 2017 and later deleted)
- Dailystormer.al (active around August 27, 2017 and deleted by the registrar somewhere after August 30)
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This eighth DNS domain registration lasted YEARS :
- https://dailystormer.name
then that was taken by jew pressure on registrar after it promoted new breaking story on hunter biden laptop from hell story. The jews might have been trying to DDOS shoah or take down the Hunter Biden laptop stuff, but it elements were posted from china billionaires and by 4Chan. Then republished on 4Chan 1.5 years later again from a iCloud restore exploit.
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Then it moved to
- https://dailystormer.su
Then that was taken by jew pressure on registrar.
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Then less than a few months ago , Feb 2, 2022 it moved back to using, via new registrar :
- https://dailystormer.name
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Then Jew forced it to move to
- https://dailystormer.cn
and DNS server in China :
One of its DNS servers was forced to be in Shandong, China (DNSpod) for DNS / name servers, but that might have been not the latest for main DNS records : https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/dnspod
**poal.co too, that month!**
Jews shutdown poal.co server too the same month, forcing Poal to move to a VPS server outside St Petersburg Russia, with last visible IP router hop immediately right across the Russian border, in Finland.
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Then Jews in 2022 forced it to move to
- https://stormer-daily.rw
It is currently up now in August 2022 at that URL.
When its shoahed again, the main admin will announce the new URL on UNZ.com, typically here : https://www.unz.com/author/andrew-anglin/
When its shoahed again, a limited web based relay URL service doing tor somewhere else exists DURING a temp shoah at this URL :
DO NOT USE that emergency onion.pet link ever, please, unless the main domain https://stormer-daily.rw is temp shoahed.
Thank you.
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There are about 8 very good White Pride sites, that are open invite, or no account needed, and Feds and Jews try to smear all of the White Pride sites by saying each is run by Feds or Jews. I will not list them because the FORUM MEMBERS on each of the most entrenched, are indeed glownigger Feds that are looking to ensnare 18 to 23 year old gullible White males, for FBI annual "perp walks" before the media. All become "De Facto" honeypots in the discussion areas. I don't suggest people without means to legal defense hang out on the 8 biggest White Pride sites , but a few are very cerebral and intellectually satisfying.
These NatSoc sites all try to use FREE SPEECH colocation servers on US soil, and Free speech supporting registrars.
Ironically in 2022, many like https://stormer-daily.rw , need to keep moving domain records to registrars out of reach of US Jew legal system.
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taken the 8th time DETAILS:
taken the 9th time:
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I have often warned about how to keep and hold a domain name the Jews want dead :
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**FUN FACT 89 : There are only 10 Critical steps to make a Large FREE SPEECH social web site, able to withstand attacks from large Leftist organizations ADL/SPLC/JIDF/ShareBlue**
part 2 https://scored.co/p/13zzHovkMq/x/c/4JH5rWCTRg4
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OMG! that fun fact is priceless advice. Gab.ai ignored it and suffered twice. Parler ignored it and suffered once, Poal.co ignored it and suffered once. Now ConsumeProduct.win ignored my very valuable FUN FACT #89 and suffered for it.
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Jews used a lie to coerce NameCheap to LIE about AUP, lock and seize the domain Aug 8 2022, but it could be cagey wording for a invalid contact to registrant, rather than anything against its pro-Jew policies. https://files.catbox.moe/qs9fly.png In theory, after a small hassle they can be sued eventually and the domain belatedly transferred, as US courts call domains "property" in recent years
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P.S. : Despite clever large written dossiers by Leftists online showing sentence composition overlap (coincidences) between A.A. and myself, I am NOT at all A.A., and the FUN FACT SCIENTIST persona never lies. Jews do want both of us dead, but that is the only similarity.
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TL/DR: **Jews at NameCheap subverted Free Speech , after ADL/SPLC/Democrats asked them to , and NameCheap might do it again and again, but only a moron uses NameCheap for DNS or Domain registrar as I laboriously documented above**.