German insurance company fires CEO who released COVID vaccine injury data, then scrubs data from website     (www.sott.net)
submitted by ymihere to whatever 2.3 years ago (+70/-1)
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Solid Evidence That an Israeli Jet Dropped an Air Burst Bomb on the Al-Ahli Hospital Courtyard That Killed 471 Civilians     (www.sott.net)
submitted by beece to War 7 months ago (+43/-2)
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It's been known for years vaccines fuck your pets up.     (www.sott.net)
submitted by MightyMorphinFaggot to VaccineVictims 1.4 years ago (+37/-0)
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And that was on "normal" shots.

Be free from the bullshit they push. A shot as a kid might be fine but every fucking year is ridiculous, and dangerous.
Israeli organ-trafficking network busted in Turkey     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to Jews 1 month ago (+36/-1)
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The organ-trafficking network extends from former Soviet Republics such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova to Brazil, the Philippines, South Africa, and beyond, the Bloomberg investigation showed.

Israel's assault on Gaza since 7 October has provided further opportunities for the theft and harvesting of Palestinians' organs

Israel Stealing Corpses From Gaza Hospitals And Mass Graves, Harvesting Organs

Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey

Tellingly, Ukraine has now become a world leader in many of those same industries: Organ trafficking, paedophile networks - The hell of children abducted by Ukraine's 'White Angels'
Disabled White farmer sues Biden admin over racist Anti-White COVID relief plan     (www.sott.net)
submitted by TFS to politics 3.1 years ago (+32/-0)
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A disabled Wisconsin dairy farmer is suing the Biden administration over a COVID-19 loan forgiveness program - alleging it is racist because whites aren't eligible.

Adam Faust, a white resident of Chilton who has two prosthetic legs, is among five Midwestern farmers who recently filed a lawsuit in Green Bay that accuses the federal government of violating their constitutional rights, WLUK reported.

"Were plaintiffs eligible for the loan forgiveness benefit, they would have the opportunity to make additional investments in their property, expand their farms, purchase equipment and supplies, and otherwise support their families and local communities," the lawsuit states.

"Because plaintiffs are ineligible to even apply for the program solely due to their race, they have been denied the equal protection of the law and therefore suffered harm," it says.

Faust, owner of Faust Farms, told the news outlet that the program is "out and out racist."

The American Rescue Plan provides $4 billion to forgive loans for socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, according to the lawsuit, which alleges that "socially disadvantaged" are only those who are black, American Indian, Hispanic, Alaskan native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, WLUK reported.

"I don't see where they're gonna be impacted any different than anybody else," said Faust, who was born with spina bifida.
Oink Vey! Evidence ancient Israelis ate pork revealed by pig skeleton in first temple-period Jerusalem     (www.sott.net)
submitted by TFS to History 2.9 years ago (+30/-0)
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Remains of piglet from 2,700 years ago support the theory that ancient Israelites occasionally did eat pork, and the biblical taboo on this animal was only first observed in Second Temple era, Israeli archaeologists say

Israeli archaeologists have unearthed the complete skeleton of a piglet in a place and time where you wouldn't expect to find pork remains: a Jerusalem home dating to the First Temple period.

The 2,700-year-old porcine remains were found crushed by large pottery vessels and a collapsed wall during excavations in the so-called City of David, the original nucleus of ancient Jerusalem.

The IMF has unveiled global Universal Monetary Unit     (www.sott.net)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1.2 years ago (+28/-2)
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Rare Roman dodecahedrons found throughout Northern Europe and England continue to baffle archaeologists     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to History 1 month ago (+22/-1)
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Aurora Borealis seen from Key Largo, southern Florida, 11 May 2024     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to pics 1 month ago (+23/-0)
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Cork, Ireland granny who refuses to wear mask in shops jailed for weekend after appearing in court unmasked     (www.sott.net)
submitted by TFS to whatever 3 years ago (+21/-0)
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A granny who refuses to wear a mask in shops has been jailed for the weekend.

Margaret Buttimer has appeared in court for a second time unmasked and was held in contempt by the judge who sent her to jail until Monday.

Despite efforts by her concerned family, her partner who wore a mask, the judge and her solicitor to persuade her to obey the law, Buttimer continues to ignore everyone and claimed she only answers to God.

The 66-year-old granny of The Cottage, St Fintan's Road, Bandon appeared before Bandon District Court after attending Clonakilty District Court earlier this week, charged with refusing to wear a mask at Dunnes Stores in the town on February 12 last. She was found guilty of the offence of not wearing a mask in breach of Covid-19 regulations.

Judge Colm Roberts was told that Buttimer abused the store manager when he asked her if there was a medical reason why she wasn't wearing a face covering.

She refused to answer the manager's questions before eventually telling him that she only answered to God.

Buttimer told the court she did not believe in masks and it was her choice not to wear one, to which the judge replied it was also her choice not to enter a shop without wearing one.

Today she entered the Bandon Courthouse again not wearing a mask and proceeded to smile at the judge, who told her: "This is not funny. I don't think you are appreciating the seriousness of this".

He said she had turned up in the body of the court "without a mask but worse still a smile on her face as if this is something to smile about."

He admitted: "The last thing I want to do is jail her for contempt. "She has created a situation where I have no other option.

"She is undermining the rules of the court and the country. Her viewpoint makes no logical sense.
Mel Gibson helped dismantle a massive international pedophile ring in Ukraine     (www.sott.net)
submitted by Conspirologist to Pedogate 12 months ago (+21/-4)
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Finally some counties stop some stupidity      (www.sott.net)
submitted by Cantaloupe to whatever 1 year ago (+19/-0)
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The 'humanitarian pier' gets exposed to be an occupation, assassination, and massacre pier.     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to Jews 6 days ago (+18/-0)
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Ruthless, rabid, nasty kikes.

meanwhile, you will be jailed if you talk about Jesus in Israel. Typical jewish clowns.

Jesus was right about the jews.
Ukraine a 'corrupt shithole' we should have never gotten involved with - ex-Boris Johnson adviser     (www.sott.net)
submitted by beece to War 1 month ago (+16/-0)
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Tyson Foods dumps 87 BILLION gallons of toxic waste, including cyanide, blood and feces into US rivers and lakes in just 4 years     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to news 1 month ago (+15/-2)

study by the Union of Concerned Scientists looked at just two percent of meat processing plants nationwide leaving the total figure terrifyingly uncertain
A Shocking Analysis of the 2020 Election Night Reporting And The Companies That Manufacture Election Results     (www.sott.net)
submitted by beece to whatever 11 months ago (+14/-0)
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"Vladimir Putin: Leading Humanity Through the Transition" by Björn Seelmann     (www.sott.net)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 1.5 years ago (+14/-1)
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Very rare to see this kind of alternative view opinion piece in the western media news.

"Vladimir Putin was not afraid to enter into a fierce geopolitical and military battle with the Empire of Lies. The whole world perceives the Ukrainian war in this way."

Archive version: https://archive.vn/EmPO3#selection-755.7-755.175
Most fires in Greece were due to arson or criminal negligence, says government minister of climate crisis     (www.sott.net)
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 10 months ago (+13/-0)
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"Kikilias said that, in certain places, blazes had broken out at numerous points in close proximity at the same time, suggesting the involvement of arsonists intent on spreading fires further."
Arson, the new climate change!
The Tennessee Sudden Infant Death Syndrome cluster: How Wyeth concealed the DPT vaccine SIDS link     (www.sott.net)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 6 months ago (+13/-6)
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Big Pharma tested 'secret bioweapon targeting Slavic DNA in Mariupol, Ukraine'     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to WorldNews 3 months ago (+14/-1)
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Bayer's gene-edited mustard greens and leafy greens coming to a supermarket near you!     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to Food 4 days ago (+13/-0)
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Claire Robinson, managing editor of GMWatch, told The Defender that Bayer's gene-edited mustard greens have not been examined for health or environmental risks.

"They could contain toxins or allergens," she said. "We just don't know."

"And why anyone would want to genetically modify mustard greens to make them less, well, mustardy, is a complete mystery to me.”

Stunning reveal: "Merkel Reveals West's Duplicity, Says Minsk Accords Were Ruse to Buy Time For Arming Ukraine"     (www.sott.net)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 1.5 years ago (+12/-0)
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Chinks poisoning sportswear with BPA     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to WorldNews 6 days ago (+12/-0)
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include leggings from Athleta, Champion, Kohl's, Patagonia, sports bras from Sweaty Betty, athletic shirts from Fabletics and shorts from Adidas, Champion and Nike.

Previously, the CEH warned consumers in October that sports bras from Athleta, PINK, Asics, The North Face, Brooks, All in Motion, Nike, and FILA that were tested for BPA over a six months period showed the clothing could expose wearers to up to 22 times the safe limit of BPA

The group had also tested athletic shirts in October from brands that included The North Face, Brooks, Mizuno, Athleta, New Balance, and Reebok and found similar results.

To date, the watchdog said its investigations have found BPA only in polyester-based clothing containing spandex.
EU threatened Hungary with economic rape if they still held onto veto of 50billion in aid to Ukraine     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to WorldNews 4 months ago (+11/-0)
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water-accelerating technology (flumes) was known to the Sumerians millennia before it was thought to have been created.     (www.sott.net)
submitted by SumerBreeze to History 1 month ago (+10/-1)
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