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Anyone know of any Ukrainian telegrams where we can tell Ukrainians that don't want to fight in the war to just surrender and end this jewish led genocide of Europeans?      (AskGoats)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskGoats 2 weeks ago


They could even provide intel to Russia as to (((zekensky's))) whereabouts
I'm in a telegram channel with 125+ subs and the comment sections have about 8 comments..... because they keep banned everyone      (Rants)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to Rants 2 weeks ago



Why even have a comment section. And once you're banned you can't even view other comments anymore.

We're on fucking Telegram. Why are they censoring comments and banning people
It's Fuhrer Friday. Make a pen and paper list of all your local/nearest synagogues. o/     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to FuhrerFriday 3 weeks ago


No excuses. Get it done.
I've defaulted to watching old children's show to avoid obscene modern propaganda      (whatever)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to whatever 1 month ago


This is why I hardly watch movies or shows these days
i swear we live in nonsense land part 1     (Rants)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to Rants 1 month ago


I was driving around yesterday and I noticed (again) that each and every single person I saw driving an SUV was in it by themselves and they weren't hauling anything.

I rode in my friend's SUV today and he doesn't even have any items in the fucking vehicle nor would he ever haul anything nor would he ever have more than 1 other person in the vehicle or transport anything inside of it. And on top of all this he doesn't even have money to spare to drive that gas hog around. Why. The. Fuck. Do people buy these vehicles? Do I even need to say anything about women? God, the only time I ever saw a woman "use" an SUV is when they were riding in the passenger seat and there were kids in the car. Every other time I see a woman in an SUV she's driving it alone and I don't remember 1 instance where they had kids that were* with them, except my sister (who is a terrible mother and almost the epitome of the dark state of western culture minus apparent sexual degeneracy, thank fuck)

I went out to eat for the first time in a long time and yep, people are tipping 30-50 fucking percent with the common 100-200% tip thrown in. I knew this is where tipping was going and this is why I've always hated it. I was traveling about a year ago and INSTANTLY - first restaurant - I'm with some clown I met out and about, and he's harassing me into leaving a 200% tip at a place that doesn't even have tipping. Of course it was an American. These people need a beating and to be robbed afterwards just to send a message. And it needs to happen as many times as needed until they die or get the message.

Next rant will be on the professional field and how it is not the "honor" it was pitched as. No time to keep writing now
I hate Jews so much it's unreal. And tomorrow they will know their citizenship from the United States has been revoked.      (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to TheJewishProblem 1 month ago


Bonus footage of libtards joining the fight against the terrorist state of Israel and cheering for the Iranian expulsion of Jews from Occupied Palestine. https://files.catbox.moe/7gkgib.mkv
It's Fuhrer Friday \o     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to FuhrerFriday 1 month ago


Lithium Ion Battery pollution by the United States     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 1 month ago


The average lithium ion battery in the regular size drones are 500 grams (about 1 pound) and the small drone's lithium ion battery is no less than 100 grams.

The Zionist Occupied United States is blowing up 1500-3000 drones per day in the land Russia is taking back from ZoG occupied Ukraine. This is resulting in about 3.15 metric tons of lithium pollution per week in drones alone. Which is 163.6 metric tons of lithium and other polluting material on the ground per year.

These batteries also contain cobalt, nickel, and other substances used in the battery's construction, which are also being dumped on the field and are also highly toxic to life.

This land will have these pollutants seeping into the ground for 100+ years, and these are elements, so they NEVER break down and will forever seep into food and water sources. Speaking of water sources, the US has been EMPing those drone attacks in on the aircraft carriers too - dropping those toxic chemicals right into the ocean.

This Jewish thirst for blood needs to stop, especially in the killing of the European Master Races. We love our European brethren from Portugal to the tip of the Bering Land Strait in Russia.
Vladimir Putin: 'In response to Israel's criminal act, and in light of the failure of the UN Security Council to condemn this act, Iran appropriately punished the aggressor in a way that shows the tact and rationality of its leadership'     (WorldNews)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldNews 1 month ago


2024 Putin for President, y'all.

Giving his blessing for the attack of the Jewish state where lots and lots of Jews can be righteously sent straight back to hell.

I wrote him in on my voting ballot.
Iran is expelling Jews from Israel     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to ShowerThoughts 1 month ago


But Jews won't let (((them))) leave.
It's Fuhrer Friday o/ Support your Fourth Reich today \o     (www.voat.xyz)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to FuhrerFriday 1 month ago


Link to some Fuhrer Friday content here ^

you guys can post your Fuhrer Friday content here rather than other subs, if you want

link copied here for ease of access https://files.catbox.moe/tfh28a.MOV
Anyone know of some good *video* summaries of "The International Jew", "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", "Mein Kampf", etc? I have a boomer who can barely read and refuses to read, and he thinks American Media Periscope is a great news source, so I keep having to hear him say dumb shit     (AskGoats)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskGoats 1 month ago


American Media Periscope is a q tard "news" source, and he's constantly getting jewified information, incomplete information, nonsense information and he cannot make the connections to the jew even with me having proved it at least 400 times to him on different occasions.

I need video summaries of the books listed in the headline or any books of the like.
A good rundown of more Jewish Mafia pedophile rings, sexual blackmail and other Jewish Mafia criminal activity in the rap industry     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to TheJewishProblem 2 months ago



To people who say every shooting or Reich protest is a "fed" operation, what are you going to do when the missiles start launching, bullets start flying and buildings start razing?     (AskGoats)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskGoats 2 months ago


Are you going to yell "still a fed" while you run and hide? Or are you going to start fighting, as you implied you would do?
This Fuhrer Friday is special, because it marks the 5 year anniversary of Western Warrior Brenton Tarrant's brave action in defending the West against the invaders (((they))) have let in. FREE BRENTON TARRANT!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to FuhrerFriday 2 months ago


The US in invading Russia right now. Best targets for nukes: France, Israel, Britain, New York City, Silicon Valley, and Taiwan.      (WorldPolitics)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 2 months ago


Why are employers damn near hostile towards the idea of working part time? I cannot find any part time jobs anywhere, and the only people in the past decade that I've known that work part time are women.     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskUpgoat 2 months ago


I just realized a distinguishing trait of Gen X. Many of them seem to have made acomplishments as kids that whenever they perfrom a similar task/accomplishment they recall the praise from that moment, specifically not relying on others to praise them     (ShowerThoughts)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to ShowerThoughts 2 months ago


6 of the 7 of the Gen X people I can think of do this. The odd guy out is a nut job and can't think right at all from getting hit on the head too many times.
I truly cannot understand the Russia vs everyone else conflict. Putin seems to be aware of the Jewish Problem, but is cooperating with them. Jews keep escalating on both sides, but no one is holding them responsible. And...     (WorldPolitics)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 2 months ago


and nothing seems to happen coherently.... all the happenings are all over the map, no one accounts for disconnects if/when things didn't go as planned.

what does everything to do with Russia sound like this? There is one thing that also always sounded like this.... the (((American))) news reports about the middle east throughout the 00s and 10s
Anyone got a compliation of videos from 6 Flags's attack of the Niggers fiasco? Or can we start one here?     (AskUpgoat)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskUpgoat 2 months ago


The United States has destroyed 95% of all civilians from Russia arriving in Ukraine in buses, cars and any other civililian vehicle since the war reinvigorated.      (WorldNews)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldNews 2 months ago


The US is also killing soldiers that have surrenders by dropping bombs from drones.

Not to mention US-backed Israeli terrorists, also funded by the state of Israel, are freely flying through and killing thousands of civilians per day throughout the middle east....

I think this surpasses Dresden as the largest terrorist campaign in the history of the world

Here's one example from today

dont-let-reddit-monetize-your-knowledge/     (www.androidpolice.com)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to technology 3 months ago


Jewgle is simultaneously pretending to apologize for it's anti-white Gemini AI (lol@ their AI being DOA) and paying "news" agencies to publish "news" written by the AI     (web.archive.org)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to technology 3 months ago


The time to disengage from the internet has never been greater.

here's where the purely figurehead, Pajeet CEO pretends to apologize https://web.archive.org/web/20240228160553/https://9to5google.com/2024/02/27/sundar-pichai-gemini-unacceptable-wrong/
Livin On Love Line Dance     (www.youtube.com)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to music 3 months ago


Can someone explain again why people hate on Russia? I keep hearing the angry feelings but never an explanation as to why.      (AskUpgoat)

submitted by DoYouEvenShit to AskUpgoat 3 months ago


That "Russia collusion" shit is totally made up. What else is there?