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GPS "Atomic" Clock Anomaly: Date Changed to Aug 6 on May 18. Anyone else notice this?     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 4 months ago


A co-worker has a three clocks that set the time using the GPS or "Atomic" time signals. Last week he says that on May 18, one of the clocks displayed the date as August 6, instead of being May 18. The display is M/D, and showed 8/6 instead of 5/18.

The clock had a sync signal and this date only lasted one day, on May 19 the clock date reset properly. The other two clocks, one of the same brand, and one different brand, were both unaffected.

I don't know how the automatic setting clocks work, he said there is a signal that bounces around with the perfect correct time on it.

Any thoughts on what could be the cause?
Not News, but Redditards have Double Standards: Complain about Florida Banning Lab-Grown Meat     (www.reddit.com)

submitted by localsal to MeanwhileOnReddit 5 months ago


Wait, so banning lab grown meat is anti-consumer because everyone should let the market decide.

But banning gas powered automobiles is OK? Banning fossil fuel power plants is OK?

If only there was free speech on Reddit to blast these hypocrites.
Does Using a VPN Keep all Web Traffic Secret from the ISP Modem?     (technology)

submitted by localsal to technology 11 months ago


Topic came up in a discussion about Omegle shutting down.

Everyone needs an "approved" modem to connect to an ISP. And from what I understand, the modem uses the DNS to find web sites, etc. Is the DNS after the modem in the ISP server side?

The ultimate question is this: could a modem capture all of the header data from every website visit and search and store that in a log, even if using a VPN?

I don't understand the networking side of things very well, but a quick search explanation says that a VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between my computer and the VPN servers - does that mean my DNS lookups happen at the VPN now?

In terms of opsec, all my activity and searches are now stored at the VPN (even the ones that say they don't log anything), and the ISP modem only really sees just "traffic"?

My thought was that the ISP modem would capture all URLs and log those, and because the "approved" modems most likely log everything and allow ISPs to download those logs remotely, nothing can be trusted. In those crime shows where the zogbots get "browsing history", really they are getting the URL logs from the ISP, that the customer (me) has no ability to delete or even know they are there.

My counter to this would be to create a script that will constantly spam the router with a fake URL that would fill up the log very quickly. Whether that log writes over old entry, like a dashcam does, or if the ISP never expects the log file to fill up and just locks at that point, I don't know.

Is it worth it to look at this? I was thinking of just writing a version of a webcrawler script that will just try to get a fake URL over and over with a large payload (no idea what the max is - 256 characters? 10k characters?) and just do this forever.

Meteorologist Quits After Receiving Threast Over Climate Change Coverage     (www.accuweather.com)

submitted by localsal to whatever 1.3 years ago


Guy just had to bring his political beliefs into the weather report. Seems like there are a lot more like him.

Oh noes - "hundreds" of scientists say (((global warming))) is man-made. What about the rest? Oh wait, science is not about consensus.

Show me one climate model that is accurate for the past 30 years, and maybe they would get some credibility. Isn't science all about predictability and repeatability? Yet every single climate model has been way off.

I don't blame the people harassing this brainwashed retard.
Girl Pretended to be Boy to Dupe Girls.     (www.theguardian.com)

submitted by localsal to whatever 1.3 years ago


Interesting turn of the tables.

redditards (and bots) are decrying the girl's behavior as predatorial and "rape", but I have yet to see anything regarding the flip side - where redditards always support a man's choice to deceive other men by not telling the truth.

I'm starting to not believe any of the article is real, and may have been written by an AI - it is all very bizarre, yet the editor decided to run it. (((media))) is a circus now and can't be trusted.
The USA Isn’t in Need of a Divorce or Secession – A Restructuring Is Probably a Better Answer.     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 1.6 years ago


Too much diversity is the problem (along with too many people) and the disenfranchised citizens are getting fed up.

After making this comment


I thought about some options and settled on a restructuring idea.

Borders are obviously "traditional" and set up by slave owners - so libtards shouldn't really object to the plan.

One way to restructure would be by direct population numbers inside a border. Another would be by county populations. The fact that pedo joe* can (((win))) the presidency with a minuscule fraction of the 3200 counties in the USA shows how bad the current setup is. (I know he didn't "win", but the end observation is still valid)

The restructuring solution would be to adjust borders to encompass a more direct and equal representation. Big population centers like NYC could become a state to represent their populations, and then the remaining outlying areas could be joined to form a different state, and set up to matching populations.

The question of (((who))) gets to gerrymander the borders would need to be settled fairly though.

The number of states could be kept the same, just with different borders, or new states - like Jefferson - could be broken off.

Along with the new states, new electoral representation could be devised.

I particularly think the representation in the First Congress is a good model - each Representative actually is elected by and represents about 20,000 people. The current model where each US Representative accounts for about 800,000 people is insane.

Yes, this would make the US House of Representatives consist of around 18,000 elected members, but, logistics aside, that would be a much better outcome than what is happening now.

The number of Senators could also be adjusted if desired.

The optimal outcome is to prevent the huge urban areas from dictating policies to the rest of the citizens, much like the west coast does, and NYC, and Chicago, etc. How all these major cities generate the disenfranchised citizens is because of a) the libtarded utopia ideals that come from urban living, and b) the shift in the culture from agrarian and self sufficiency to urban "efficiencies".

The diversity of cultures in living styles, not just by race, is what causes the huge chasm between outlying low population areas and the major urban areas that ultimately dictate policy.

Coming Soon? zogbots Getting "Confessions" on Video? Always Lawyer Up. Make Sure the Lawyer Brings Independent Video Recording.     (Zogbots)

submitted by localsal to Zogbots 1.6 years ago


Always lawyer up. Teach this to everyone. Especially now that zogbots will start to use new tactics against anyone.

zogbots love to use (((enhanced interrogation))) methods already, and several high profile cases have been showcased where confessions were false afterwards. Imagine how many low level plebs have fallen due to these interrogations?

Now the game is even more rigged. If the only recording of the 16+ hour "interview" is under the zogbot control, what jury will ever doubt that the accused confessing - even if the accused says the recording is a deep fake?

Claims of deep fake will probably be made by both sides now, but juries will probably still tend to believe zogbots and video over an innocent person.

I would probably carry a large piece of paper in my pocket at all times with the word "lawyer" on it now too, considering that it only takes a minimal amount of audio capture to generate any realistic audio deep fakes. Don't say a word. Just write or produce the paper that says "lawyer".

Lawyers need to get 360 degree recording devices now (potential product market?) that will record the zogbots and the accused at the same time with timestamps, etc, that can be used as proof for the actual interview.

Any Americans have Input on Primary Seat Belt Law Benefits and Misuse?     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 1.6 years ago


I have been hearing from friends about new Primary seat belt laws going into effect, or being up for debate in the States.

From what I understand - and feel free to correct me if I am wrong - the Primary seatbelt law allows cops to pull over a driver for the singular infraction of not wearing a seatbelt.

A Secondary seatbelt law is one where the driver can be cited for not wearing the seatbelt but only after being stopped for another driving infraction.

The issue of concern to me is the burden of proof. Does a cop dashcam have enough resolution and angle of view to capture whether a seatbelt is on or off 50 meters away? If the cop turns his head to see the "violation" will that be on camera?

A corrupt cop could pull anyone over and use the "you put it on after you saw me" excuse in court, and I would bet that almost every (((judge))) would accept that accusation without proof.

I haven't looked at any direct legislation, but I am hearing that there are minimal, if any, penalties for a false citation.

How can people protect themselves? How much "proof" of being *innocent* is needed to keep from having to pay the fine?

Obviously the answer to these questions is there is no way to prevent the zogbots from trying to destroy lives and rake in cash by pulling people over at random with false accusations of unprovable seatbelt positions.
Missing "Practices" for Preventing School Violence     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.4 years ago


I have received a flurry of articles from friends that discuss the best (((practices))) for preventing school shootings.

Here is one excerpt: (turn off scripts to read the full article)


Students are most often motivated to plan a school attack because of interpersonal conflicts with classmates, highlighting the necessity for interventions and de-escalation programs.

Students displaying an interest in violent or hate-filled topics should prompt immediate assessment and intervention. Nearly one-third of the plotters in the study researched previous mass attackers.

Schools should attempt to intervene with disturbed students before their behavior warrants legal consequences.

Schools and communities must take tangible steps to facilitate classmate reporting when threatening social media posts or other concerning behaviors are observed.

Eight plots in the study were reported by family members, illustrating their crucial role in recognizing and addressing a student’s risk of causing harm.

Families must be educated on resources readily available to address their concerns, whether in the school or in the greater community.

Threat assessments must examine a student’s access to weapons, particularly in the home.

School resource officers are important players in school violence prevention. In nearly one-third of the study’s cases, an SRO either reported the plot or responded to a report made by someone else.

Simply removing a student from the school without appropriate community supports will not remove the risk of harm they pose to themselves or others.


I can't help but notice every (((practice))) is geared toward finding and/or thwarting the potential "shooter", who is most likely ostracized and bullied by peers constantly.

The missing "practices" seem to be

1) Tell every student: don't bully people that are different than you. How about "be excellent to each other"? How many people randomly shot up schools decades ago - when guns were actually brought to school (of course, these were White schools)? Very few, if any.

Population sizes were a lot smaller (thanks kikes) and people were actually friends in and out of classes, because there was very little mindless drivel that we are surrounded by today.

2) most schools use some sort of "faceberg" type online lessons that students are required to engage in. This obviously leads to abuses that can't be monitored or controlled by school officials, and if the school does monitor contact between students, most bullying is written off as "kids will be kids" etc.

It's really hard to get away from bullying when the school forces students to interact with each other online through required lessons.

In the past, bullying could be seen as a minor issue - a few students that anyone bullied could avoid or at least confront one on one. But now every interaction is shared and "liked", leading to the bullied person knowing how everyone feels about them.

I agree this bullshit has false flag written all over it.

Where is the compassion for all the kids still being bullied? Is it a wonder why shootings are going to keep happening when the bullied kids are still not being supported and bullies and harassers keep getting away with it, and also have unofficial school support?
U.S. warns states against treading on civil rights of transgender youth     (www.reuters.com)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.5 years ago


I was unaware that competing in every level of sport was an actual civil right.

When do the "virtual" meets happen? I'm sure there are many "athletes" that will identify as running under a 4 minute mile, for example, and will proudly state their event results from "thinking" about how they competed in it.

Mile race:
fatblob1: (huffing from sitting in a chair imagining running the laps) I finished in 3:49.22

fatblob2: (also huffing and sitting) I was behind you the whole way and managed to cross just a hair in front of you at 3:49.16

real runners glaring at them as they take the medals....
Question about the retarded US IRS system and stimulus "refunds"     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.5 years ago


Been talking off and on with people in the US, and one mentioned getting an IRS letter about how pedo joe's "stimulus" check was actually counted against them as a "refund" for the 2021 tax year.

Is that a thing? How many people got this letter?

Then the whole "cash for kids" stimulus checks - how do those work?

The situation was that the receiver of the stimulus check had to include it on the "refund" portion, making the final refund a lot lower due to the prepayment.

Yet there are sheboons that have many kids, and collecting $300/mo for each one - in cash - and not even having a job? How does that work?

Does the sheboon have to say that she received (tens of?) thousands of dollars from cash for kids, and in the return just get to keep it because no job?

If this is the case, it just infuriates me - why does a nigger with no job get to collect thousands of dollars from the taxpayers (yeah, all fake money at this point) while hard working people have to either pay back the money from the "stimulus" checks, or reduce their refund.

Just retarded.
Any good recommendations for a device to draw/take notes with a stylus?     (technology)

submitted by localsal to technology 2.6 years ago


Looking to get more digital with my work portfolio, and if anyone has suggestions for a good device to look at, it would be appreciated.

I've looked at drawing tablets that connect to a computer, and while they would work, the tethered nature and spotty reviews has put them on the back burner.

A convertible laptop that can take stylus inputs, doesn't have to be pressure sensitive, could work. An easy to carry device that is ready to scribble/sketch any time would be nice.

I looked at the ipad offerings, but for the price and the size, they don't appeal to me. A 15-17" laptop might be nice too. I've looked at a few of the microsoft surface devices, but not with the stylus. If Linux works on a surface with the stylus I would be very pleased.

Thanks in advance.
Analysis of “Stand Your Ground” Self-defense Laws and Statewide Rates of Homicides and Firearm Homicides     (jamanetwork.com)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.6 years ago


Interesting research.

My first thought is "obviously, because the nigger burglars are being blown away".

I haven't seen where the data is split between "offender" and "defender".

The "defender" in a home invasion (assuming that is the most likely - but not sole - situation to stand ground) has zero chance in a non-stand-your-ground state, but can release hellfire in a SYG state.

The fact that burglaries are so high in non-gun countries makes me wonder what the point of the study was, besides trying to outlaw guns again.
Ivy league schools need to be reported to the ADL for being racist in their admission policies.     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.7 years ago


Per the new ADL definition of racism, every (((elite))) school is being racist by admitting so many kikes to their student body.

Need to start a twitter storm about it and cancel all these schools.
Happy Twosday Everyone (2-2-22), and in 20 days it will be Super Twosday (and ON a Tuesday)     (whatever)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.7 years ago


Wordphiles and numberphiles rejoice!

Taco Twosday anyone?
North Dakota ban on critical race theory for K-12 concerns higher ed professors     (politics406.com)

submitted by localsal to news 2.8 years ago


I never thought university professors would be so retarded.

Guess I was learned something by this article.

Monday Screwup, Just Happened To Me     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.8 years ago


Feeling like an idiot for a few minutes.
Survivor of Texas freeze takes to TikTok to help others prepare for natural disasters     (www.accuweather.com)

submitted by localsal to whatever 2.8 years ago


I hope accuweather links are accepted here.

I found this story hilarious for so many reasons.

Most everyone is a "survivor" of last years cold, and out of the whole state (article states over 200 people died in the time, from cold, CO poisoning (retards), and car crashes...)

She "survived" by going to a luxury hotel for 4 days.... LOL

I also found the irony of a "cold temperature survival" story from the (((weather))) people who constantly spout that the warming climate will kill us all